» Romance » Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗

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Adrian's POV

 fuck man! what is goin on with me? I almost jeperdized the treaty back there. But i just couldn't control myself. She was looking at him like he ment the world to her. Like he was all she had, with love, and safety. Like she was supposed to look at me, with those greene eyes.

She hates me. And i get that. I rejected her. Without an explanation or a second glance. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. That scene back there proves just how hard it's ganna be to get her back. Thats if i ever had her.

" Why are you interested in that asshole? He doesnt seem like the type your used to." i asked, cause i really wanted to know. Was it power, money, what did she want from him?

" who i like or don't like is none of concern." sje said flatly. She was staring right head, avioding my eyes at all cost. As we walked through the hallways i noticed something different about her. Her scent changes. Was it because of her moods.

We stayed quiet as we made our way to our destination. The room i selected was an abondoned class room towards the west side of the school. Almost no one comes here besides the humans who want to come here to have their little quickies, and the janitors.

She didn't pause in her determined stride to open the door, just opened it and kept walking.I followed her to find her siting on a desk looking out the window. The sun shown in on her inticing features, lighting up her grey/green eyes. Her raven hair cascaded down her back an fell around her face to frame it perfectly.

My fingers itched for pencile and paper to capture this moment. Just then she turned piercing me,my heart,shit she could have my soul as long as it keeps those beautiful green eyes just on me.

At that moment i knew that i would stop at nothing to make her mine. To keep her in my arms forever as my luna and mate.

"Fuck it." was all i said before  walking over and taking what's mine.


I really didn't know how this was going to go. One, Adrian as fuming over the litttle scene that took place in the lunch room. Two, i didn't know how stable my self control was. As we walked through the halls, i didn't really feel like talking so i was thankful for the fact that he didn't try to make to much conversation.

I wasn't really surprised of the room he picked. It was secluded, so no wandering humans will pick up any fobiden information. It also worried me. What the hell did i get myself into?

I mean all this time i've been aiming for Adrian and when i finally decide to give Lucas a chance, Adrian decides to want to know everything about me. Does that not scream stop trying to be normal?

What did i do to deserve this. I thought to myself as i looked out the window, watching all the Normal people go about there lives with out much worries.Lucky bastards.

"Fuck it." I heard before i was suddenly pinned up against the wall, caught between a hard surface and the most erotic, sensual, and deliciouse mouth i ever encountered.I was frozen for about three seconds, until he started moving his mouth against mine. So slowly, it made me wet just with one brush.

I moaned into his mouth, causing him to tighten his grip on my hips and close the nonexistant space between us. In the process making me feel his mini boner. I moaned again while finding my hands in his soft, and thick hair, making him groan against my lips. He asked for entrance as he slid his hands up my shirt, his hands fluttering around my lower back. I didn't which made him growl and move his hands higher. I was getting so aroused i thought i would melt.. could this be happening or am i dreaming?

i wimpered as i felt the emptinesss of where his hands once were. Only to feel them grip my thighs to lift them to his waist. he ask for entrance agian, licking my bottom lip. I complied eagarly, opening my self for him. His tongue plunged it my mouth, savoring my taste like a man that been without water for far to long. We fought for dominance until i admitted defeat, which seemed to make hime quite happy, the stubborn man.

Through the blissful haze of our kiss I felt his hands slowly inching there way up to unclip my bra, to only be suddenly interupted  by my phone blaring Lucas's ring tone. Shoving away fronm Adrian i went to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I said breathlessly, trying to compose myself. I turned my back on Adrian, making him growl menacingly.

" Hey i was just wondering whats taking you so long, I'm waiting outside the entrance." he responded over the noise coming from the parking lot. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair, caused by the handy work of Adrian.

" All right I'll be down in a second babe." i said making my way towards the door, only to have my arm caught by Adrian, who looked at me with a look that said i wasnt going any where.

" All right I'll be here.Love you" he said with a smile in his voice. This situation was to much, i really need to clear my head.

"Love you to." i replied looking at Adrian at the same time. His eyes darkened showing his wolf was about to come out, and his hold on me tighened.

" I need to go, let go of me." i said forcefully, while trying to break his hold on my arm. The sun had moved now to show the setting light on his handsome features.

" No." he said simply, with a composed look on his face. Shiit.

"what is wrong with you?! You reject me, ignore me, play around with other girls, and you think i'm just suppose to jump at your beck and call?!" i yelled in his face, feeling my self control slipping through my fingers.

"You think that just by kissing me and playing with my feelings, iis just ganna make me forget? You have no idea whats my life been like. You have no right to ruin my life any more than it already is." i said snaching my arm out of his grasp, and moving away from him. He just stood threre with his face hard, his fist clenching and unclenching. He just stood there looking at me. No emotion could be seen.

Just when i was about to leave, he said " Stay away from him." I wirled around to see him strutting towards the window.

" Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have no control over me at all! If you want to mess with someone's head, go find one of your little quickies." I sneered in his direction before storming out the room. I rush my way through the empty halls, not paying attention to anything except the sound of my boots against the dirty floors. I didn't stop when I burst through the main entrance, or even when Lucas called after me over and over again. I didn't stop until I had reached the wood and shifted into my most comfortable form: Werewolf.

Badass? So What!!


" Grrrrrrrrrr!!!" I growl as I tore through the woods, pushing my limbs to go faster, and faster. Everything was a blur. Nothing exsisted except me and my chaotic mind. My animalistic mind took in everything, though my mind was some where else. From the millions of rustles of unknowing insects to the heart beat of a hummingbird, my wolf took in everything. The farther I went the more heated I seemed to get. In my whirlwind of emotions, I came to rest at a clearing.

The sight was almost plausible. Everything seemed right out of a fairytale. From the way the light shown over the small pond, and the way the green grass swayed the wind, it was to good to be true. Ironically the site just made me more mad.

Why should a place like this exists when my life looked like elephant shit?  I slowed to a gental trot till I had positioned myself next to the pond. The breeze ruffled my fur as I layed in the high swaying grass. I breathed deeply into my large nostrils, trying to calm myself. How in the world did my life come to this? I went from having a care free life to having a life where everything I do comes back to bite me in the ass. I dig my claws deep into the earth, growling in frustration.

Suddenly I hear the sound of paws against the earth. I, fortunately, don't worry. My coat is black but toward the ends varies into different colors, this caused me to adapt to my surroundings, sorta like a chameleon. I remember the first time I shifted.

I was nine at the time. I had been running in the woods after having a huge fight with my parents about my party theme. I wasn't what you would call the sweetest kid. Even back then I had enough attitude to give even my dad grey hairs. I had just finished drinking from a stream when I was taking surprised by this unbelievable pain. I began too feel hot, almost on fire. Then I began hearing these noises. Bones cracking and restructuring, angry, harsh growls erupting from know where. And finally it all stopped, the next thing I know I'm on four paws instead of legs. To say I was scared would be lying, I was in fact shit terrified. And it took them hours to find me because my sent kept on changing. I swear being powerful sucks balls.

Snapping out of my thoughts I detected that the feet weren't headed past me but towards me. Shit just got real. Out of the woods burst this dirty blonde she/wolf. I stayed crouched down not knowing if I was friend or enemy. She took one step closer then turned towards my direction. On seeing me she growled. Well I guess that clears up the friend or foe topic. I stood up showing my full height and growl, on seeing this, she takes a step back and shifts into her human form.

She stands about 5.11, with dirty blonde hair the same as her fur, that reaches a little past the middle of her back. She looks toned and

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