» Romance » Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗». Author PoeticIrises ?

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get any girl i want. But that same thinking is what got me into this mess in the first place. And will it work on a mate who got rejected? MEETING WITH ALPHA


The days dragged on, still not much progress from Adrian. It's come to the point he avoids us at all cost. Maybe i shouldn't have gone through with this plan, i wanted to get closer to him not farther away.

"Hey scarlet, i think im ganna drop out the plan." I said to her on our way to gym.

" What? why it was going so great! You really want to give up already?" She nearly took my ear off with her ranting.

" It's not getting better, it just seems to be getting worse! He avoids me and never looks at me!"

" Then we all we got to do is step our game up, it was working before it will work again."

" How the hell am i suppose to do that!?" i nearly screamed. This situation was really starting to work on my nerves. No matter how hard i try, he still doesnt want me.

Can he tell i'm different? Is that why he keeps away from me? Because he can tell i'm a freak?

"Hey, hey Rave get a hold of your self. I can tell your freaking out but you need to be strong, fearless, you have to keep your head up. Do you want him to see you weak, and try to take advantage of you?" She said in a soothing voice.

" Of course not, what would i be if i was?"

" Thats right, thats the Raven i know. Now were ganna get through this you just have to trust me." she said smiling.

Adrian's POV

I fucking hate Thursdays! worst fucking schedule of the day. The only thing that keeps me interested is the fact that i get to see......her.

I've been going crazy the last few day over all kinds of shit. First my uncles ganna be in town and i cant stand him, secound we haven't heard any word of movements by Alexander but, everyone is uneasy, and third i still haven't made up my mind on wheither or not to accept my mate, and then if i do will she have me.

" Hey Lucas i was wondering if, if maybe after school if you don't have anything to do, maybe we could go to the skating ring?" I heard from near by and i know just who that is.

" Sure babe what ever you want, but i have practice right after school so maybe we can do it then" That fucking prick how dare put anything before my mate?!

" Oh ok i guess we can do it then." she sounded so dissapointed, i wanted to beat the brains outta that kid.

Looking at her face i took the chance i've been anticipating all week. I was going to have a little chat with my mate.

" Alpha Lucas can i have a word with you? Of course only on alpha business." i say with a serious face, but inside i was imagining kicking his face in.

" Can this wait? I'm in a bit of a hurry and i've already been held up longer than i should." He said in a not so masked fustration. So much for beenin nice in public, the prick. He obviously didnt notice the look of hurt that passed in Ravens eyes, the turned a dark grey almost like storm clouds.

" Well if you want to rush don't let me hold you up." I smiled while gesturing for him to take his leave.

Don't blame me for not givin you a heads up, i thought with a smirk.

I turned quickly to see Raven walking away. No way was i letting her out my sight yet.

"Hey, you there! Stop!"i called out using my alpha vioce a little, since she's a rogue she probably doesnt fend well with authority.

As i called out she froze. After three counts, she slowly turned around. She's even more beautiful up close.

 " How can i help you?" she replied in a sarcastic and hostil tone. While her voice said one thing her eyes were saying somthing totally different.

Her eyes were green, just like they were when i found out we were mates.

" I need to talk to you, about pack business."

 "Pack business?" she replied slowly, like talking to a kid whose haveing a tantrum." if you havent noticed i belong to no one pack."

" No, this is ganna be about you.I'm a strict alpha and i dont let any ole rogue into my territory." I said grimly, but really i just wanted to keep her talking.

Oh for fuck sake im turning into a fucking girl!

"Sorry to dissapiont you but i already talked to your Beta when i arrived here, plus i live and run in no mans land." she said with a smug smirk.

"Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way, now you ARE ganna meet me in Room38b after lunch and if your not there..well lets just say your life will be alot harder.



  My heart was crashing through my chest, rapidly increasing pace. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! One minute, I'm mindin my busines tryin not to let on just how much it hurts seeig Adrian, and not been able to have him.

The next minute I'm being threatend for a information session with none other than the player himself. I kept my cool though, praying the whole time that my dumb eyes don't betray just what i was feeling.

As it turns out i didn't have to waste my breath. All he wants to do is talk about my past, which isn't going to happen.

Rule #1 when on the run, is to never leave a lasting impression. you don't want to leave and the wrong people come after you. Rule #2 is to not fall in love. I learned that with Ben, it was something i promised myself i would never do...

But it seems the fates have a different plan.

For the rest of the morning , i walked in a daze dreading our little "meeting". I saw Adrian once since our short talk. He was walking with this blond bimbo, what was her name? Stacy, Ashley? Whatever, all i know is that it made my blood boil, and a dangerous red tint cover my eyes.

Thank goodness Scar came just then and broke my attention. I need to get it together or my confrontation with me is ganna end badly.

Durning lunch I tried to take my mind off of Adrian, but i acked for him. Being so close to him, and not being able to claim him as mine. Just then the same blond bimbo from earlier, came up to him on his way to his table and kissed him. i'm so tiered of this shit, this guy is so fucking insensitive, and its driving me crazy.

"Hey babe, are you okay? You seem really tense." Lucas said with a concerned look on his handsome face.

It's true Lucas can be a real asshole sometimes, but he's  good alpha, and at the end of the day i know i can rely on him. Maybe i can learn to love him, it's not impossible. And at the moment right then i decided to give him a shot.

"Everythings fine, being that your here" i said with a grin, and kissed him passionetly. and it was. while i couldnt have Adrian, i can have Lucas. And that was good enough for me.

"Wow.." he said with a look of wonder on his face when i ended the kiss.

"Your so beautiful, i love it when your eyes change color." he stated with true content,and happiness on you face.

"Really? What color are they right now?" asked genuinely curious.

"Thier a bright forest green, like flashing  emralds." he said staring deep in my eyes, making my heart pick up pace.

Just when i was about to kiss him again, i was jerked up by my arm, and pulled away from Lucas.

" What the hell! Get off of me you ass!" I yelled when i realised who it was.

"Hello, alpha Lucas, i'm sorry but i need to speak with Raven on a situation." Adrian said with a small smlie, while his icey blue eyes were ablazed with something dangerous.

" What situation, and will you let go of my girlfriend?" Lucas replied with his alpha voice, a silent, calm but ferocious tone in his tone.

It made me giddy to know the Lucas would stand up to Adrian for me. Smiling at him, I jerked out of Adrians grip and sauntered over to Lucas.

" Raven knows what we need to speak of, you don't have to concern your self with this." He said while reaching out for me. But of course i danced out of his way and hid behind Lucas, which evidently mad him angry.

Oh well.

"Of course I'm ganna be concerned, this is MY girlfriend were talking about." lucas replied steadly looking Adrian in the eyes, which wasnt a good idea.

"Fine if you NEED to know Mr.Concerned, while you so easily let a rogue into your territory, i don't risk such careless actions." he replied with a nasty tone on his tongue, and boy did i want to bite it. Hard.

"Once again, i RUN in NO MAN land." i said VERY slowly, as if i hadn't told him this already.

" Your still a threat.Now come on." he said agressively while pulling me by my arm again. By now the whole cafeteria was looking. Lucas looked like he was about to snap, and Arian looked like he wanted to tear my head off. Well i could care less about Adrian, but i knew Lucas wouldn't be made embarresed of in font of the school, he's got to much pride for that.

" Lucas, babe, i'll go. It won't be long and then you can have me all to your self."i said holding his eyes with mine. It took  a couple of second but he finally exhaled and reaxed.

" Ok, but she better be returned to me in the same condition or else." he stated.

"Thanks babe." I smiled and went to kiss him. My Goodness can boy kiss.I kissed him one last time then turned to a very angry Adrian.

"lead away officer." i said with as much venom as i could muster. What i didnt know was that my life was about to spiral out of controll. Again.

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