» Romance » Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗». Author PoeticIrises ?

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in shape, wearing mini shorts and a crop top, pretty face. But the way she was looking at me ruined anything nice about her, cause she was looking at me like she wanted me dead. Now.

She slowly lifts her hand in my direction and stops. I think she's tryin to tell me something. That is until a ball of blue fire shoots from her hands. It races towards me at high speed. But come on I'm a trained hybrid, do you really think I would lose that easily? I leap up into the air swiftly and sore over her attack.

Oh she wants to play? Let's play.

I quickly shifted back into my human form as I hit the ground, leaving a large imprint in the ground. My hair flew in the wind, my stance defensive and ready. The bitch picked the wrongs day to mess with me. I crouched down and growled baring my teeth at her, she smirked and did the same. She really doesn't know.....

I then rushed towards her fading to the right. She fell for it which gave me the opportunities to send a shock blast into the middle of her chest. The blast sent her hurtling across the clearing and smashed into two trees. The shock would only stun her body for a couple of minutes, leaving me enough time to question the bitch.

I let her gasp and sputter for a few seconds then I clamped my hand around her through. I lifted her up until she was eye leveled with me then squeezed. She cried out in pain an tried to detach me from her. 

Ya like that's ganna happen.

"Who are you, and who sent you?" I demanded her knowing my eyes flash a orange/crimson. She looked scared. Good. 

"I answer to no one. I want you dead all by myself." She said trying to smile while grimising at my tightening hold.

"Why? I don't know you, never seen your face before, or anything. So why is it you want me dead?" I ground out between my teeth, getting more aggravated by the minute.

"Because-" she gasped out, seems like my hold closing in on her wind pipe. oh well.

"well?" i said lifting her higher, showing my real strength, or at least a tenth of it. This girl really doesnt know what im capable of, and to be honest niether do i. Even with all the training i've done, we still don't know my limit. It scares me.

" I...want you dead have something....i want." she squeezed in between breath's. She started turning blue in the face, it was almost comical. Fine.

With that thougt i sent her skidding across the ground. I gave her the benefit to get to her feet. She growled at me while rubbing her wounded neck, looking like she needed to be tranquilized. Or even better, dead.

"So What we're you saying?" I questioned in a bored tone while inspecting my nails. She got up fully, shrugging her shoulders and rolling her neck.

"You a sultry ass whore, you know that. You got one of the most powerful men waiting just for you, yet you have the nerve to ignore him? You sicken me." She stated while forming a blade of power from her hand. I recognize the spells she's using. The defensive spell she's using right now is from the RedFern clan of the east. The clan has Mark located on their bodies. If I can find hers this should be over before dinner, which is great because today's pasta night. Yum.

So this is how it ganna be.



My life has always been that of a fairy-tale. On the day of the 100 solar eclipse I Emily Dalia was crowned princess and heir to the RedFern kingdom. Since day one anything I asked for I got, no questions asked.

So why is it that the one time I really want something, I get shot down faster than a drunk with whiskey? I was to be destined for greatness, but no. As soon as i'm about to put my plan in motion everything came crumbling down. And it's all HER fault.

Raven Dragor must die.

We circle each other around the small clearing. She seems totally relaxed as if my presence has no affect on her whatsoever. That really pisses me off.

" Do you have any idea who I am? I'm your worst nightmare. I am princes-"I start out until I'm rudely cut off.

" Look, as much as I really want to give a shit, trust me I really do but your really holding me up. It's pasta night, which is much more important the you giving me your whole Bio." she said in a bored and carefree voice.

I stare at her in shock and disgust. How dare she! This repulsive beast has the nerve to disregard me, heir to the throne?! I snarl in her direction before surrounding her in blue fire.

I've been trained since young the ways of the Redfern magic. My power source is one of highest quality, not even the high council can go against it. This pup doesn't know what she's dealin with.


Seriously?! This bimbo is actually holding me up from delicious pasta, for some idiotic delusions?! I sigh dramatically as I become engulfed in blue fire. What level is this chickenhead on? Even a baby witch could counter this dumb move.

I lazily place my hand over the fire and beckon it to form into a ball in my palm. I look at her expectedly. Her face shows frustration and agitation as I yawn.

Honestly, this is really boring. This is ganna be way easier than I thought.

" My stomach is very angry right now, so let's rap this up." I huff as I divid the fire into five basketball sized clones. Awww they're soooo cute. Its to bad I'm ganna have to waste them on this spoiled bitch.

I suddenly rush toward her and aim three balls at her. They soar toward her as she quickly puts up a barrier, blocking the attacks all together.

'hmmm maybe she's not as dumb as she looks... ' I say to myself as I start forming my claws. I watch in amusement as she becomes shocked at my appearance. As my form begins to morph I call on my vampiric side. My hair grows longer till it hits the back of my knees. My bone structure becomes leaner more agile so that me figure becomes that of a lethal being. My eyes sight gets sharper and takes on red hue.

The little fucker begins to reek of fear as a deadly smile forms on my face. I could understand why. Vampires are a force to be reckoned with. They are swift and precise, being able to cover the size of a football field within a blink of an eye. Their eyes can tell the origin of any magic before it even touches them. Venom found in their fangs and claws can take down their opponents within second of contact. Elders are able to kill with telepathic powers that only intensify with age.

Before she has time to breath I'm standing two inches from her with my claws poised over her jugular. Her eyes widen in fear and shock. The thrill of just how easy it would be to kill her starts to take over me. So simple. With just the flick of my wrist her life could excites me.

I send a bolt of dark energy in to her mind causing her to crumble to her knees. A feeling of superiority rolls over me as I stand above her. My eyes scan her as she clutches her head in anguish. A spark on the back of her neck catches my eye.

'So that's where her power source is...' I say to myself as ponder what to do.

Kill her or Destroy be or not be, that is the question.

"I WILL kill you.." she says under her breath while still holding her head. I tilt my head to the side as I grab her up by her hair. She yells in pain as she struggles to detach me.

" Your lucky I don't like blood on my hands" I say before sending the last fireball aimed toward her mark. Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she becomes a withering pile on the ground.

A bloodlust haze begins to take over me at the thought of a easy meal. As a bend slowly for the kill my mom ringtone blast's through the clearing, waking me up from the haze like cold Water down my back. I hurriedly pick the phone shocked at how animalistic I was behaving.

"Hello" I say in the phone as I begin racing through the forest, covering land in less than two minutes.

"Your food will get cold, better get here before it's gone" my mother warns before hanging up.

Uh rude much?

As I emerge out the woods I quickly call my self back to normal. As I walk up my block I don't notice the figure on my porch. What I also don't know is thing are about to take a 115mph dive to hell. Literally. *********


hello my lil pedobears did you miss me? Cuz I sure missed you guys! And I finally updated! Don't you just love me? I'm updating at a quater to 3. Can I get an amen? soooo I left you guys a little cliffhanger there but no worries, I honestly can't wait to find out what happens next.

so who do you think is on her steps? Adrian?Lucas? or some one else...... stay tune cause shit..... is bout..... to go.... down. Again. Luv ya!


Text: vampirelovegoth
Publication Date: 12-19-2012

All Rights Reserved

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