» Romance » Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗

Book online «Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗». Author Elaina H

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smiles wickedly. Mr. Harvey turns to Mr. Gilbert and Raven, “Will the two of you please relax yourselves? I’ll see you momentarily.”

We follow Mr. Harvey, and he starts talking to us, “Those two don’t want to have any fun. Poor Ms. Raven has such a hard time dealing with that inner bear. You know what I mean,” he winks at us. “But, the thing is I’m excited to tell you about your targets.

“You see, they’re lycanthropes that are not under our protection at the moment, and that makes them highly dangerous. There are three are old originals, two are offspring, one is a new lycanthrope, and one is offspring.

“The new lycanthrope is number 1,” he looks at me.

“What’s this got to do with us? Why can’t you just catch them yourselves?” I ask.

Dev finally says something serious, “Why can’t they just stay out of our way if they’ve done fine this whole time? And how do you even know where they’re at?”

“I know where they’re at as of yesterday, they were in Hood River, Oregon. I posed as an ice cream parlor owner that they stopped by every once in a while. I heard some things, taped some things. I even know where they were staying, but the problem is we can’t take them. There’s too many of them, and two of the girls aren’t allergic to our poisons and toxins because we designed them like that, same as you, Brim.” The things he says as we follow him have me confused.

Ice cream parlor owner, not enough forces to take them on? “What do you want us to do exactly?” Dev asks.

“We want you to track them, and bring us the two girls, there names are Gwen and Alice Greene. Alice Greene is the parent and Gwen Greene the offspring. Also, if you can, try and bring Fynn Holloway, he may be going by a different name though. We injected him when he was an infant, I want to find out why he didn’t change right away.

“The others,” I wince knowing what he’s going to say, “can die.”

“Okay, Sir,” Dev simply says.

Wait, wait, wait! “Wait,” I interject, “are any of them innocent?”

“It’s unknown whether the mother is innocent, she is not a lycanthrope at the time, but that could change very soon,” he smiles savagely. “Why, Brim, are you having a conscious at this moment?”

I glance away, avoiding eye contact, “It’s not important. I was just wondering.”

“Good, we can continue with conditioning which should be pretty simple for the two of you. First, you must be able to stop yourself from changing. Second, you must be able to change whenever you need to. Third, you must be able to change efficiently. Fourth, under no circumstances are you allowed to join their group for real. You may, if the situation comes up, pretend to be one of them, but never for real. We will be installing automatic death chips, which, as they sound, will kill you automatically.

“Fifth, no relationships between the two of you, ever! Sixth, if one of the ones we want is killed, Alice or Gwen Green, you will be killed also. Seventh, keeping in contact with us will be impossible from your end. We will find you, you do not find us. Eight, if you disclose any of our information, we will kill you, and the person you disclosed it to, got it? Ninth, you have three months to find them. When that time is up, if you’ve found them we will meet you at a certain location. If not, you will be killed when we find you, you meet us, or we kill you from a distance with the chip. Finally, tenth, have fun!”

Dev and I give him a look, “Seriously, have fun?”

“Whatever do you mean, it sounds like loads of fun!” Dev’s uncanny happiness drives me crazy.

“What’s the conditioning, exactly?” I ask.

“Basically,” Mr. Harvey starts, “we are going to inject you with a bunch of newly tested serums, these serums will give you new attributes.

“We aren’t exactly sure how they will affect you Dev, since you are the first successful lycanthrope-jaguar hybrid,” Mr. Harvey tells Dev.

“A what?! A lycanthrope-jaguar hybrid?! That’s cat and dog, I don’t understand!” my voice is quickly escalating.

Dev explains this one, “They wanted to see if two totally different animals could survive when made into a hybrid with a human. I was lucky number five apparently. So when I change, I can choose between a jaguar and a wolf. I usually choose wolf because I feel a little more masculine. Plus, how many jaguars do you see in the United States?” Dev’s nonchalant attitude is disturing.

“Okay, but?” I still don’t understand.

“We just need to start you on conditioning. That will take three days on a constant IV drip. The new serum will be slowly added to your genetic make-up. It might take a while, but it will be worth it!”

We finally stop in front of a huge metal door with caution tape stuck all across it. “This looks safe,” Dev mutters.

“Come on, it’s perfectly fine!” says the man who owned an ice cream parlor.

I swallow hard, and enter the room. The walls, floor, tables, and equipment are all steel. “This is nice,” I say.

“Thank you, not very many people say that,” Mr. Harvey claps his hands together. He is a very odd man. “Come on, lie down. The tables will be just a little cold.”

We lay down, and I jump a little at the freezing metal. “Okay give me your right arm, dear.” He says to me first, I swing it out to him.

Before he put the needles in, Dev speaks up, “Can you do it to me first?”

Mr. Harvey shrugs, “Okay, it doesn’t much matter.”

“No,” I snap. I feel like I’m being treated like the weak one, “I’ll go first, ladies first!” I growl at Dev.

“That would require you to be a lady first, 23,” he laughs. “Shoot me up, Harv!”

Mr. Harvey inject the first batch of fluids into him, he inserts the IV drip. After he’s inserted three IVs into Dev, he turns to me. “Now, it’s your turn.”
They all go in like fire, they toxins rush through my bloods. “Won’t our bodies reject this?”

“No, no, no. This works with your genes and DNA, and the other works against it. It’s a very complex process,” Mr. Harvey cleans off his utensils.

“Bye, Harv!” Dev shouts as he opens the door to exit.

Mr. Harvey just mumbles, the door shuts.

“Okay,” Dev turns to me, “I have a idea.”



























Chapter Two

Dev picks up a scalpel, I close my eyes seeing the blood sprout out of the wound. “Hey!” he gets my attention again.

“What do you think of all this?” his eyes motion to underneath our tables. I lean over and look, two audio devices. Bugs.

“It’s okay, I guess. Being picked for this and all; I’m not nervous at all,” the confidence should make sure I don’t get kicked out.

He nods, and breaks his with the scalpel, removing the little red wire. Dev closes it back up. “My turn?” he asks.

“Yea,” I say as he starts babbling. I follow the steps that he took, and remove the red wire. Closing the bug up, it looks like it’s never been touched.

“Okay,” he let’s out a heavy breath.

“There aren’t any cameras?” he shakes his head no.

Brushes his hair off his face, he begins to talk, “No, too obvious. They like to catch people cheating or lying in the act. It’s more fun that way.”

“Why were you acting like a charming, funny, nice guy?” my voice is snarky.

He raises his eyebrows, “Acting? I wasn’t acting, dear,” he mocks me by using Raven’s pet name.

“You better shut it, idiot! I don’t have the time or patience for this. All I want is to find these people, get them, and collect my reward! Is that so bad?” I rest on the steel surface.

He shrugs, “I guess not, but I’ve always wanted to do more. And I want to get out of this place anyways.”

His talk his dangerous, so I tell him so, “You talk about some dangerous stuff, Dev. I can’t follow through with that. You can run and frolic about after we find these guys, but I’m coming back here. I can’t just up and leave these guys.”

“That’s the thing!” he shouts too loudly, “I want to get together an army of us, I want to,” he looks away from me, “never mind. It’s not worth telling you if you already denied everything anyways,” he drops back down on the steel bed, just like I am.

I sigh, I’ve trained myself to not ask questions, although most of the time it doesn’t work. So instead, I just fall asleep because life is much easier when your eyes are closed.


I wake up, quickly, breathing heavy. Looking around frantically, I’m scared.

But when I come to my senses I don’t remember what my dream was. I have no idea why I’m breathing heavy, scared, or the least but jumpy.

I look at Dev, but he too was sleeping. The door rattles, and he wakes up. We both stare at the door. “Hello,” Raven says sweetly as she enters the room. “Such a pretty young thing,” she whispers as she drags her finger up Dev’s leg, over his thigh, through his chest, and finally stopping on his lips. “The two of you are going to get your pictures taken, okay? We’re making you IDs, passports, and credit cards. We’re also informing you about your lives and personas.”

“What about our IV drips?” I ask her.

She waves them off, “We’ve just kept you in here to see what you say, but apparently the two of you don’t talk. The minutes the serums touched your blood stream they were activated.”

“What?!” I shout.

Raven smiles, “Calm down, dear, life is good again. Up and at them!” she tears out our IVs and she tears my skin, “Oops!”

Together, she drags us out of the room and into another small office. “There are my stars!” Mr. Harvey yells and walks up to us with open arms. “Let’s make you new people!”

I moan as Raven drags me over to a desk with a mirror, “What are you doing,” I snap as she brings out scissors.

“I’m cutting off your hair, it’s too long,” I look in the mirror at my hair the almost reaches my butt. “It’ll look good trust me!” Raven fake attitude really grates on my nerves.

When she turns the chair around, I look at my new hair. My deep chestnut waves, now, stop right below the shoulder. The deep brown eyes and hair contrast with my pale skin.

I’m made of more thick muscle since my frame is shorter than most other werewolves, reaching the maximum height of five foot six inches.

“Let’s go get your picture taken,” Raven hands me something to wipe the dirt of my face. I do,

“One, two, three!” Mr. Harvey shouts as he clicks and takes Dev’s picture.

“You’re next,” Raven shoves my in front of the white wall.

“One, two, three!” Mr. Harvey takes the picture,

He looks at Raven, and she speaks, “Okay, you,” she points to Dev, “are Alexander Roosevelt, you’re twenty-two and have been married to,” he flashes me a smiles, “Lilly Roosevelt, whose twenty-one, for two years.”

“Lilly?! Do I look like a Lilly to you?” I look at ‘Alexander’, Dev.

He shakes his head no, “I could see you as a,” he scratches his nose, “Jaime.”

Jamie, “Well, it’s better than Lilly.”

Raven rolls her eyes, “Would you rather be Jamie?”

I bob my head up and down, answering yes to her obvious question, “When do we leave, and how are we getting there?” Dev asks what I am thinking.

“You’ll be leaving in three hours, after we complete all your necessary identification procedures. We’ll drop you off, blindfolded, in the town where they last were. We don’t want you knowing where The Center is located,” he makes a tsk tsk sound, and keeps working on our IDs.

Raven speaks up, “The two of you will be going back to the

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