» Romance » Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗

Book online «Full Moon 2, Elaina H [beach books .txt] 📗». Author Elaina H

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room for now, when we are done we’ll come get you.” She smiles and ushers us back into the steel room.

“Well, I hate to think they’re going to knock us out,” Dev mutters harshly.

Confusion crosses across my face, “What? They said they’re going to blindfold us!”

“Yea right, read they’re expressions, Brim. They’re almost laughing at us, in there. Besides, I’d rather be unconscious in the back of the truck than conscious. I doubt they’d take the time to drive carefully,” he rubs his temple and closes his eyes.

I laugh at him, “What, happy Dev isn’t so happy anymore?”

He glares at me, “No, I’m not. We just need to get to the Holloways and Greenes. It should be easy, we’ll be able to sniff them out from a mile away.”

“A mile? Really, we can only travel by night, which you have to factor in, and we have to make sure we’re stocked with supplies and money. Where are we supposed to hold out IDs and crap?” he looks at me.

“I’m sure The Center will supply us with a vehicle, we’ll be able to keep them there,” I shrug and lay back down.

Two hours later, Mr. Harvey and Raven come in with syringes. “We’ve decided against blindfolds,” she says with pleasure, “we’re going to give you a sleeping agent.”

“It will be painless,” Raven steps up to me and Mr. Harvey to Dev. “See you when we wake up,” I say aloud as rave injects me.


I wake up too soon, I know this because it’s dark, we’re bumping around, and Dev is asleep next to me.

Fortunately, Dev is not asleep for long. “What?” he looks at me and nods his head, slowly coming back to it.

“We’re going to have to act asleep,” I tell him.

“Duh,” I don’t see them, but I know his eyes are rolling. “Just follow my lead, okay?”

I mutter under my breath, “Whatever, I don’t really care as long as the person I’m following is smart.”

Suddenly, the truck stops and I’m thrown forward onto Dev. I look up from his lap, and he’s smiling at me.

Thank God for the darkness, as I push myself off of him, I blush. “Okay, act asleep.”

I give him the okay, and lie back down. The sun bursts into the back of the truck, and a Staff speaks, “You go get the kill chip injector. We’ll do it while they’re sleep.”

The one staff man stalks off, and the other removes something from the trailer. “Come on you sleeping babies. Time to give you your shot,” he snickers as he grabs my foot.

I go limp, so as not to give myself away. But, unexpectedly, Dev jumps up and kicks the guy in the gut. “Ooff!” he shouts as he flies backwards.

Opening my eyes, I get on to my feet. The staff must be injected with something because he gets back up, and punches Dev across the face.

“Brim!” Dev shouts at me. “Get our IDs, passports, and credit cards!” I nod, disoriented, and run around them to the cab of the truck. The other staff is picking up the radio.

Before I know what I’m doing, I’m giving him a roundhouse kick to the jaw, and a right hook to the temple.

He growls at me, and leaps. I dodge and avoid almost every hit, except for this one.

His bulking fist connects with my jaw, I stumble backwards. Screaming with rage, I feel my eyes snap yellow. “No! No! No!” I scream; the man snicker.

Trying to bite my cheek works only temporarily, and I change. I stare up at him through my new wolf eyes, and he looks terrified.

“George! George! We got to get out of here!” he shouts and runs to the back of the truck.

I chase after him leisurely, I can go much faster, and Dev is standing over the man. Instinct tells me to bite down on the man’s leg, he hits me over and over again with a crow bar.

So, I do. Biting down on his leg, he screams. Dev rips the kill chip inserter from the man’s hands as I chomp down on his leg.

Dev presses the inserter into both men’s arms, and breaks it against the truck. Right outside the truck, what the men unloaded, are two motorcycles. “We’ll take these.” He rips the T-shirt and sweatpants of the smaller guy. “Here, run into the woods and change. I’ll meet you back here.”

Taking off into the woods, I change behind a huge clump of fallen trees. I run back to the truck. “What were you thinking?!” I shout at him.

“It was the perfect opportunity, they hadn’t put the kill chips in us, and now they’re in those guys. We can track the Holloways and Greenes, maybe they’ll let us join them?” he starts grabbing the things I was supposed to.

Angry, I walk up to him, “You are a complete idiot!” I yell at him.

“Well, you obviously didn’t think it was that idiotic because you helped me!” he tossed me my ID card and passport. “Here, be my guest! Go do this thing on your own!” he hops on the bike and starts it up.

“Dev,” I say normally.

“What?!” his anger pulses through him and his eyes turn neon green. Jaguar.

I sigh, “I think we’re supposed to start here, why else would they take us out in front of a house.

For the first time, Dev really looks at the little house tucked away in the back of the woods. “Oh,” is all he says.

Dev turns the motorcycle off, and heads toward the house. I follow closely behind, jogging to keep pace. He knocks. No one answers.

Before he has a chance to open the door, my foot flies out from behind and I kick the door down. “Was that necessary?” he asks me.

“Probably not, but that wasn’t going to stop me from doing that,” he shrugs and enters the house.

The house is clean, there really isn’t much out of place. It’s dark and eerie in here, and I look up the staircase across the room. There’s a light on.

I motion up the staircase to Dev, but he’s paying attention to something else. A coffeepot that is still on, “I climb the stairs, quietly as possible, each step makes a different sound. One pops, while the other snaps, the next one I step on moans.

When I reach the top, and turn to the left, the door to a room is slightly ajar, and I step in.

The light is on, but no one is in here. I check every corner and even under the single bed. Not one picture or calendar is hanging on the wall.

I open the closet, and see that there are seven shirts, seven pants, and one pair of shoes. Does this guy not change?

Backing away from the closet, I shake my head confused. But almost instantly, rough hand covers my mouth and I’m pressed against the warm, tall body of a man.

“Make one sound and I break your neck,” he snarls.

I nod my head vigorously. He removes his hand, he walks over to the door and shuts it, he turns the light off. I scream.

Quicker than I thought, he’s over to me with his strong hands on my neck. “I told you not to make a sound,” he growls in my ear, and he positions his hands on my neck, he’s going to break my neck!

Instead of crying like a baby, I do the only thing I know how to do; fight. Ramming my foot back into his groin, he buckles. It’s that easy.

When he’s back up, I’m ready in a fighting stance. My small frame compared to his huge one gives me the ability to dodge his punches.

I kick his foot out from underneath him, and the door flies open. “Brim!” Dev shouts.

Whipping around to face Dev, the man gets the upper hand. His hand reach around my neck again, and he holds me up against the wall.

“Wait!” Dev shouts. I claw at his hands, I can’t breathe. “Let her go, don’t hurt her. She’s innocent I swear, we both are!”

He laughs menacingly; “Yea right, everyone from The Lab is evil!” his grip on my neck becomes stronger.

“I’m Dev and this is Brim. We were sent here to follow you guys and tack you. But, obviously, we beat up the delivery guys outside and we were trying to find you. We need your help getting away from The Center.”

The man glares at Dev, “The Center? You mean The Lab?”

Dev nods, “Sure. Just let her down!” his voice comes out a little sharp, and my vision is going fuzzy.

The man releases his clasp on my neck, and I feel myself slam into the floor. I cough and breathe in the sweet, sweet air. Dev runs to my side, and the man lurches forward. “I’m just helping her,” Dev explains.

“Whatever, I want you both up!” Dev stands and offers his hand to me, I ignore it.

“We’re not here to hurt you, idiot. Next time, here us out before you go psychotic!” I yell at him.

His lip twitches, but quickly returns to it’s normal scowl, “Why are you here?”

“Are you a Holloway?” I ask ignoring his question. “Or are you a friend of the Holloways? Although I’m guessing the first one because that was a,” I debate what word I want to use, “incredibly strong grip.”

He rolls his eyes at me, “It doesn’t matter, tell me why you’re here.”

Dev almost answers, but I stop him, “No, are you a Holloway?”

He growls at me, getting angry, “Yes! I’m a Holloway! Why are you here!” his angry radiates off of him in waves.

“We’re here because we were sent, I explained that to you. We’re looking for an Alice and Gwen Greene along with Fynn Holloway. Is that you? We were directed to kill the rest.” I flinch at the word kill.

He chuckles, oddly enough, “You can have the three of them!” his smiles disappears again, you would have never known it was there.

“So you’re not Fynn Holloway?” he shakes his head no.

“We just want help, we don’t want to kill any of you,” Dev defends our case.

I point outside, “Come.” I walk out of the room, and he two boys follow me, one more wearily than the other. “There are the two guys we beat the crap out of, you’re willing to raid the truck or what ever mumbo gumbo you want to do!”

“Okay, I see that you punched them. But what is this is all part of some huge scam to trick me?” I shrug.

“You’re going to have to trust us,” the Holloway boy glares.

“I don’t even trust some of my family, what makes you think I’m going to trust you?”

I roll my eyes dramatically, “We’re either going to find your family with or without you, so you basically have the choice whether or not you want to come. Because I’m not sure what you’re waiting for here?”

“You. I was waiting for the government or The Lab to show up.” He mumbles this next part, “It was part of our plan, this wasn’t.”

I sit on one of the bikes, I’m not exactly sure how to drive one of these things, but it can’t be hard. “I don’t care what the old plan was, but are you making a new plan?” Dev asks the most stupid questions.

“Shut it!” he growls at Dev.

Dev laughs, and sits on the other bike. “Well,” we’re sort of in a hurry to get away from here.

“No, I’m not going with you,” Dev puts his head in his hands.
But I know better than to show defeat, “Okay, suit yourself. See you when we see you!” Dev starts his bike, but I’m not exactly sure what to do.

They both stare at me, “Are you coming?” Dev asks.

I nod, “Here!” the Holloway boy spits. He turns the bike on, and points to the handle, “Turn it to give it more gas, there’s the break. Don’t crash,” I look him in the eyes and give him a curt nod, a silent thank you.

Pulling out of

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