» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

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our kind. She’s… just…”
“Hey now, don’t pop a blood vessel trying to describe your mate to me. You don’t have to I just wanted to know.” He looked so relieved that she wanted to laugh.
“How come you’re being so nice to me?” She asked, before popping a spoonful of coldness in her mouth.
“Well, one, because you’re my Luna. And, two, because you’re my friend and I don’t want to see you hurt. So… if my presence gives you a tiny bit of peace, then I’m here for you. I don’t appreciate, however, you hogging up all the ice cream.” He said snatching the carton from her. She frowned and took the carton back.
“I’m pregnant, I can do whatever the hell I please.” She said, with her nose tilted up in the air.
“Whoever told you that, lied their asses off.” He said then laughed wildly as she put a smear of ice cream on his nose. That was the most fun she’d had in a week. She was scheduled to see the pack doctor the next day and for some reason she couldn’t sleep. Her wolf wouldn’t let her, her stomach twisted and turned recklessly as her wolf paced and grumbled. There must be something wrong with Thomas, her wolf would not be acting like this if there wasn’t anything wrong with Thomas. She shot out of the guest bed and ran to Maximus’ room.
“There’s something wrong with Thomas, or his wolf.” She yelled and Maximus immediately sat up.
“Does it hurt?” his voice was urgent, even with the heaviness of sleep.
“N- no, my wolf is just… wary. She can’t settle down for anything, not even ice cream.” Saying it out loud she sounded retarded.
“She can’t settle down… not even for ice cream?” His voice dead panned and she really felt like and idiot.
“It’s just that, normally, when she’s high strung, I can eat ice cream and she’ll calm down. Now she won’t settle. She keeps pacing in my mind, grumbling and growling, it’s disturbing the baby and I believe it’s something to do with Thomas.” She explained and took a step into the room. He ran his fingers through his hair and closed his black eyes.
“Maybe she’s grumbling because the baby was moving first, and it disturbs her.” He said and laid back down on his bed.
“No, the grumbling started first, then the baby started being disturbed.” She defended, crossing her arms.
“Well, jeez, Molly I don’t know what to-“ He took a deep breath then stopped and sat up slowly. He watched her with black eyes that slowly changed to the color of aged cognac.
“I think you should go back to your room now Molly.” He said, his voice gruff as he clutched the sheets with his hands.
“Molly, Luna, please don’t fight me on this. Go back to your room and try to get some sleep, I don’t want to harm you.” He said slowly as his nails lengthened and he started to slowly rip at the sheets. His behavior scared her so she, extremely slowly, backed outside his door and went to her room. She closed the door behind her and jumped to her bed, laying on her back, and hid underneath the cover, hoping for some sort of safety.

Claim, claim, claim.

Those words were repeated on his head as his wolf got more feral. His steps were faster, quicker, more agile. His thoughts, although stuck on claiming, were clear. As clear as they had been in about a week. Claim, claim, claim.

He didn’t know what he was supposed to claim, the only thing he knew was that his wolf wanted whatever it was badly. What could there be to claim? The only thing he knew of was… Holy shit! He let out a rough howl and ran faster. The only reason his wolf would be so feral, agitated, and on his toes was that Molly was in heat. He had to get to her before somebody else did.

Chapter 13

She stayed under the covers for the rest of the night. Not really sleeping, more like drifting. She’d drift on and off, afraid if she slept too long Maximus would come and do something… dirty. Wait, what? Not dirty, she meant scary. Her wolf howled at the though of sex and Molly blushed fiercely underneath the covers. Her wolf shouldn’t be thinking about sex with anyone else but Thomas. Her one and only. He might not come back

, was what her wolf argued and she felt like stabbing her. She didn’t need to be reminded that. She could feel something though, something stirred in her when her wolf said that. Something was happening, a huge change was happening.
“Luna, the pack doctor is here.” Sarah said tentatively from the front door. Maybe it’s a male, we could use a male

, her wolf grumbled and Molly shut her thoughts off as she stood from the bed. She stretched and walked along the carpeted floor to Sarah.
“Is Maximus h-“
“All the males are gone, the pack doctor is a female.” Sarah assured before Molly could finish her sentence and Molly nodded. Sarah turned on her heel and went down the stairs, leaving Molly with only the option of following her. As she walked down the stairs her body was hit with an unexpected wave of desire and… heat. She wanted something… something that only Thomas could give her. Her wolf howled at the delicious feel of it and Mollys’ cheeks blazed. Sarah cleared her throat uncomfortably and went to go outside the house. She was left alone in the living room with a middle aged blond with soft blue eyes and a smile.
“Hello Molly, so nice to finally meet you.” She said softly in a British accent. Mollys’ eyes narrowed on the female in front of her and instantly her hackles raised.
“You’re not from my pack.” She growled, her wolf coming out ever so slightly.
“That I’m not, but I am the pack doctor. And I’m here to help in… anyway possible.” She said, her eyes crinkling a little as she smiled wider.
“You can trust me, I promise. I’m not going to bite.” She joked and picked up a white briefcase.
“To the study we go.” She said cheerily and walked ahead of Molly. Molly very carefully, very slowly followed her. Making sure to keep her senses alert she closed the study door behind her and watched the doctor. She set her briefcase on the oak desk and opened it.
“Well, since I haven’t seen you before this will be like a first time check up. Although by the way you’re looking you’re about to pop.” She joked, then giggled at her own joke.
“Funny.” Molly quipped and slowly walked over to the prepping doctor.
“Have you ever been to a gynecologist before?” She asked, putting on a plastic glove, making it snap on her hand. Molly gulped and nodded, she hadn’t liked it then and she doubted she would like it now.
“Well, it’s going to be somewhat similar to that. So I’m going to need you to relax. I’ve already asked Maximus if we could use this space. I don’t really have an office, office. I just do house visits. Normally there’s a space provided, seeing as we don’t have one here this table will have to do.” She explained, taking things off the table and laying down a sheet. Molly looked at it dubiously, then looked at the doctor.
“You must be some kind of crazy, if you think I’m doing this here.” She said and shook her head with finality.
“I am serious.” Was all she said and Molly sighed. She bit her lip as she climbed up on top of the table.
“Now just lay back, take off your pants and your under garments, and relax.” The doctor said soothingly and Molly did as she was told. She lay there feeling bare and open to the world.
“I just need you to relax for me, Ok?’ the doctor asked and pulled up a chair to face her. A waft of air flew through her open legs, making her wolf howl with giddiness. She didn’t know why, but she was extremely horny. Thank god the doctor wasn’t a werewolf, if she was she’d be smelling her arousal. That thought only made her vagina get wetter than it was, why it was originally wet she’d no idea.
“Are you… by any chance, in heat?” The doctor asked, looking up at Molly with curious eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” Molly gaped, like bitch heat? Surely she didn’t mean bitch heat.
“You know, when a female dog, or wolf in your instance, goes through heat.” She asked, confirming Mollys’ suspicions. Molly laid there, her mouth opening and closing, not knowing how to answer that question.
“I’ll take that as a yes, if you are in heat I don’t want to do anything that might trigger it.” The doctor said and put her hands on Mollys’ knees, making them go down.
“What could trigger heat?” Molly asked, her voice shaking, as she pulled on her panties and pants.
“Well, stimulating the genitalia could be one way. Or marking, that’s another way.” The first one she got right away, the second one she was a bit slow on.
“Marking? What’s that?”
“Well, that’s when your mate bites down on your neck. It leaves a temporary mark, that will stay until the wolf is claimed.” She could briefly remember Thomas and his father talking about marking. The day he rejected her. The first time.
“And claiming?” Her voice broke a little as she recalled the memory and the doctor heard it. She stopped her movement and looked at Molly with grey calculating eyes.
“Claiming, is when you first have sex after you’re marked. When the sperm hits the vaginal tube, it triggers a chain reaction in the body. Where the marking mark was gets transformed into a claiming mark. Which is normally a set of words, or a tattoo. Every claiming is different. Mine, however, is a set of words.” The doctor tugged on the ivory green peasant shirt she was wearing until it hit her breast plate. There in very plain, well not to her, Romanian was a set of words.
“It says, forever and always his, in Romanian.” She told her and her face filled with pride as she fixed her shirt.
“Will mine be a tattoo or a set of words?” Molly asked, mystified by the thought of it all.
“Well, for Alpha’s, they get both. Both a set of words and a tattoo, I’ve heard it’s very beautiful. I’ve yet to see it, but I hope to when..” Her sentence trailed off and a pang went to Mollys’ heart.
“I’m so sorry, sometimes I forget and, I make a bloody fool of myself.” The doctor said quickly and Molly smile weakly.
“It’s Ok.” She said sadly and they both just looked at each other.
“Now what? Will the baby still be checked on?” Molly asked, hopping off the table.
“Oh yes! I’ve lost all my marbles today, my dear, so it would seem.” She said and took out a little box from her briefcase.
“This, here, is an ultrasound. It helps me to see the baby, to make sure he or she is developing the right way.” She said ad took some jelly like thing out of her briefcase. How much stuff could she fit in

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