» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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lacy bra and cheekies adorned her body. What kind of message would that send out? Giggling to herself she pulled on some maternity sweatpants and a soft pink V-neck t-shirt. She opened the door and walked as fast as she could to the other side of the hallway where Maximus’ room was. She knocked before opening the door and heard a grumbled “come in”. She took a deep breath and opened the door. He propped himself on his elbows and looked at her with calculating black eyes that burned with desire and lust.
“What is it this time?” He asked groggily.
“Thomas is close, I know it this time. I can feel his wolf probing around my mind.” She said happily and refrained from jumping up and down like a happy 4 year old. In a flash, before she could even understand what was happening he had her upper arms in a tight hold.
“Are you sure of it?” He asked and she nodded happily. He smiled, a real smile, and stormed past him. She then thought of something, they would still have to search for him. And that could take forever. She clenched her eyes close and bit her lip. Talk to him, she thought to her wolf and her wolf howled. They waited, for what seemed like forever, to hear him howl back. And when he did it was loud and vibrant, clear as a bell, and heart warmed at the sound. Thank the good lord he was back!! Her wolf was elated and she yipped happily in her mind. She was drawn from her happy moment when she felt a pair of hands wrap around her arms.
“We’re going to look for him, I want you no where near the search party. Do you understand?” Maximus told her, all the while picking her up and carrying her back to the guest bedroom.
“But I wanna-“
“I don’t give a damn about what you want. You’re in heat, his wolf is probably going crazy at the fact. If anything happens to you… I’m pretty sure he would kill me. So you stay your ass here, do not leave this room, do not try to communicate with him, just act as if you don’t know werewolves exist. You’re just a silly pregnant human, who is dreaming about her child’s first day of school. Got it?” His eyes swirled amber and he took a step toward her which made her automatically take a step forward. She was not scared, whoever the hell that scared little girl, the one that Thomas said she was, was gone. She felt her eyes turn amber as her temper flared and her wolf growled.
“Listen hear, Maximus,” she sneered his name as she felt her teeth elongate, she blocked out the pain and stared him down.
“I’m not staying here, so whatever sick, demented motion you have in your mind you better just knock it the fuck out! I’m going with you to find my mate, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. And another thing-“ She was distracted as the doorbell rang.

The female, Marissa, had helped him all the way back to her pack house where her pack mates met them. Apparently she was Alpha. Not Luna, Alpha. Luna was below Alpha, not much, only a little. They were apprehensive at first, but then her eyes swirled red and immediately they welcomed him with open arms. It seemed they were afraid of their Alpha.
“Ok, so.” She said, once they had found him some clothing and she had gotten dressed.
“What, exactly, was it that you were confused about?” She asked, leaning back on the faux leather couch that they had in their pack house.
“You said something about my mates condition? And that you’ve seen the ghosts of my past?” At that she laughed, a pretty hard one too. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.
“My god man, that was funny. I doubt I said that, I don’t see ghosts. Visions I do see, never ghosts. But that was some funny shit there, Harry Potter. Classic.” She sighed and sat back.
“Uhm… yeah. So what exactly do you know about werewolf fairy tales?” She asked, leaning forward and putting her elbows on her knees.
“Define fairytales.” He said, eyeing her warily.
“Like… I dunno, these are just examples by the way… The Black Luna, The Red Luna, The Blood Moon. Stuff like that.” She said casually, shrugging.
“Everybody knows about them. They’re legends.” He said, amusement sparkling in his eyes.
“Glad you think so.” She grumbled, then ran her fingers through her raven black hair.
“What do you know about the Black Luna?” She asked, her black eyes searching his face for something.
“Uhm… Basically what my mom always told me. If I didn’t eat my vegetables she would come into my room through my window, kidnap me and make me wash her clothes for her and rub her feet.” When she raised a raven brow he just shrugged and said “I hated washing clothes and rubbing feet.”.
“Well, I can wash my own clothes, but I wouldn’t mind a nice foot rub.” She said then tittered awkwardly. His brow furrowed and his eyes clouded with confusion.
“I… am the Black Luna.” She said and his eyes widened but he said nothing. After a pregnant silence she let out a low laugh.
“Were you expecting the actual Luna to be some bat-shit crazy, evil, maniac she devil?” She asked and all he could do is nod. That made her laugh.
“At least you’re honest about it.” She said lowly.
“And about my mate?” His voice was croaked when he said it and she did a nod.
“Well, I can’t do any of that kidnapping and stuff… but I can get visions that will either help, or destroy others. Which is kinda cool, I guess. That and the fact that I’m the most powerful female Alpha. I’m pretty sure I’m the most powerful Alpha all around.” She said and began to explain why she was who she was. It was well in to the night when she finished her tale and by then his wolf was anxious.
“But what of my mate?”
“Do you really not know?” She asked, leaning forward and biting her lip.
“No. I really don’t know.” His wolf was getting extremely angry with Marissa, Black Luna or not.
“Your mate is pregnant. Damn near ready to pop.” She said, leaning forward and whispering. His mouth went parched and his wolf stilled. They were both confused, that was impossible. She hadn’t said anything about being pregnant. Surely she would’ve said something about being pregnant! They were mates for god sake! She should’ve said something!! If you remember correctly, his wolf reminded him softly, we hurt her pretty bad, she tried to kill us. He hated his wolf now, his wolf was the one to hurt their mate so bad, his wolf was the one to reject his mate. Repeatedly. He clenched his fist and Marissa leaned back in her seat, smiling softly as she clasped her hands in front of her.
“I could help you with that ya know. Your wolf would be subdued… until we got to your house.” She said tentatively, wiping her tongue across her teeth.
“Y- you can?” His wolf growled at the idea but Thomas ignored him.
“Of course I can, I’m the freaking Black Luna. I can damn near do anything I please!” She yelled and he swore he heard the sound of her pack mates groaning.
“Oh hush up you lot, I’ll kick all your asses ten ways to Monday at the same time.” She said, waving her hand through the air.
“Back to you. Would you like me to subdue your wolf?” she asked and scooted closer to him.
“Do you not have a mate?” he asked, afraid of his wolfs’ edginess.
“Of course I have a mate.” She said dismissively and continued to scoot closer, he noticed her nails had elongated and her eyes began to swirl amber. Which was weird because before her eyes were red. Strange.
“Why does he allow you to be surrounded by males? Unless he is one of the males.” He asked, he couldn’t see a trace between them and her besides pack bonds. That was another perk of being an Alpha, you could see how others pack functioned, who was with who, and how powerful someone was. She just gave off an aura of supreme power, now that he actually looked.
“No one allows me to do a damn thing. I am Alpha and I can do as I damn well please… even if it means I go against his wishes.” She grumbled and put her hands on his forearm, making his whole body shiver with fear.
“Sorry about that.” She said, but didn’t sound like she meant it.
“Are you not going to tell me who your mate is?” He asked and her grip tightened, her nails pressing into his skin a little.
“Are you a detective of some sort?” She asked testily and he shook his head.
“Good, now shut up so I can help you.” She said, right before her nails drove into his skin and her hands glowed a luminescent black. His wolf half shut down, his senses were dulled, he couldn’t taste the air anymore. He felt… human.
“What did you do? I can’t feel him, anywhere I look.” He didn’t know whether to be terrified or elated by the news.
“I just sent him to sleep, he’ll wake up the minute he smells your mate though.” She told him and stood, wiping the blood off on her jeans. His skin still healed though, so that was a plus.
“If your done ogling at your arm, are you ready to go now?” She said as she tapped a booted foot.
“Go where?” He asked as he stood up, he towered over her but she didn’t care she just shrugged and turned on her heel.
“To get your mate of course.”

They both looked at each other cautiously before walking down silently. Whoever it was knocked on the door to the beat o f Potential Break Up Song by Aly and Aj . She smiled at the fact, but then Thomas’ father threw her a look and she stopped. They both reached the door and Molly reached for the door handle. Her father growled low at her and she snarled, she was really getting sick and tired of his shit. She opened the door slowly and let out a cry when she saw who it was. There he stood, bruised and burned, alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed.
“She’s prettier in person.” The female said and Molly looked to her. Threat, her wolf growled and growled in her mind. Molly didn’t care, she couldn’t tear her eyes off her mate. He sunk to the floor in front of her and she cried harder, it was a dream. A sick and twisted dream that she needed to wake up from. She pinched herself and blinked over and over but she wouldn’t wake up. She reached out and touched his handsome face. He nuzzled her hand at the contact and she brought herself closer to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. As much as she could, anyway, with the baby belly.
“Molly, I’m so sorry.” His voice was more gruff than it was and her wolf basked in the sound.
“Shh, just don’t talk for a minute. Ok?” She asked through tears and put her nose to his neck. She inhaled a deep sniff and shivered at his smoky scent.
“Uh, I hate to interrupt this love fest thing going on here.” The female said and Molly peeked at her. She was pretty, she had long black hair, a petite figure and freckles. The girl from our dream, her wolf said dreamily and the girl looked to her.
“I reckon you’ve seen me before?” She asked with a small smile and Molly nodded.
“You do know that fate brought me here, brought him to me?” She asked, her smile getting larger, and Molly nodded again.
“I think his daddy would like a hug, he’s having
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