» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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there?!?! Molly prepared to get back on the table but the doctor stopped her.
“No, no my dear. You can stand for this, it’s just a quick check.” She said and lifted Mollys’ shirt. There it was, her belly, big and bold as ever. She really did look like she was about to pop. The doctor put a smear of jelly on her tummy and Molly shivered.
“It is kinda cold, I apologize.” She said and went to the machine. It was a little device with a small monitor on top of it, it had a round head, that looked kind of like a baby rattle and Molly smiled at the thought. The doctor rubbed the baby rattle on Mollys’ stomach and the screen flicked to life. Everything was grey at first, but then slowly, as slow as the sun rising, an outline came.
“And that there is your baby.” The doctor whispered, she turned a knob and the room filled with a sound of a heart beating. The sound brought tears to Mollys’ eyes and a brilliant smile to her lips.
“That’s my baby.” She squealed through her tears and the doctor nodded and smiled. She turned a few more knobs and the picture was more clear, it looked like a healthy fetus, not that Molly would know.
“And your baby is a…” she turned the knob a few more times and the picture was clear as daylight.
“A girl, a beautiful baby girl.” The doctor whispered and pressed a green button. Molly sobbed in happiness and she felt like hugging the doctor, but she still had the jelly on her. The doctor took away the rattle and wiped the jelly off her skin.
“Congratulations Mrs. Greene, you’ll be having a baby girl soon.” The doctor squealed in happiness and Molly couldn’t hold her hug to herself anymore. She squeezed the doctor in her arms and kissed her cheek.
“Thank you, thank you so much.” And for that one moment, she forgot about everything. She forgot about Thomas, she forgot about her heat. She just relished in the fact that she was having a baby girl!

Night had gone to day, and day had gone to night. He kept running though, he wouldn’t stop until he got there. He could hear the familiar sounds of a pack, of civilization and he hoped it was his own if it wasn’t that would mean he was trespassing on someone else’s land. And that was major no-no for werewolves. They were very territorial, and not like piss on any and everything they deemed as their own, but as in marking their ground with their scent. That’s done by rubbing against something, a tree or a boulder of some sort, until your scent is on it. That way rogues will know never to trespass on your land. He slowed down on his running, his joints ached and creaked but he ignored the aching. He sniffed the humid air, he smelt… something. Not pack something… just something. He sniffed the air again, hoping to find some semblance of home, some semblance of his mate. He didn’t smell anything, there was that something but it was nothing similar at all. He growled low in his throat and stepped lightly around a tree. He sniffed the bark once, only once, and all hell went loose. A gigantic wolf, whose fur was black as night, pinned him to the ground.His upper lip pulled back in a snarl that looked frightening, but it just pissed Thomas and his wolf off. It was just another obstacle to him getting from his mate, he growled low in his throat and shoved the wolf off of him. The wolf seemed surprised at the aggressive move and skidded on the ground, his dark fur turning brown with dirt. Thomas put a paw in front of his body, a statement of peace. The wolf narrowed its eyes and curled its upper lip up. Thomas sighed internally and laid down, showing his underbelly. He wasn’t going to fight this wolf, he might lose, he just wanted to get home. The wolf shifted into a drop dead gorgeous female wolf one whom, had he not had Molly, he would want to bring home with him.
“Shift.” She barked and control ran through her soft voice, so much control and power that, without his consent, his wolf changed him back. He lay on his side, he didn’t have enough power to heal his wounds and didn’t have enough strength to get up. The girls harsh face instantly turned soft when she saw his state.
“Holy shit, you Ok?” she asked softly and walked to him, having no quarrel about being naked.
“I… need to get home…. Hunters.” He croaked out, his voice sore from not using it for days.
“Fuck.” She hissed and helped him up, he hurt all over. He’d stressed his joints out and now he was paying the price. Her black hair fell over his body as she helped him up and he marveled at the soft feel of it. Everything about her was soft, from her voice to her touch. She grabbed his arm as soft as she could and helped him as gently as possible, but that didn’t stop the moans and shrieks from coming out. Especially when her hand grazed over the burn mark that had been caused by the silver and wolfsbane knife.
“Holy shit, that looks fucking bad.” She hissed and her black eyes flared red.
“How could they do something to a human?! I mean I get that they think we’re animals, but there are people out there that would protest this be done to animals!” She yelled and closed her eyes. He was freaked out, he didn’t know of any wolf whose eyes would turn to red, instead of amber. He hadn’t paid much attention to her eyes when she was wolf, but e was pretty sure they hadn’t been red.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve had a better leash on my…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes seemed to glaze over. She stayed like that for about 5 minutes. Chapter 14

(Marissa POV)

She knew he was trouble since she first smelled him. He had a strong odor, that one. He smelled of silver, and hate. Not a good combo for a rogue. That just meant he was packing some serious heat. Not that it affected her. She was the Black Luna, after all. She could withstand anything. In case all of you are wondering, the Black Luna is one of the most powerful female Alphas’ in the world. Well for now she was, because soon the Red Luna was to be born. The minute that happened fate would take a turn for the worst. You see, the Moon Goddess made the Alphas’. She made the Omegas’ too, but they were really more like a nonviolent Alpha. Which was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard of in her adult life, but that was how fates hand played out. Soon, though, something would Trigger a war. A war where the Alphas’ and the Omegas’ would fight. The Moon Goddess knew it was gonna happen, it was inevitable. Ad that’s what she fucking hated about the Moon Goddess. She couldn’t actually do anything. The most she could do was give some chances, and others suffering. Like how she did with her. The only way to stop the war, or at least subdue it a little, was to create two beings so powerful that they overrode any and everything. They even had control over humans. That’s where she and the Red Luna stepped in. The black Luna, was something that parents’ told their kids about. Kind like thee human boogeyman. The black Luna was an evil hag who would steal little children at night if they didn’t eat their vegetables or clean their rooms. False. The Black Luna was one of the two most powerful Alphas’ in the world. And sometimes it did her a load of good, other times it didn’t. She got… visions. Sometimes they were good, a mother bearing cubs, someone winning the lottery. Other times they were bad, someone dying, someone experiencing great pain. But the twisted part of this? She was always the one to cause it. She would cause a chain reaction and someone would die. Somehow, someway, it was always her fault. But this time, though, this time she was sure it was different. His daughter, a young girl with brilliant red hair, stood beside her. They were always together, inseparable. And as long as they were together they could tackle any problem. They solved the hunters, somehow, they kept the power at bay. There would be no more wars on who was more powerful because they were the two most powerful people. She was broken away from the glossy vision and brought back to now, where she held this mans arm in her hand.

(Thomas POV)

She snapped out of her glossed over look and her eyes snapped to him.
“My god… I never thought… I just…” She was speechless as her eyes watered and she smiled, searching his face for something.
“Miss… where am I?” He asked, feeling uncomfortable with the situation.
“Oh… you’re in Georgia, just along the border of South Carolina and here.” She said, sniffling and wiping her pale face.
“I- I need to get home… my mate, she’s probably worried about me.” If you haven’t already ripped her heart out into a million pieces and she never wants to see you again, that is. He gulped at that thought and took a deep breath.
“Oh. Oh! Your mate! Of course! Well, I’m gonna take you to my pack and we’ll get you all cleaned up. First thing in the morning we’ll help you search for your pack.” She said and smiled a little, showing off small teeth.
“I know where my pack is, I’m just…”
“Tired? I’ve seen the journey you’ve gone through, you could use a little rest. Wouldn’t want your mate seeing you like that, would you, in her condition?” She asked, tugging on his arm and signaling to where she came from.
“Her condition? You’ve seen the journey I’ve gone through?” He was highly confused, and at that she laughed softly. The sound like little Christmas bells.
“I’ll explain when we get there, but for now you need to get yourself cleaned and healed.”

She woke up with a start, her whole body was humming with sexual tension and she hated it. But that wasn’t what woke her, no she’d been sleeping like that for about 2 days. It seemed that knowing about her heat, made everything worse for her. She woke up because she felt something in her mind. A welcome invader that stalked around the ridges of her mind. Her wolf, however, didn’t seem as alert as she did. Her wolf welcomed the invader with open arms, and that could only mean one thing. Thomas was close, his wolf now stalked her mind. At that a tear rolled down in joy, but she had a dilemma. Should she tell Maximus, and the pack, or just keep this n between her wolf and herself? Reason won over selfishness and she flipped the comforter off of her. She was on her way to the door when she realized that she was damn near naked. Nothing but a

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