» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

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a breakdown over here.” She said softly and Molly nodded. She looked to Thomas who seemed oblivious about their conversation and she leaned down to his ear.
“Go to your father, I have to talk to her.” She whispered and he squeezed her closer to him.
“I let you go before because of my foolishness, not gonna do it again.” He growled in her ear, making a wave of pleasure go through her wolf. Her wolf was practically telling her to dry hump him in front of everybody, the little skank, as she nuzzled against his own wolf.
“Please. Please let go for me.” She said quietly and slowly he let his grip go.
“You’ve 5 minutes. Then you are to upstairs and wait in the bed for me. Understood?” He told her and his eyes twirled amber.
“Make it 10 and we’ve a deal.” She said and he narrowed his eyes on her.
“8.” He said, not wanting to go that high.
“9.” She said and he gave her a brisk nod. She smiled and kissed his lips. How she dreamed of doing this very thing, kissing his sweet lips. His taste was still the same, smoky and sweet at the same time. Beautiful and delicious.
“Ahem, talking.” The girl said, amusement dancing in her voice. Molly broke the kiss apart slowly and tasted him on her lips. She couldn’t get enough of him. She closed her eyes and backed away from him, she looked up at his father. He did look like he was falling apart, but struggling to hold the pieces together. She tapped his hand softly and smiled when he looked down at her.
“You can let it go, no one is going to judge you.” She said softly and slowly, bit by bit, he let the tears fall a he reached for his son.
“Dad.” Thomas whispered and they both hugged. What was weird, though, was the fact that Thomas shed no tears. Everybody had to cry, it was a way to let go of stress or anger. Everybody had to do it. Right?

He hadn’t wanted to let her go, his wolf hadn’t wanted to let her wolf go, but the minute she used that soft sweet voice with him he was putty. His wolf hadn’t forgotten about her heat, the way she smelled it was almost impossible to forget. He could hardly wait for the 9 minutes to be over so he could get this over with. He wasn’t saying it like she was a burden on his life, because she wasn’t. he just wanted to get over this drama so they could live together, happily. He didn’t trust Marissa, not by any chance, but Molly was a big girl, she could take care of herself. That’s what he told himself, to help him help his father better he told himself that she could handle herself were anything to happen. His father squeezed his body closer and cried harder. He had never seen his father like this. He’d only known the level headed man who tried to help everybody else. Yeah he’d seen his father cry, over his mother, but never this hard. It was as if someone had taken his lollipop and he was a baby. Molly and Marissa went to the kitchen because Molly stated that I “Got her wolf all hot and bothered and she needed to be cooled down.” He didn’t know what to make of that, so there he stood, in his fathers’ arms not knowing what to do.
“It’s Ok to show some sort of emotion, ya know.” Brandon said, opening the door.
“what the hell are you doing here?” His father said nothing, he just hung to Thomas as if he was the last bit of air left. He felt as if he was nurturing a baby.
“I felt that Molly was in distress, I came to see if she was Ok.” He said with a shrug… as if that was perfectly fine.
“You don’t have to look out for my mate. I can do that on my own.” Thomas snarled at Brandon and he felt his father tense up.
“One, slow your role, two, she can look out for herself, and three I wasn’t looking out for your mate I was looking out for my Luna and her unborn pup.” He said coolly and tossed his key onto the worn out couch. His father, having finally composed himself, separated from Thomas and threw Brandon a withering look.
“Stand down, Beta.” He said, his tone gravelly.
“I’m not the one getting all defensive, he is.” Brandon said respectfully and Thomas took a step forward, right before a delightful smell hit his nose.
“If any of you end up with a scratch, I will murder all of you.” Molly snarled, entering from the front door. Marissa stepped form behind her and cast her a wary glance.
“Shouldn’t you relax?” She asked.
“Shouldn’t you head back home?” Molly quipped back quickly, anger flaring in her emotions, her eyes turning amber. Whatever happened between these two was not good.
“You know I can’t do that, you know it has to happen.” Marissa said back calmly, seemingly bored as she folded her arms lazily over her chest. The males watched the altercation with interested eyes, what was going on with the females? Mollys’ wolf was going rabid, snarling and snapping at Marissa. Molly clenched her teeth together and Thomas knew she was struggling to keep her fiery temper in.
“Like all hell it does! My child is not the Red Luna, whatever the hell that is! My child is a baby, she doesn’t even exist yet! You wouldn’t know anything about her!” Molly snarled and took a step away from Marissa. His jaw dropped when she mentioned the Red Luna. Were all the fairytales coming to life? Would a little girl in a red cape come flying through the door any minute. That was sure as hell what it seemed like.

Who the hell did she think she was?! Telling her that her child was going to bring nothing but destruction and despair?!
“I suggest you calm down.” Marissa said as her eyes flashed a brilliant red. Molly knew she should be afraid, but she wasn’t. She was livid, as pissed as any wolf was possible of being.
“I suggest you burn in hell, but you don’t have to listen to me. Just like I don’t have to listen to you!” Molly snarled and fought to not take a step forward.
“Watch your tone.” Marissa warned lightly as she took a step forward. The bitch wants to threaten, her wolf thought angrily as Molly took a step forward in challenge, lets get threatening.
“What are you gonna do about it, huh?” Molly asked, she felt itchy to do something. To just punch the shit out of this bitch, just once. To see how it felt.
“I swear to god, Molly, if you don’t step down I will have no choice but to put you down.” Marissa growled and Molly snarled at the threat.
“Wanna try, bitch.” Molly growled and before she could blink Marissa lunged. Everything seemed to slow down though, as Marissa lunged, Molly simply grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. She’d found new strength from somewhere deep down in her and she used it to slam Marissa’s body into the tiled floor, making it cave ever so slightly.
“Don’t fuck with me or my pup, bitch, that’s for your own safety.” Molly snarled at her and stood up slowly, keeping her eyes on the black ones below her.
“How did you-“
“Never mind that, my child is not leaving with you. You will not seek her, you may see her and train her as you see fit. But that’s all, you step over the line and I will not hesitate to drop your ass again. Got it?” Molly said and Marissa whimpered and nodded.
“Good.” She growled then looked to Thomas and Thomas only.
“Upstairs, upstairs right now.” She said, her wolf taking over completely, knowing what she wanted now. She looked to Thomas’ father and then to Brandon.
“Both of you help Marissa home, Maximus stay with Brandon tonight.” She said dismissively and when nobody moved she let her wolf out enough for her teeth to elongate and her nails to lengthen.
“Move!” She barked and everybody scrambled to meet her wishes.
“See you in a week.” She said to Marissa, who merely nodded and stood from the dented floor. Chapter 15

Ho-ly shit that was hot. His wolf howled in pride, his mate took down the Black Luna. Effortlessly. Of course the fact that Molly had said that their child was to be the Red Luna escaped his mind completely. He could smell her heat and his wolf was absolutely feral. He obeyed her command and could feel her eyes on him the whole way up the stairs, the smell of her arousal teased him with each step he took. He went into his old room, the room he hadn’t lived in since he was 18, and sat down on the king sized bed. Slowly her scent came closer to him, her footfalls became more easy to hear. She stood at the doorway, watching him with amber eyes. She’s not yours anymore, his wolf growled in animalistic pleasure, she’s mine. His wolf fought to the surface and in no way did Thomas fight back, he wanted this as much as his wolf did.
“You rejected me, why?” Her voice was scratchy, but still soft. Still Molly.
“He- We were tired of being heartbroken. The day you left you took us with you, and the day you came back we were overrun with joy. But so much happened to us, I was afraid to get close to you, for fear that you might run and break our heart again.” His wolf explained standing up and taking a step toward her.
“I told you I would stay, I told you I understood. You rejected me, again, in front of the whole pack!” She cried to him, tears brimming her amber eyes. The sight pained his wolf, and him too. He hated to make their mate cry.
“I thought you were lying, I thought as soon as I gave over our heart you would stomp on it and throw it in to an open fire. I had to protect us.” He said, begging for her to understand, taking a step closer.
“How do I know this isn’t some trick, some sort of façade? How do I know that as soon as I let my guard down and open my arms to you, you won’t reject me again?” She asked, one tear falling from her eye. He zoomed to stand in front of her, fighting for his human side.
“Because this time it’s me. It isn’t him, I’m in control now and I promise you I will never hurt you again.” He told her, stroking her brown hair from her face. The slight touch of her skin on his sent electricity through him and made his member stand up on attention.
“Besides this time.” He said and leaned down to bite down on the skin, right on her shoulder, where her mark would be.

Ecstasy flew through her body as his teeth pierced her fragile skin. Her panties became damp and her nipples ached to be touched. She didn’t care about her baby belly, she pressed herself as close

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