» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

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and dark jeans, he was bare footed though.
“I automatically win because I’m her mate.” He said and everybody deflated and pouted.
“Bullshit, I choose Sarah.” She said and Sarah fist pumped “To sit down.” She pouted at her answer and Molly had to fight off a laugh.
“Max I need you, you’re the only one whose really familiar with this kitchen.” She said and Max inclined his head and went to the fridge.
“Hey! I know this house too! I lived here for most of my life!”
“So did max, go sit down now.” She dismissed with a wave of her hand and she heard a low growl come from him. She let a brow raise and her eyes shine to amber quickly. He scoffed, like an emotional teen, and sat down grumpily. He’s basically a gigantic baby, her wolf chortled.

He watched as his mate cooked for their friends. He knew the pack would be by, but he wouldn’t tell her that. No, no. He wouldn’t dare tell her that, he wanted to see the look on her precious little face when she saw she hadn’t made enough.

‘Tsk, tsk mate. Did you think you would really be able to hide that from me?’

her voice sounded in his head and cursed out loud. He had forgotten about the mind link between mates, apparently she had found out about it. She giggled to herself and pulled out all of his fathers’ eggs. Brandon looked at him winked. The bastard! He had told her about the mind link! But… was he angry about that? He didn’t know what he was around her. His heart beat fluttered, his mouth went dry, and his palms got wet and sticky. He was practically a fawning pup!

‘Aww, don’t be so hard on yourself babydoll. I think it’s you cute your at my beck and call.’
‘What did I say about that name Pet, it’s only reserved for a special place.’
‘You never said such a thing as babydoll being used in a certain place.’

She huffed, but he could smell her arousal.
“What exactly are you making, Pet?” He asked out loud and her back stiffened. She shot him a look that promised that he was going to get tortured later on, the only thing he could do was await the pleasure.
‘I can promise you, it will only be torture.’

She cleared her throat and smiled at their friends.
“Good ol’ American meal is all. Pancakes, bacon, eggs. As plain Jane as you could get.” She said and giggled at the name, as if it was nothing.
“Why don’t you add chocolate chips in the pancakes, pet, I’m sure the pack will appreciate it.” He said, crossing his arms and thoroughly enjoying her crimson cheeks.
“Well, I don’t think your father has chocolate chips babydoll. I’m sure you could point them out to me though.” Power surged in between them and all motion stopped in the kitchen. Those around them could feel the tension, this was only a test to see who could break first. And Thomas actually thought he could win, her heat would make her 10 times more lustful than she normally would be, the only thing he would have to was break that barrier.
“I’m sure if you look in the cabinet, there would be some there pet, did you look there?” He asked her raising an eyebrow.
“Are you questioning whether or not I looked thoroughly for what I need, babydoll, or are you just trying to be an asshole?” she asked through clenched teeth and he saw he had poked a sore spot.
“I dunno pet, you tell me.” He said coolly, meeting Mollys’ hard glare. She was trying to stare down an Alpha, he thought it was cute and hilarious. But by the way fury clearly shone in her eyes she obviously thought nothing was funny.
‘Drop it, you win.’

She growled in her mind to him. he simply smirked and leaned forward, laying his folded arms on the table.
‘But I was having so much fun.’

He whined, having no intention of stopping.
‘I swear to god, if you don’t drop it I will cut you.’

She growled and clenched her teeth.
‘Do your worst, pet.’

He said back to her lightly, knowing she would not follow through at all. But he obviously forgot about something else that came with a new werewolf shift. Agitation and rage. She turned round, pushed past his father, and got a knife. Not one of those small butter knives but an actually knife. She started to walk forward, keeping steady eye contact, but she was held back by Sarah.
“Stop it Luna, you’re not thinking rationally.” She said, straining through clenched teeth at the amount of effort it took to hold a raging wolf back.
“Let me go Sarah, sit down.” Molly growled, making power drip from her words. He could see Sarah visibly try to fight it, but she couldn’t. you couldn’t just not obey an Alpha or Luna order. Bad things would happen to good people. Molly gripped the wooden handle of the knife harder in her clutch. Carol lunged forward and spread her arms like an eagle getting ready to take flight.
“Stop it Luna, he was only joking. It was only a stupid joke, that he regrets.” Carol said lightly, in a joking manner. Thomas opened his mouth to say that he wasn’t, that he, in fact, loved playing with her. Loved watching her break, only because she came to him when she was broken. He loved being able to mend something together. But Brandon had somehow walked around the table and wrapped his hand around Thomas’ mouth.
“It didn’t sound like a joke.” Molly growled out, the knife shaking in her hands. That’s strange, his wolf thought, only to be growled at by her wolf.
“It was, he just doesn’t tell very good jokes. He knows that now and will never do it again. Maybe you should go rest now Luna, let us cook. You’ve been entirely too stressed out, go on and rest.” That last part sounded like a command and Molly was quick to catch on to it.
“Are you commanding me?” Molly sneered, her hand lifting ever so slightly.
“Of course not Luna, I was only suggesting that you take a light nap. By the time you wake the pack should be here, and you can check on Rosa.” Carol said lightly, even though her body was tensed. Molly relaxed at the name Rosa and the knife fell to the floor with a clatter.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” Molly breathed as her hands lifted to her mouth, shaking and trembling.
“It’s Ok Molly, just rest now.” Brandon said, finally taking his hand off of Thomas’ mouth. Thomas watched in fury as Molly ran to Brandon and wrapped her arms around him. that should be our job, his wolf growled to him and Thomas agreed. He was about to stand but then his fathers’ hand slammed him down.
“Don’t, you’ll only anger her again.” He whispered into his ear and Thomas had to sit and watch as Brandon lifted his mates legs around his stomach and carried her away. Not once had she looked at him, she’d kept her nose in Brandon’s neck. When the door upstairs closed everyone took a breath of relief.
“What the fuck was that about?” Thomas practically yelled. Carol shot him a deathly look, the one she only showed when she was beyond pissed.
“Apparently when female wolves are pregnant they got volatile and angered quickly.” Carol snarled, her normally pale face reddening with anger.
“They get pissed about the smallest things, and demand respect from everyone, even people not from their pack.” Sarah said, finally sitting down and running her fingers through her red thick mane.
“It doesn’t help that she’s carrying the Red Luna. I’m sure that the child’s power is running through her, which is just making her more angry. I bet she doesn’t want all the power, she doesn’t want to feel weird but she does. You add that, regular hormones, heat hormones, being pregnant, and you thinking everything is a damn joke would make me want to murder you too.” His father said, sitting in the wooden chair next to Thomas with a squeak.
“Who the hell is Rosa?” Carol looked at him with an incredulous look and Sarah put her hand on her shoulder.
“He wasn’t here, remember. “ Sarah told her soothingly and Carols’ anger simmered.
“LunaRosa, that’s the name of your unborn child.”

Chapter 18

She hadn’t meant to be so childish. But he just thought everything was so damn funny, when it wasn’t. she hadn’t continued to say his pet name, she only said it once. But him and his immature, asshole, fuck tard self couldn’t let it go. She breathed in Brandons’ scent and let herself feel comforted.
“That’s right, just let yourself drift off to sleep Luna.” Brandon said softly and walked around the room, still holding her like a 3 year old. She closed her eyes and relaxed her body, she had to relax for Rosa. She sighed at the thought of her little Rosa. The name had came to her the night after the pack doctor checked her. She had a dream of a cute little girl with the cutest red hair and green eyes she’d ever seen. Of course they were blocked by small glasses, but that only made them cuter. She had the cutest little lisp, it made all of her s’s sound like she was a king cobra. She had dreamed of Rosa every day since then. They would have conversations, they would laugh, they would sing, they would dance. In her dreams she was happiest. So all she had to do was drift off to sleep and spend some time with Rosa, and by the time she woke up her wolf wouldn’t be agitated and she would be able to spend some time with the pack.

“Ok, so you’re telling me… that my mate, Molly Turanga, has named our unborn child and has practically gone loopy?” Thomas asked, running his hand over his face.
“The stress, you were gone, she was the only Alpha here. Her wolf either went temporarily crazy with the power, or the stress. We don’t know which one it is yet.” Sarah said, her head resting on her folded arms on the table.
“She would get aggravated by the smallest things. One time, one of the pack children bumped into her stomach.” Carol said and shivered visibly, which was fascinating, and fear shone in her eyes.
“She grabbed the child by his arms and lifted him up, eye level. The look she gave him was enough to make me pee myself. She practically yelled at him to watch out for her Rosa. She would’ve thrown him, had Brandon not been there, she would’ve.” Carol said and rubbed her forehead. A door upstairs opened and they all held their breath.
“She’s asleep.” Brandon said and they all let it out.
“Each day she gets worse, her anger just grows. Thank god the baby’s’ due soon, otherwise we’d all be dead.” Brandon huffed and sat across from him. they all looked to him and he couldn’t help but stress out.
“What?” He yelled and they all surged forward, shushing him.
“You take everything as a damn joke. She is really emotional right now. If she asks you to do something, you do it. No questions asked, no

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