» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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blushed slightly when he realized he had her undivided attention, and grabbed his knife. He carved something and then put his knife down.
“I know everything is so backwards right now, I know this happened in the wrong sequence, and I know you’ve been stressed out lately. But I want you to know that I’m here, you don’t have to do it all on your own. I wanna be the guy you talk to when there’s something bothering you. I wanna be the one you cry to, I wanna be the one whose always on your mind. And no matter what it takes,” He lifted his hand and a rock was lifted by the sheer. It was in the shape of a heart and had the letters T+M carved onto it deeply. He got up and walked to her, she moved her hair aside and he wrapped the necklace around her neck. The rock rested lightly on her chest and she smiled. So I’ll take you to the beach, and walk along the sand, and I’ll make you a heart pendant with a pebble in my hand. And I’ll carve it like a necklace, so the heart falls where your chest is, and now a piece of me is a piece of the beach and it falls just where it needs to be and rests… peacefully.
“I will be there to win your heart, because you’ve already won mine.” He said and kissed her mark. She gasped at the pleasure that flew through her and everything Sarah and Carol told her to do flew out the window.
“You’ve already won mine too, I was just waiting for you to see it.” She whispered to him and he smiled and kissed her lips softly. She fingered the soft rock and her baby twirled in her stomach. Everything was finally going right. She was happy, she was pregnant, she was safe. She didn’t have to worry about what she was going to eat the next day, she didn’t have to feel afraid every time someone knocked on her door. She could just… relax. And that was all she needed to feel, relaxed, and all her problems came off of her. They melted away like butter does when it reaches a hot skillet. They weren’t her problems anymore, they were her past. They were something that she would look back on and pity, but she wouldn’t forget it. Oh no, you don’t forget the things she went through, but she rejoiced them. They made her who she was today. They made her Molly Turanga, the girl with the scars. They made her Molly Turanga, the girl who could detect a lie right away. They made her Molly Turanga, werewolf, mate to Thomas Green and mother to, the unborn, LunaRosa Green. They gave her a family, a pack. And for that, she couldn’t hate her past or her memories. Because without them, her fated destiny wouldn’t be possible.

She kissed him softly as he dropped her off at her parents’ house.
“I’ll wear it to bed tonight, and dream of you.” She said softly, her black eyes twinkling.
“As will I.” He remarked back and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. She didn’t seem to want to leav, she glared at the house with hatred. He gave her hand a small shake and she snapped her head to him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” They’d been going good, he’d gotten her to laugh on more than one occasion and she’d done the same to him it seemed like so long since he’d laughed, that she was surprised at the sound. There wasn’t really much to be happy about.
“I just… don’t wanna go. The, uh, baby! Yeah, the baby is uhm… moving around a lot. I should stay with you, in case uhm… the baby decides to, you know, come out.” She stuttered through the lie and he smiled.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, baby. Not much is going to happen in one night.” He reassured her and kissed her on the cheek. She gave a sigh of defeat and unbuckled herself.
“Fine.” She huffed, drawing out the word and opened the door.
“See you tomorrow.” He yelled after her before she closed it and she waved a dismissing hand and closed it. He stayed by the house until she made it to her door, she turned around and blew him an air kiss that he caught and held to his heart. Good god man

, his wolf uttered, you’ve turned into a common sappy love boy

. This coming from the wolf who let their mate coddle him when they tripped on a rock at the beach. Hey, hey! I only did it so that she could feel needed, you were the one that went along with it!

His wolf argued.
‘Boys! Molly and I would like to get some sleep, so could you please tone it down some. And by some I mean all the way.’

Her wolf grumbled in their mind and they both apologized sheepishly. You always get us in trouble,

his wolf growled at him playfully and Thomas narrowed his eyes. Pssh, yeah right and you don’t? he argued back and before his wolf could respond a loud growl sounded in there mind.
‘Yo! Dipwits! Could you hush it up? Some of your other pack are trying to sleep!’

Brandon yelled at them, making Thomas jump.
‘Whoa, whoa! How can you guys here me?’

Thomas asked, furrowing his brow, and staring at nothing particular.
‘Did you forget that when an Alpha wolf gets his mate, he can get all his werewolf strength. Ergo, you can talk to us through pack link.’

Sarah grumbled sleepily.
‘Oi! Will all of you bloody wolves shut your traps, your making my brain hurt and I’m trying to sleep!’

Maggie, the pack doctor yelled, and everyone shut up. Molly giggled and mumbled an ‘I told you so’

before her connection went out. She’s asleep

, his wolf told him. with one last glance at the house he drove out of the woods and back towards his apartment, carefully awaiting the next day.

She’d woken up bright and early, even though he wouldn’t be by until eleven. She couldn’t hold in her excitement, this was her second real date. When she’d walked up to her bed the previous night she’d found her clothes laid out on the bed. It consisted of a light maternity sundress that was decorated with pink and lilac flowers, strappy ballet shoes and a silver necklace. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do with our mates, Sincerely Sarah and Carol (but mostly Sarah)


. All of her clothing bags were around her bed, and she had a soft teddy bear. She’d slept good that night, she had a dream where her and Luna were eating ice cream. She’d woken up with a start, only to find Ryan up and munching on cereal, his face glued to the television screen.
“Hey champ, what are doing up?’ She asked and he, slowly, peeled his eyes away from the screen.
“Saturday morning cartoons, toonami, hush.” Was all he said then turned back to the television. She raised her eyebrows and went to the kitchen. He left the milk out but forgot to put the cereal away. She sighed and picked up the cereal box. Might as well finish the hole box, her wolf happily agreed as she popped a handful of fruit loops in her mouth. She padded out to the living room and sat Indian style on the couch next to Ryan. She was immediately confused, why did all the characters have spiky hair and outrageous muscles? And why did the purple girl have a tale?
“Is she, like, an alien or something?” She asked Ryan around a fistful of cereal. He plopped his spoon down and looked at her.
“That is Freezia, he is a boy. He is an alien who is trying to destroy planet Earth.” He said slowly, trying to hold in his temper.
“So why does he sound like a girl?”
“Hey! I don’t go around asking questions like, why does SpongeBob sound like a girl, or why is that show gay and inappropriate. I would appreciate it if you didn’t bomb on Dragon Ball Z.” He said and then munched on his cereal angrily. She frowned and ate her cereal in quiet. They stayed like that until their parents came down.
“Did you have to eat the whole box of Fruit Loops?” Her dad asked and she threw him a look that she hoped said ‘Don’t Fuck With Me And Expect To Have Both Balls’. It must’ve because he blanched and towed behind her mother into the kitchen. When ten came around she flew up the stairs to get read. She took her shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed. She curled her hair every so slightly so that her brunette waves framed her face. She added a little mascara and a little lip gloss. She wanted to look absolutely natural, so that meant no foundation and on blush. By the time eleven hit she was ready and bouncing off the walls.

Chapter 20

The door bell rang and her parents’ let out a breath of relief. Ryan was still gawking at the television. She walked to the door and opened it, her breath leaving out all in one rush. He stood there with thumbs in his black pants, his hair flew around his face and a smile skirted his lips. His blue cotton shirt fitted tightly on his chest, showing his broad chest.
“Wow, you look beautiful.” He whispered and she blushed under his praise.
“Uh thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She mumbled and bit her lip.
“Uhm, the carnival is uhm… further into town. We’ve got a long drive you wanna…” His voice trailed off and her cheeks blazed, she was taking too long.
“Oh my gosh! Sorry, lets go.” She mumbled and stepped outside. The warm wind flapped her dress, and made her hair go haywire.
“Spent fifty minutes on my hair… damn wind.” She growled and fixed her hair. Thomas smirked and put his hand on the small of her back.
“Might as well get used it to it.” He whispered in her ear and laughed.
“You wouldn’t by any chance have a-“ Her sentence was cut when he took one from his pocket.
“Your fairy god mothers must’ve checked the weather for possible failures. Left this on my bed.” He shrugged as she smiled and put her hair in a tight ponytail. He smiled and kissed her cheek.
“Makes it easier for me to do that.” He whispered as he grabbed her hand and walked her to the black SUV. She sighed softly and gave his hand a squeeze. They rode there in silence and Mollys’ heart picked up when she saw the carnival. She’d never been to one, not even to an amusement park, they looked exciting.
“You ready?” He asked and she looked at him, her face stretched into the widest smile she’d ever had, and nodded vigorously. He chuckled and unbuckled himself and she did the same. By the time he was out the car she was already walking toward the carnival entrance.
“Whoa, whoa.” He said, grabbing her forearm, she looked back at him with a bemused face and he grinned slightly.
“There are humans here, you can’t use all your speed or all your strength. You need to keep your wolf under control.”

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