» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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him over so that it was her who sat over him, straddling his thighs.
“And you know what they say about assuming?” she asked, rubbing his upper thigh, letting her hand trail to the tenting in his pants. He moaned and arched into her, making her lose her seating. We’ll get him for that later, her wolf growled to her and pleasure.
“Do you not know what they say about assuming?” She asked tauntingly, rubbing his thick cock through the material of the sweatpants, enjoying the way his moans got louder each time she did it.
“Yes.” He strangled out between moans and she grinned, she slowly started to pull his pants down, so that she could see the garden of dark curls that lead to her magnificent toy of the night.
“And what is that babydoll?” She asked, pulling his pants down more. She kept pulling and pulling until her toy sprang out like a jack in the box, only she wasn’t scared and his dick had no music. She leaned down and slowly licked the silver pearl of cum that had beaded around his slit and moaned in ecstasy. god he tastes good, her wolf moaned and howled at the wonderful taste of their mate. She was very vocal tonight. Slowly she sucked him in, inch by maddening inched, until she finally came to the hilt. By then he was whimpering and whining. This was their mate. The man they could bring to mercy with their mouth, the man that they could give pleasure to, the man that would love them and protect them.
“Please, Molly, please move.” He whimpered, arching his back and shoving his cock deeper into her mouth. She trilled in her throat and sucked in a slow torturous matter. He growled but one pinch on the thigh quickly stopped that process, only to be replaced by another one. He moaned at the feeling and her brow quirked. We’re wolves, her wolf reminded her, we like a little pain with our pleasure, adds to the goodness of it. Interesting. Slowly she tested that theory and pinched the inner side of his thigh as she sucked and licked him. he let out a choking noise and his legs tensed. Hell yes! Revenge is mine! She thought vengefully as she sucked a little faster, feeling every ridge of his penis leave and enter her mouth at a fast rate. She looked up to see his eyes glowing amber, her wolf swooned at the sight and Molly creamed. That. Was. Hot. Groaning her hand trailed down her leg as she sucked him, keeping her eyes on his wide open eyes. She rubbed her pussy twice, imagining that it as his tongue, before going directly to her clit and rubbing it between her fingers. This was going to kill her.

She was killing him here, every pinch, every rub, every sound she made had him hotter than it had ever done before. He watched as she touched herself while sucking him, he watched as she closed her eyes at the feel of having both ends filled with something. He watched as she swallowed his seed, he couldn’t hold it any longer. She moaned but kept licking him, keeping the pleasure rolling in waves.
“Molly, please. Please stop, I can’t-“ His sentence cut off as one of her elongated teeth gently scraped against his burning flesh, making him cum once again.
“Fuck, Molly. As an order from an Alpha, stop.” His voice wasn’t at all powerful, and he hated to the pull the Alpha card but he would co insane if he hadn’t. she stopped sucking him and looked up, her eyes burning a bright amber.
“Are you forgetting, that I am Luna. Sam rank, same position. You can’t order me to do jack diddly squat.” She said and cupped his balls rubbing them while staring him down.
“Are you forgetting, that I am also your mate. So, one again, your dominance, to me, means jack diddly squat.” She said and licked his head once more.
“But, since you asked so nicely, and you’ve filled me up, I guess I have no choice but to stop.” She said huskily as she kissed the very tip of his head, where his slit was, her tongue licking at the slit. She crawled up his body, the sheets leaving a tickling whisper. She kissed his lips quickly before shutting off the TV, leaving them in a darkened room. She flopped down on her side, facing the window that was opposite of them, and sighed.
“Goodnight Tommy, thanks for the pizza.”

She wasn’t particularly mad… eh, who the hell was she kidding. She was fucking livid. How dare he use the Alpha tone on her? Especially in the bedroom. If anything, all that shit was left at the doorway to be picked up when you left the room on the morning. She fell asleep, if you could even call closing your eyes and evening out your breath a sleep, though her body still craved Thomas. She didn’t, not anymore. She was pissed at him, and she wanted to make sure he knew it. She woke up before he did, like she always did, and went back to the guest room. She looked through all her clothing, old and new, until she found a cotton light pink maternity shirt and some maternity jeans. Of course that didn’t mean she hadn’t looked around, though. She looked at her old clothing and sighed. She longed for the day she would be able to wear her black and white striped crop top and skinny jeans again. Skinny jeans are for the skinny, her wolf sulked to her silently, not for the pregnant people. Apparently her wolf hated the fact they were fat as all hell too. Taking a light hearted sniffle she trudged to the bathroom. She didn’t feel like looking at her body, that was until she saw the coloring. The blue and gold beckoned for her attention, attention that she would give. The twisting and turning of the tribal tattoo had her mind go a little dizzy, but it all stopped when it hit the wolf. The silver wolf howling at the golden moon had her mesmerized. That’s me, if I could come out. Her wolf sulked silently and they both shared a sigh before Molly jumped in the shower. Her body still ached from being pregnant, and from being in heat. But she would not touch herself. If she didn’t have her shape, or her emotions, then she damn sure would keep her pride. After nearly rubbing the energy from her body, Molly slumped against the bathroom door naked and wet. She took a deep breath and grabbed her towel. She dried her hair quickly, and dried her body as painless she could make it. She pulled on her maternity panties and her bra, we look like a bloated whale, ignoring her wolfs’ comment she pulled on her pants and her shirt. She walked out of the misty bathroom and into the guest bedroom, only to find Thomas sitting on the bed with his head down.
“Why’d you leave the bed?” He asked lowly, his voice somewhere between sad and angry. She was still pissed at him, so she wouldn’t talk. She only shrugged, knowing he couldn’t see it, and put her dirty clothes in the hamper by the door.
“Dammit Molly, how are we supposed to get along if every ten minutes your emotions are changing?” He damn near yelled, she didn’t need her eyes to see that his were amber. Her wolf could feel the pull. Wanna play with the wolves? Don’t cry when you get bitten.

“My emotions don’t change every five minutes, it’s you. You can’t just do something, you have to fight back all the damn time!” Her wolf yelled, making Molly wince.
“If you haven’t noticed I’m an Alpha, I’m not supposed to be some love sick puppy at your feet, waiting on your beck and call. It doesn’t work like that, it never has. I’ll be dammed if it does!” His wolf growled and he stood.
“I can’t believe you! Your doing it again! What the hell is wrong with you? You are never supposed to use the Alpha thing against your own mate!”
“I can do whatever the hell I want, and you can’t do a thing about it, mate. You’d best learn that now.”
“Was that a threat? You wanna throw around threats, big boy?” She snarled and zoomed to him, forgetting about her baby belly.
“Don’t test me mate.” He growled, peering into her amber eyes.
“I’m not only testing you, but later on I’m gonna school you in a game I like to call ‘Don’t Fuck With Your Pregnant Mate And Expect To Live’ it’s a really fun game.” She growled, clenching her fist. Her claws dug into her palm but she could care less right now.
“Don’t. Don’t do that, stop trying to be tough-“
“I’m not trying to be anything, you asshole! I’m trying to get you to see that, that title means nothing! You are in charge of a pack, you are in charge of your life, you are in charge of your daughter. Not me! You do not have control over me, Alpha or not. And would you like to know why? Because I’m an Alpha too, as of last night.” She growled at him and watched as his eyes slowly faded to black. She made herself calm down, as her claws retracted form her skin.
“I-I am so sorry.” He said and she bit her cheek at the pained emotion on his face. She hugged him close to her.
“I’m not gonna leave either of you, never. And if I do, then death his self would have to come take me. I want you both to know that. Don’t hide from me, don’t try to keep me away by pissing me off ‘cause it’s not gonna end up well for either of you.” She said, smiling into his bare chest.
“Now take a shower, you smell like sex and wolf.” It wasn’t a bad combination, but it made her wolf think nasty things. She kissed his neck and walked out the room and to the stairs.
“Is it safe to come in, have you stopped jumping each others’ bones.” A deep voice said, and she smiled.
“It’s safe Max, we’re done.” Molly told him, walking down the stairs.
“For now.” She heard him whisper as Max opened the door.
“Well don’t you look better.” Max said brightly, letting in the bright light into the house.
“I look like a bloated whale.” She said, blushing lightly at Max’s kind of compliment.
“A sexy bloated whale.” Carol said coming from behind him, her blond hair lighting up like a halo in the morning sun.
“If I rolled that way, I’d sleep with you.” Sarah said coming from the door to stand next to Max.
“Ugh, dude really? You’d sleep with her and not me?” Brandon joked, being the last to come in. He closed the door and looked to all her friends. How’d she get so lucky to have such good friends.
“Well, if I was a lesbian, why exactly would I sleep with you?” Sarah quipped, raising a red eye brow.
“Because I’m just awesome like that.” Brandon grumbled and everybody laughed.
“I’m sure you guys are hungry.” Molly said, wiping her eyes. They all nodded and she smiled.
“Follow me then, my young pups.” She said in a British voice that they chortled at. She walked down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen. She sat down and they looked confused.
“Oh! You wanted me to cook?” she asked, faking being surprised. Their eyes widened in horror and she laughed, her baby twirling inside.
“I’m shitting with ya, sit down. I do need a little help though.” She said and they all raised their hands like anxious four year olds and Molly bit her lip.
“Hmm.” She said and, just as she was about to pick a person, Thomas strode in his black hair wet and ruffled. He wore a black cotton t-shirt that clung to his abs

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