» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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that looked to be etched with the finest blue and gold silk. The tattoo wrapped around her arm, the blue and gold looking as if it was racing each other to the finish. The finish being a silver wolf howling to a gold tribal crescent moon. It was breathtaking, and for a moment nobody spoke. Their wolves didn’t speak, nobody moved. His to protect,

her wolf said dreamily, his to love

. What the hell was she talking about, and then suddenly, in one last pinch of pain, brilliant silver words seemed to wrap around the golden crescent.
“His to protect, his to love.” She whispered, the exact same words her wolf told her. She looked to Thomas and gasped at the sight. He had almost the exact same thing, except his wolf was pitch black and the moon was pale blue. His tribal tattoo raced around his arm, then up to his shoulder, stopping to where she’d bit him at.
“Hers to protect, hers to love.” He whispered, his eyes flashing between amber and black. A small incredulous smile stretched her lips as a small laugh escaped them. She looked to her waist and shrieked, she stood, taking him out of her with a shlick, to examine her marking further. The tattoo there wasn’t black, it was red. Blood red. It trailed around her whole waist length only to stop just below her navel, where a white wolf howled at it. A black crescent moon curled around her navel, the tip of it just touching her navel.
“The Red Luna.” Thomas gasped and traced her tattoo, his hands felt warm on her chilled skin. Her baby moved around in her tummy, and she couldn’t help but gasp at it.

Chapter 16

Someone was nudging him, and if they planned on keeping their fingers for very much longer they’d stop. But they wouldn’t, he groaned and flipped onto his stomach, hoping to block the nudging. If anything it got worse.
“Babe… you up?” Molly whispered to him and he fought the urge to growl at her.
“Now I am.” He sighed, moving onto his back again, her hair was a birds nest and her face was in a pout.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, suddenly worried, sitting up.
“I really want pizza.” She whispered to him, she sounded on the verge of tears and her lips were quivering.
“You want me to get you some pizza, baby?” He cooed to her and she sniffled.
“I would’ve called Brandon, but I forgot where I left my phone.” At the name of the other male wolf, his own stood up on alert.
“I’m here now, I can get you whatever you need. I’m sure there’s a pizza place still open.” He said as lightly as he could and she smiled a little, rubbing her nose.
“Can you get it with pepperoni and pickles, please.” He almost gagged at her choice of toppings, but then his wolf growled at him. Touchy, touchy. He got out of the bed and rummaged through his old drawer, of course he doubted he would still be able to fit any of these clothes, but it was worth a try. He found some sweat pants that used to be baggy on him, and ginormous sweatshirt.
“You want a pie?” She gasped at the idea and horror hit him when she sobbed.
“No, I just want 3 slices, am I that fat that I need a whole pie to myself?” She cried and each sob broke his heart. His wolf snarled at him as they heard her wolfs’ howls. The hell is wrong with you? Upsetting her like that, do you have a personal wish to cause her emotional harm?! His wolf growled at him, and he got angry. Only because his wolf was angry first.
“No Molly, that’s not what I meant at all-“
“Do you even want me anymore? Will you find someone else now that I’m fat and useless to you and your manly needs?” The fuck?!
“We just had sex, four times. I’m not going to find anybody else, because nobody else can give that to me.” Anger flared on her face in the darkness, and he couldn’t tell what he did wrong. Idiot, I swear to god, you’re an idiot. She stood up, keeping her eyes on his. They fought between amber and black, as her face fitted to a tight grimace.
“So you only want me, because of what I can give you in the bed?” She growled lowly and his eyes bulged. That was not what he meant at all!
“No, I meant that no one can make me-“
“You know what! I don’t even care anymore. Can you please just go get my pizza?” She snarled at him and stared him out of the room.

How dare he?! She growled to her wolf and her wolf sympathized with her. He practically told her he only wanted her because she fucked him good. For that, and that reason alone, she wanted him dead. Then she realized what she’d thought, what she’d wanted to happen, and gasped. She sat to the bed slowly, naked as the day she was born, and put her hand to her mouth. What the hell was going on with her? Sure the midnight craving was normal, but never ever thought violent thoughts. A little violence never hurt anyone, her wolf told her and howled in pleasure. Yeah, nobody but the person hurt. Silent tears fell from her cheek as she went over what she did. She’d snapped at him, not listened to him when he tried to explain himself, then wished he was dead. She was the worse mate in history! She looked around his old room for something to wear, the carpet tickling her feet as she was too lazy to actually pick up her feet. She couldn’t find anything that she could fit, sure he was a large teenager, or so it seemed as she picked up one of his t-shirts, but not her kind of large. She heard his car pull up in the driveway and she shrugged, wrapping the sheet around her toga style, and flicked on his large TV. He must’ve gotten that in here after she left. She used to spend all her afternoons there, laughing and talking with Tommy while they watched He-man. The door opened slowly and Tommys’ black mane popped through.
“It’s safe, I’m sorry for snapping at you.” She said and watched as he, slowly and cautiously, entered the room. The aroma of the pizza sent her wolf on a frenzy, she wanted that pizza. He saw the hungry look in her, she guessed, because he walked to her and put the box next to her. She opened the box and gasped at what she saw. There, written in pickles and pepperoni, was the words ‘I’m Sorry’ tears came to her eyes and she choked on a sob.
“When I said what I said, I didn’t mean what you thought I meant. I meant I would never want anybody else because nobody can make me feel the way you make me do, in or out of the bed. I will always want you. No matter what. Runny nose, pink eye, flu, baby belly. I’m there for you baby, and I’m not going to run away when you get scary.” He said with a slight smile. She sniffled and hugged him, just the touch of him on her skin sent her wolf on a maddening frenzy. Her heat had returned, with a deep vengeance on her body.

Chapter 17

She moaned at the feeling of him squeezing her close and let out a sharp intake of breath as his hands gripped her marks on her waist. God it felt so good! Of course she didn’t like the fact that she was bleeding, of course she didn’t like the fact that he hurt her. But she couldn’t care right now, not when he was nuzzling against her neck marking.
“Tommy.” She gasped out, struggling not to rub herself against him.
“Yes, pet.” He growled softly against her neck and she whimpered at the name.
“Please, stop. I’m hungry, we can’t…”
“Can’t do what pet, finish your sentence.” He growled at her and bit her mark, sparks went down her body, only to land and electrify her clit with shocks of pleasure.
“We can’t finish this… we have to stop.” She sighed as he pushed her back gently, moving her so that she was laying directly beside her yummy pizza. The one she was trying so hard to not forget.
“Maybe I don’t want to stop, what will you do then pet?” He snarled against her skin, but that didn’t frighten. It only made her cream for him, she was sure she was starting to leak onto her sheet dress.
“Please, stop with that name… please.” She whimpered to him and slowly his tongue moved away from her mark. She made a move to sit up but he blocked her. He picked up a piece of pizza and put it to her lips. She looked up at him an opened her mouth. He fed her slowly, all four pieces of her pizza, and rubbed her belly. She cooed up at him and whimpered when he pulled his hand away. He chuckled deeply and picked up a napkin.
“You got something on your cheek, pet.” She noticed he wasn’t himself when he called her that, his wolf was in control. She let her wolf come out, as she’d been dying to from the beginning and smiled up at him.
“Thanks babydoll, didn’t even notice.” His wolf stiffened at the name, just like they’d been hoping he would.
“Don’t call me that.” He growled softly and she giggled slightly.
“Or you’ll what babydoll? What are you gonna do to me that you haven’t done already?” She whispered, blinking up at him innocently. Something boomed on the TV, but she couldn’t care as he leaned down and nipped her ear.
“Don’t test me, pet, I’m on my last string here. You really, really don’t wanna test me any further. To keep that little innocence of yours intact.”
“What innocence babydoll? I have none left after being with you.” She told him breathily.
“Fine then, to keep that tight little cunt of yours safe and…well safe, I’d stop goading me if I were you.” He growled against her ear and she couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure even if she wanted to.
“Who said I wanted it to be safe? Who said I didn’t want you to fuck me hard, fuck me raw? I think you’re assuming things and babydoll,” She growled as she turned

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