» Romance » Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗

Book online «Fated (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [best free ereader .txt] 📗». Author Anaya Phoenix

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‘Cause the way he sees it, you’ve endangered our cub, and caused her pain. He doesn’t like pain being caused to things that are his.”
“S-she ours! She’s our little miracle and that little monster changed her!” The father yelled and Thomas had him punned up against the wall.
“Watch your tone and watch your mouth.” He growled low and the female shrieked.
“Please, we’ll do whatever you want, just let go of him!” Molly rolled her eyes and looked to Brandon. He nodded once and went over to Thomas and whispered into his ear. Thomas growled and let go of the man, he coughed and Thomas snarled.
“We’re not going to hurt you, we just want you to participate with us. You can still see Mary, but she will be our daughter. Her last name will change, and her first name too if she wishes. Give us her clothes, shoes and anything else she holds dear to her heart. You can still see her as you wish, if you don’t hurt her emotionally. But, if you do, my mate over there would not hesitate in teaching you a lesson. Understand?” Molly asked, raising a brow when the female looked scared. I’m confused, why is she scared, her wolf growled in her brain.
“You want us to give our daughter, our miracle to you?” she asked, her voice shaky and Molly growled, which in turn made the whole pack growl.
“You didn’t seem to want her when you left her at a carnival.”
“We loved her!”
“She could’ve gotten raped by some pedophile, murdered by some serial killer, or taken in by people even crazier than you! Don’t you dare lie to me, it won’t end well Patty.” Molly snarled as she got closer to her. She gulped and looked down.
“Go home, and get what I’ve asked you. You will come back undetected by Mary. You will not be able to see her for two weeks, same after that. Do you understand?” Molly asked, putting Luna in her voice. Patty whimpered and nodded quickly.
“Go, if you’re not back within the next two hours… well, I think you know.” Her husband flew to his wife and walked through the pack to the front door. She spared a look back at Molly and she smiled.
“Hurry now, the clocks ticking.” She said and they hurried out.
“Anybody hungry?” Molly asked and the pack nodded, the children making their way to her.
“How about sandwiches and chips?” They all agreed and followed her into the kitchen. She shot Thomas a look and he told her to go ahead.
‘That was hot what you did, how you just stood up to them. I have to go… calm myself.’ He told her through the mind link. Her cheeks flushed to a crimson red that she successfully hid from the pack. She took the cold cuts, mayo, and cheese from the fridge and set it on the table. The other kids snuck behind her and, as soon as the meat hit the table surface, they snatched it and ran.
“Hey!” She chastised half heartedly and picked the leader up, a small nine year old boy.
“What do you think you’re doing with my meat?” She asked, cocking a brow. his black eyes glinted mischievously and he shrugged.
“I just wanted to see it.” He said looking at the pack of meat and nodded approvingly.
“Yes, very nice meat indeed.” He said and threw it on the table.
“Can you let me down now Luna?” He asked, his black hair flopping into his eyes. His mother sighed and stepped forward, a pretty brunette with blue contacts, and held out her hands.
“Ah mom, I’m not a baby." He groaned as his face turned blood red and the kids chortled.
"Apparently you are if you don’t know you aren’t supposed to try and steal meat from werewolves.” She said and the pack chuckled as they made themselves sandwiches.
“Mom, please don’t pick me up or hold me. I’m very capable of walking on my own.” He said but Molly still gave him over, and his mother still took him.
“I know, my wittle baby boy is all gwown up now.” She said in a baby voice and his cheeks flamed as the other kids laughed at him. Molly smiled and swooped to the sandwich table and got a piece of meat.
“Thomas did you see where I put my pickle jar!?” She yelled up the stairs and she heard the shower curtain move.
“How do you lose an industrial sized pickle jar?” He yelled back down and she heard the pack trying not to laugh.
“How does your face lose an industrial sized pickle jar? Now answer the question!” She retaliated and he chuckled.
“I put it in the fridge, next to the snicker bars. Where it always is!” He yelled and her cheeks flamed. She’d forgotten about that, she huffed and went to check.
“How about we have a pack movie night, or just the kids?” She asked them as she checked for her pickles, there they were. Right next to the snickers, just like he said. Damn him for being right,


her wolf growled in pleasure. The pack agreed as they ate their sandwiches, she nodded and took out some pickles. The front door opened and Mary ran in, breathing hard, her little cheeks red.
“I just… ran from… Sarah. She’s…. crazy!” She exclaimed as she got her breath. The pack kids stopped moving and looked at her, she smiled warily and looked back at them.
“Hi I’m M- I’m Samantha. Samantha Green.” She said and held her hand out to the little boy Molly picked up. He looked at the hand and back at her. She bit her lip and her little grey eyes flashed amber for a second. He narrowed his eyes and took her hand.
“I’m Mark, you don’t need to know my last name.” He said slyly and the rest of the kids laughed, except for one little five year old girl.
“Mark Jenkins! Be nice to that little girl, or else!” His mother hissed and his face flamed. She giggled under her breath and took her hand out of his. He narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything else.
“Sweetheart go ahead and make yourself a sandwich.” Molly told her and she smiled and went to the sandwich meat. She eyed Mark with suspicion, she didn’t know how this was going to end up.
“I don’t think we’re connected as a pack. You guys are all too quit, and just so… submissive. I think we should get to know each other a bit more, then maybe we can all be… I dunno… unified as one.” Molly said out of the blue, making everyone look at her. She bit her lip and her cheeks flamed, quiet was there until someone cleared their throat. She looked up to see Samantha smiling with a mouthful of sandwich.
“I think that’s a great idea!” She mumbled around a mouthful, and Molly chuckled at her. Actually the whole pack chuckled, except for the kids.
“That’s disgusting, don’t speak with your mouth full.” Mark sneered and she shot a hateful glance at him.
“You shouldn’t speak at all, your breath is making all the plants within a ten mile radius wilt.” She remarked, still chewing her sandwich. Molly laughed under her breath while the pack chortled. Mark’s face brightened and he looked down.
“I think we should start with her.” Samantha said, pointing at a random lady. She smiled and went on about herself.

Chapter 22

Thomas came down to see everybody laughing and getting along, even Mary seemed to fit in like family. Of course Mark eyed her with untrustworthy eyes, but he still acted like he was interested. Which was really all he could ask for. Molly smiled up at him and he smiled back, she rubbed her stomach and her smile grew tight. She looked back to the pack as she continued to rub her bulging belly. Something’s wrong, his wolf whispered and Thomas agreed. She’d never, ever, given him a tight lip smile. Her smiles were always filled with something. Either hate, love, or happiness. It was always something.
“You Ok?” He whispered to her as soon as she was in hearing range. She nodded jerkily and crossed her legs. She laughed at something a pack member said, but he couldn’t focus on that. Something was wrong with his mate, ands he was hiding it from him. That was just low.
“What are you hiding?” He asked and she looked up at him, her wolf showed clearly in her eyes but tears were in them.
“Nothing is wrong, just go… sit by Samantha.” She told him tersely through clenched teeth and he frowned. Why was she crying, and hiding things, and not telling him about it!?
“Tell me what’s wrong, why are you cry-“
“Ewe, Luna did you pee yourself?” a little girl asked, getting the attention of the whole pack. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.
“Fuck it, it’s time.” She said and let out a giant breath.
“Well that feels better, now. Who’s driving me to the hospital?” She said cheerily and they all looked at her. Mary stood and frowned.
“Well, I would. But I can’t drive.” She said and Molly laughed, a short little airy laugh, and smiled down at her.
“Thank you very much for the offer Sammy, but I’d rather Brandon drive me and your father help me. But, apparently, they’re both in a state of shock.” As soon as she said father Thomas, and all the other men in the pack, jolted up.
“Carol and Sarah, pack everything Molly will need. Margaret and Tanya, get things the baby will need with the pack check book. Mary or… Samantha… Whoever the heck you are, stay with your grandfather. Over there, guy with the long black hair. Brandon get your ass up and help me, help her to the car. Everybody else…. I’m gonna be a dad!” The pack cheered and ran into action. He helped Molly, even though she seemed to not need help, walk to the car. She hopped in the back seat and folded her hands together. Thomas furrowed her brow but rubbed her back anyway.
“You’re gonna be fine, you’re doing fine. Just keep it up baby, you’ll be fine.” Thomas kept saying over and over again while Brandon sped to the hospital. When they got there she just hopped out and speed walked into the hospital.
“Dude, your mate is dynamic.” Brandon commented as he drove off to find a parking lot.
“You’re telling me.” Thomas mumbled as he walked into the hospital find Molly in a heated argument with the triage nurse.
“Listen lady, don’t tell me I don’t seem like I’m in labor!” She yelled, the waiting room’s attention was focused solely on them.
“Miss, I can see you’re pregnant. Probably ready to pop, but by your mannerisms it doesn’t seem like-“
“Listen! Right now my body is going through extreme pain. My crotch is on fire, my stomach feels tight, my back hurts like there is no tomorrow, I’ve just spent fifteen minutes in a car with a dipwad that constantly tells me ‘I’m doing fine’! It looks like I’ve pissed myself and right now you’re pissing me off, I don’t like people who piss me off. So either you admit me to the maternity wing or I stab you with this pen!!”

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