» Romance » Broken Pieces, L. S. [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗

Book online «Broken Pieces, L. S. [brene brown rising strong .txt] 📗». Author L. S.

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Then he pushed another button that unlocked the front door of the building, he walked inside and I quietly followed him. He took the stairs and I stayed behind him, on the third floor he stopped in front of one of the apartment doors.

I think they were having a party because I can hear their sound system from the outside. They were expecting him because he didn't knock but someone opened the door.

A guy who has the same age as the guy who picked me up at school opened the door. He looks much decent than the first guy.

"Is she the girl?" the guy who opened the door who I will call neat guy.

"Yeah, she is, nice right?" the guy who picked me up who I will call creepy answered.

The neat guy ran his gaze at me from head to toe.

"Don't you think she's too young for this?" neat guy asked again.

I am taller for my age, but the innocence is obvious on my face. I am wearing my usual baggy jeans and sweatshirt with my usual converse. People often tell me that I am beautiful because I look like my mother; she was the captain of the cheerleader in her high school and was an It Girl.

"Does it matter? She looks fresh" the creepy guy said.

"Is she even 18?" neat guy asked again.

Creepy guy stared at him with irritation.

"Come on Nick, don't worry too much okay? We have her dad's consent, so please stop worrying and just enjoy your turn later." creepy guy said then tapped neat guy's back and made his way inside the apartment.

Neat guy who's name is Nick just shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on in" he told me.

I knew what the reason why I was there; there is no time to back out. I'll just close my eyes and swallow everything like what I usually do whenever Dan forces his self to me.



I was walking to my locker feeling so much pain, I don't want to go to school, actually I don't even want to get off my bed but I decided to just go to school since Dan is staying in the house today. My whole body aches; I was f*cked by 5 different guys yesterday. The creepy guy's friend had his bachelor party and I was their gift to him.

My whole body is shaking in pain and I can't even walk properly. I opened my locker to get my books, hands still shaking.

I walked to Math, as usual Mr. Brown is still not there, I sat on my usual seat at the back, I notice that the jocks aren't there still. I sat there in silence while waiting for the class to start.

"I didn't know that was your business"

I looked up, it was Nicole Sanchez; my slutty classmate, there was a rumor that she slept with almost half of the guys at school.

I cocked my eyebrow, wondering what she meant.

"I knew it, you are not just an ordinary girl" she said.

I still don't know what she is trying to say.

"What are you talking about?" I uninterestingly asked.

She smirked at me.

"Hey Sanchez I think that's not your seat" then I heard Max say going to our direction.

"I know!" she growled at Max. "Deny it all you want Winters but I saw you yesterday" she whispered to me before walking away to her seat.

I blushed in embarrassment; I got what she was saying. She saw me picked up by creepy guy yesterday. People has been ignoring me for years and I want to keep it that way, if she tell the whole school for sure they will all think I am a slut.

"Hey Jill"

I heard Max's voice but it seems like his words are not registering in my brain, all I can think right now is the possibility that Nicole might blast my secret. If that happens, how can I defend myself? How can I tell them that Dan just forced me again? If no one believed me before? Who will believe me now?

I can't risk that, I have to stop Nicole for telling everyone.

The bell rang at lunch time; I hurriedly made my way to the cafeteria looking for Nicole. She was sitting with her usual cliques with their usual thing; boy hunting. I hesitantly walked to their table.

"N-Nicole c-can we talk?" I hesitantly asked.

She raised her brow, smirked at me then looked at her friends.

"I didn't know Winters can speak" the blonde girl who I think her name is Gia teased.

I didn't react to that, the only reason why I came there is to talk to Nicole.

"About what?"

I took a deep breath, I know that she knows what I am talking about but as usual she wants to play.

"I-I c-can't talk here" I said, looking around the crowd. "I'm wondering if we can t-talk i-in p-private" I asked.

She sighed, and then ran her fingers through her hair.

"Okay" she agreed.

I waited for her to stand up then when she walked out of the cafeteria, I followed her, she went inside the ladies restroom, after she checked that no one was there, she immediately put the "out of order" sign on the door handle so that no one will come in.

"Is this private enough?" she asked.

I nod.

"Yeah, Thanks!"

She leaned on the sink, beside the mirror; put her hands on her chest with her eyes on me, which made uncomfortable.

"Talk!" she yelled at me.

I took a deep breath, I don't like the way she talks to me but I don't have a choice. I need to be patient because I am the one who needs a favor.

"P-please N-Nicole don't tell anyone about what y-you s-saw" I said almost a whisper.

I never expected that I will stoop down to someone just to keep the secret that I didn't want to have in the first place. It was all Dan's fault, no it was my mother's fault, if she was just brave enough to kick him out of the house then none of this will happen.

"It was your work right? Then you shouldn't be afraid of it" she said.

"No!" I yelled. "It wasn't my work, I just didn't have any choice" I said trying to keep my composure.

I don't want to cry anymore because of Dan but it hurts me so much that people think I am a bad person because Dan forced me to do some things that I never wanted to do.

"I never wanted to do any of it" I cried "If I only have any choice, I-if I c-can only escape I'll do it"

I felt the warm liquid running through my cheeks, I don't want her to see me crying, I don't want her to feel sorry for me so I kept my head down.

"I know" I heard her say.

I wiped my tears then looked up.

"I knew everything Jillian" she added as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

It looks to her that we we're just having a casual conversation but to me it was my life and my future that we are conversing about.

"W-what else do you know?"

I don't know why but I suddenly felt like I wasn't alone, like someone finally know and understands what I have been going through.

She stopped for a minute and fixed her tank top.

"Everything" she answered timidly.

I became even more interested; I never expected that of all people it'll be Nicole who will understand. She is literally the whore in class. She doesn't care if people think of her as a slut or dumb. She was the Regina George of our class minus the wealth.

"Everything? As in all?"

She raised her brow and sighed with irritation.

"Yes as in all, my god Winters we've been in the same class since 3rd grade and I was just a few blocks away from your house so we practically grew up together." She explained.

Then I realized what she said. Yeah I remember that we were in the same class but we were never friends that's why I kind of forgotten it. Besides, I have always been friends (before Dan ruined my life) with the top in class while she was friends with those who were bottom in class.

"I saw the way he looks at you" she said with a bit of concern in her tone. "So when you came forward I knew you were telling the truth"

My eyes widened, I can still remember the way people looked at me when Dan told them that I was lying, that I was accusing him to get back with him because he caught me taking drugs. He even surrendered his own drugs to the police as evidence that I am indeed taking drugs.

They all thought I was insane, that I was in a dark place. Other's felt sorry for me while others hated me for being such a rebel. People in our neighborhood even donated cash to support the expenses of my "rehabilitation". Of course Dan just kept the money since I wasn't really an addict, but he sent me to his friend's house where I was treated like a pig. I was locked in a room where I wasn't allowed to go out. I have been there for more than 2 months. They supported me with food so that I will look healthy and cured like the usual image of those who had gone to rehab.

"No one believed me when I went to the authority" I said keeping myself from crying again.

She leaned on the sink again and put her hands on her chest, the same position she had when we first entered that room.

"I did" she whispered. "I do. . . I believe you, but I was also 13 that time, and if they didn't believe an intelligent girl like you? How are they going to believe a girl like me?" she explained her side.

The tears roll into my cheeks again, I am not mad that she didn't have the courage to help me in fact I am so happy to finally know that there is someone out there who believes in me. Someone who knows what I am going through, someone who took the time to think of me. All these years I thought I was being ignored, I thought no one will ever believe me.

"S-sorry if I didn't help you" she apologizes.

She looked at the ceiling trying to keep her tears from falling from her eyes. I feel so overwhelmed that I didn't help myself from running towards her and hugged her so tight.

"Thank you" I said. "Knowing that you believe me is enough reason for me to hope again." I added in between sobs.

She wrapped her arms around me, which surprised me again. But she immediately loosens my embraced.

"Come on, let's stop this drama it's ruining my make up" she said.

I smiled and we both wiped our tears.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me, I am not going to tell anyone" she whispered.

"Thank you"

Then she turned to the mirror and fixed her make up while I stood there and watched her.

"You don't need to wait for me, your secret is safe with me but we're still not friends"

I was a bit disappointed but I just nod at her as my answer and made my way out of the ladies room.


The bell rang for the last time to notify everyone that the day just ended (as if students don't know that). I feel much better after my conversation with Nicole earlier. I don't want to go home but I don't have any choice. For sure Dan is already waiting for me in the parking area.

After I dropped some of my books in my locker and tiredly made my way to the hallway.


I heard someone called my name but I didn't bother to turn around to know who it was. I'm sure it wasn't Nicole since we're not friends and also the voice sounded a guy. Maybe it was just some of the guys who love to make fun of others.

"I didn't know you walk so fast"

It was Max; for the past days

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