» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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her hand up ready to go back to sleep. But in the distance she hears a dripping sound. Wondering what it could be she gets out of bed, and walks down the hall to the kitchen. Nothing there, so she goes to the bathrom still hearing the dripping. Going into the bathroom she can hear the dripping perfectly. Turning on the light she sees piles of blood, and she turn and looks in the bathtub, she screams at the sight of Spot hanging from the shower head with his stomach slashed open and his guts falling out. Turning away she looks at the mirror and see written in blood. "Humans can lick too.""  He finishs.


"Holy shit!" I link arms, with him. "That wasn't cool!" I whisper glancing into te forest. 


"It's why I never wanted a dog as a kid." he laughs, and we laugh for awhile. "Wow.... it's a beautiful night." he calms down looking up at the stars. I look as well, and he is right. It's one of those perfect stary nights, where every once in a while you see stars twinkle and fall. 


"I wish time could freeze right here." I sigh, looking away from the sky. No worries, no queen/princess duties. No worrying about a letter from my parents. No worrying about a wedding. 


"Lyra, is it that bad?" He asks me, and I look to my left at him. He is still looking at the sky. 


"No," I  reply grabbing his hand. "I like it here with you and your family. I just don't know how good of princess I'll make." I admit, I've never really talked to him about this before. I hope he understands. I wasn't raised knowing I was going to be a queen, like he was. Hell I don't remember being raised to protect a royal family either! Thinking of my powers, I shiver I haven't used them since I came here. I'm probably a bit rusty. I wonder if Thayer knows I haven two elements. He must know I have one at least. 


"I'm sure you'll do great." He whispers grabbig my hand. He gives me a reassuring smile, and I squeeze his hand in return.  I hope he is right, if he believes in me and sees something in me obviously there is something there. "Oh,  Tatum said something to me earlier." He adds. I sit up straight, looking down at the fire. Oh I knew this was coming, but why now when we're having a great time! I look up hoping Tatum is listening in or something. "He was talking about how you don't know what to say to your parents." I let out a breath. Well, Tatum didn't start a huge fight. Yet. 


"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I want to say I'm doing fine and I'm having fun because I am. But I guess I just don't want to come off like I'm better then them now because I'm becoming a queen." I glance at him again, "Does that make any sense?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.  


"No. I don't think it's bad. I think you're over thinking it. Your parents will be happy that you're happy, they'll understand. I do think you should write to them though. Let them know we are feeding you." He chuckles, lightening the mood. I laugh quietly and shortly. 


"Well, I suppose I'll do that when we get back." I inform him. He smiles. A light wind blows through blowing my hair around, and sending shivers up my spine. It's  chilly out now. I'm sitting in my pair of swim shorts and a tank top with my wet swim suit still on.  


"Cold?" He asks. I nod. "How about we go inside now anyways? Get warm and non-wet clothes on. Watch some movies." He offers. I nod standing up and offering him a hand. We walk over to the cabin, and we go towards the one bedroom. Yes, there is only one bedroom. But we don't feel awkward about that. We've slept close together before. The first night that we were together, back in Spridge, I slept wih my head on his shoulder. Also the night before this he joined me in my room, since I played a nasty little joke on him.  He lets me take the bathroom, so I try to be fast showering and getting rready for bed with brushing my teeth, and cleaning my face. Once I finish, we switch places, and I head out to the couch area that has a projector to turn on and play movies like a movie theatre. Picking out a couple movies, I head into the kitchen making a bag of extra butter popcorn. Then I plop on the couch ready for movies. When Thayer finally comes out and joins me,  we pick out Bruce Almightly as the first movie, and we get right to it chowing down the popcorn, and laughing all the way through the movie.




"Lyra! Wake up!" I sit up, breathing heavey with sweat running down my face. I lay my face in my hands, calming down. Just once I wish I could remember what it was I was having a nightmare about! "Hey, you okay?" he asks rubbing my back. I nod, brushing my hair back with my fingers. We're still in the movie area. The play selection for Grown Ups is still up. He must've fallen asleep like I did. Grown ups was the fourth movie we watched. He lays back down pulling me with him, I place my head on his chest along with one of my hands. 


"I didn't mean to wake you up." I whisper after a moment of silence. Gosh I feel horrible, this is two night in a row that I have woken him up! 


"It's okay, when we get back maybe we will have Doc look at ya, see if maybe he can give you something that will help you sleep better. I just nod. The only doctor I want to see is Elijah. Shivering from thinking of him, I pull the blanket up by my shoulders Snuggling in closer to Thayer. Feeling his warm and reassuring hand rubbing my back, I slowly dose off as he does as well.


I sit up stretching out my arms, and looking out at the skt that burning through the windows. It's a beautful morning! Slipping off the matresss couch thing that we slept on, I head outside to the front door. I sit out on the bench on the deck, loving the warm morning sunlight. This place is really nice, it has a perfect view of a lake and a forest including the little patches of flowers here and there. the cottage it's self is actually quiet adorable as well, it's perfect for a small family. It only has one bedroom room, but that could easily be fixed. Although, I do't plan on starting a family. Or at least I don't plan on starting a family right now, or any time soon! While on the subject of kids, I don't know if I even want any! Obviously it's expected of me to have at least one kid, which will end up being a prince or princess. 


I move down into the sun, and I walk out to the edge of the dock. The sun reflecting off the water hurts my eyes, but I don't mind. I lay back, soaking in the sunlight. Thayer was right though. I do love it here, it's very nice. I love how it' quiet, and easy to here myself think. Perhaps though I am doing to much thinking. Thinking about children already even though we aren't married, and we haven't even really had a real kiss. I mean we've  techincally kissed twice. Once at that party, I kissed him the other day. Both of them looked like just real quick peck on the lips. Although, eventually more will be expected of us. Once we are married we will most likely share a room, and obviously be expected to be madly in love. Thinking about loving Thayer isn't hard for me though. I do love him already, I think it has a more brotherly type a feel to it. But if I love him in one way, maybe I can also end up loving him in another. 


Sitting up I kick my feet in the water, the day is new and bright. Why I am sitting here dwelling on the future I don't know. I should be smiling right now. It's often time that I don't smile while I am alone. When I am alone though I let my mind wonder. Like have been for the past 2 hours this morning. I look back up at the cottage, hoping Thayer is getting his sleep. The past nights I have wooken him up, and I'm sure he didn't fall asleep until he knew I was for sure back asleep. I should thank him. He wont take an actual thank you from me though, so I'll have to do something he can't refuse.  I'll make breakfast. Heading back inside I check to make sure he is still sleeping, which he is, and then I head straight to the kitchen, grabbing the pancake mix and milk. Turning on the radio, and dancing and singing along quietly to Blank Space by Taylar Swift,  I mix up the batter. I start toast while cooking a couple pancakes, and I also shake up the orane juice pouring into two cups one with two ices cubs. He like ice in his orange juice. I have three pancakes done and plate toast, I turn around placing the two plates on the barr, and I almost drop them, when I see Thayer sitting at the bar. I set the plates down and smile embarassed. How long has he been sitting there?


"I could wake up like this more often." He smiles at me, and I role my eyes but still laugh. I turn around and get started on another pancake. "What time did you get up?" he asks, and I can hear the butter knife sliding across the toast spreading more then likely butter on it.  


"Ahhh I think it was around seven. Maybe  even six." I reply looking at the clock, it's only nine. and I had to of sat outside for at least two hours. 


"You could've woken me up." He says, and I can feel his eyes on me. 


"I wanted you to sleep. I feel bad okay, I just wanted to make sure you got your sleep. Since I've woken you up the pas couple of days." I turn watching his reaction.


"Nahh, it's okay. I glad I'm there, I'm sure it helps you waking up with someone there telling you your safe." he wiggles is eyebrow at me. I let out a breath, he is right. I do feel a lot better, and I go to sleep a lot faster. As I finish p making the last of the pancakes I Sit next to him, getting myself my own breakfast. "Well, I didn't know ou could cook at all." He smiles at me, biting into his toast.


"I took food classes in high school." I scoff laughing. "Besides doesn't it run in my blood with my mother and all." I ask looking over at him. He is watchig me with an intense interest. "What?" I ask setting down the fork. Was he joking with me?


"High school.... the human high school." he notes, and I nod. "So... you really don't remember your schooling from Spridge?" I take in a breath. I know there questions were coming, but I didn't know when. I expected them to ome sooner but they didn't. I'm happy he wasn't all over me with the questions though. I wouldn't havve known exactly what to say. I still don't. 


"Yeah, it's all gone... other then the stuff that happened since they found me. Also the two years in the human world." I answer, grabbing some jelly and spreading a little on a bite

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