» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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get higher. " I take note, as to there is multiple twirls or what ever they are called in the dance. He takes a deep breath shrugging his shoulders. He is obviously nervous, and with him nervous it's going to make me nervous. "I'll get us down." I say, but how is the question. I can just drop us, it's not that far.  "Okay, I have to move us." I say and he nods. We stop dancing,and I wrap my arm around his waist and lean towards where the couch is. That will be the softest landing. Once we are hovering near it, I think about what I should do now. We wont both be able to land on the couch, so how do I do this? 


"What's that face for? Lyra? What are you going to do?" He asks, looking down at me. I've figured out a way to get this to work.  Although, he probably wont be happy about it.  "Lyra!" He speaks, and I look up with a sorry like smile. "What are you goin-" I  push him before he can finish. He falls off the tornado, and it takes him one second to hit the couch, it was only three or four feet.  He looks up at me like with a frown, but then he smiles. I smile back, then kill the torrnado and land next to him on the couch in a sitting position. "That was a new expirience." He sighs looking at me with a smile.  I let out a breath, and small giggle. 


"Sorry..." I say, he laughs shrugging his shoulders.  "At least I did it." I add feeling pretty proud of myself.  


"Yeah, we're getting closer!" He stands offering his hand. "Ready for another go?" I shake my head no, is he crazy!? "What? Come on Lyra you just did it we have to try again!" he states.


"What if I make another tornado? A higher one even?" I say, still sitting. I could seriously scare him, even hurt him!


"Fly with me." He says crossing his arms. I look up at him he has to be joking. He has the look in eyes that tells me he is serious, even has his arms crossed. He means business. I shake my head, no way. He is breaking his comfort zone when he doesn't have to. "Nope I'm not taking no for an answer. I'll pick you and carry you outside if I have to!" He warns, and I shake my head no again. "Alright..." he says walking towards me. Oh shit he is really going to grab me! I hop off the couch, but I'm to late. His arms wrap around me, and I holds on to me tightly. "You sure you want to run?" He asks laughing. I smile slightly. 


"You sure you want to fly?" I ask, looking him in the eyes. He nods, and I take a deep breath. Just do it! I jump up, and we take off up into the air. Thank god this place has high cielings. He grips my hand,  as I hover here in the air so he can get used to it somewhat. I've never had a fear of heights, so I don't know what to do. "Are you doing okay?" I ask.


"This is amazing!" He laughs, looking at the cieling and out the windows. "Can you just go as high as you wont?" he asks, now looking at me. I nod. 


"It's easier when your outside though." I reply, and he laughs. He doesn't seem to be scared of heights at all. Wouldn't he be like screaming and rying right now?  "Do you want to go outside?" I offer, and he nods. I fly us towards the music box turning it off. Then we zoom out the door and through the halls I see a coouple people in blurs, mostly worker but I think we past Chaston and Chase who were walking toghether. Once we're outside I fly up high above the trees takig it slow just in case he wants me to put him down. He hasn't said anything about being scared, he has only gasped and laughed. I fly towards the castle, up to the highest tower with the clock on it. Landing on the top and grabbing ahold of the top, I look out it's a beautiful view. All the gardens and the river ocean thing. The trees and the town.  "Beautiful isn't it?" I whisper, now watching him as he looks at all the views we have from up here. 


"Yeah." He smiles looking at me. "You're something else you know that?" he sighs. 


"I am?" I ask, looking out at the view again. 


"Yes. You're not like other girls. You prefer action and Syfi movies, you prefer a chucky doll over a teddy bear. You can't dance.. very good.. but you have these awesome powers and you're a kick ass ninja! You hate dressing up unless you know you need to.. you're tomboy." He informs me. I don't know where he is going with this yet, so I stay quiet. "But yet you're also one of the girliest girls I know. You still care what your hair looks like whether it's braided or in a bun. You're very picky with your clothing dresses espicially,  you like to cuddle and hold hands. You hate drama which most girls do.. but they just can't seem to stay out of it." He pauses again, and I'm getting the feeling this is going to be bad. "You're unique and different. Almost not scared of anything." I laugh now, looking down at the ground.  


"I have plenty of fears, Thayer. They just aren't the normal teenage girl fears." I interupt, looking at in the corner of my eyes. He is watching me, and I look up at the sky. The sun almost hitting it's peek. It must be ealry afternon only. 


"Tell me one?" he asks. I nod, what am I afraid of? I'm afraid of losing people, but everyone is afraid of that stuff. I'm afraid, Rashell is going to kill my family. Although I'm sure a couple people have that fear as well. I'm scared I'll never be happy when all of this is over.. if it ever is. He knows that already though. I don't have any normal fears though really. Not heights, not spiders, not really snakes.


"I'm afraid I will never fit in." I reply after a moment. "Losing my memories really took me out of the loop. I still don't know anything really. Just what I've learned in the past couple months when Chase found me. The other Elementals and I used to be really close, but now not so much. Chaston used to be my best friend, now we aren't. Sebastien and I used to be in love, and now..." I trail off. He gets the point. "My own parents are still practically complete strangers to me." 


"Well, even if you think you don't fit in here. I know you fit in at Caswan." he says. 


"Do I?" I ask. "I was supposed to be raised to protect a royal family. Not be part of one." I sigh.


"Maybe that's why.." He whispers and he lost me. "I believe in fate some what. I believe that fate took away your memories for a reason, maybe this is it." 


"I don't even know what happened.. It was bad that's all I've gotten. It killed an elemental, and I lost my memories. No one tells me anything. Everyone else seems to be over it. But's it's something I think about. While I'm alone it's alwys there in the back of my mind. What happened that day two and have years ago?"


"We should find out." He says. "Whlie we're here. If it's something you really want to know." he adds looking at me. I nod he has a point but who do we ask. I look out again, and scan over the gardens. Crows. There are crows  everywhere. A couple here and there. 


"Thayer, what dark force to crows belong to?" I ask.


"I couldn't tell you for sure, but I know it's not good. You think that's whats going on?" he asks, noticing them now too.  I nod, not liking where this looks like it's heading. 


"We should head back inside. Try that dance one more time." I sigh, holding out my hand and he smiles slightly taking it. We let go at the same time, and I jump off the building, and we fly out and I fly around a little bit wasting some more time. I bring us down and our feet land lightly on the ground, I let out a breath feeling good from the power usage.  "That was nice wasn't it?"  I ask. 


"It was..." he sighs. "Lyra... I know you're scared for the wedding. I don't want you to be, but I don't know how to help you." He says, I look at the ground he is right I'm terrified for the wedding. I didn't consider it one of my worst fears since it's going to happen. 


"I'm nervous.. isn't every girl nervous." I say, hoping we can drop the conversation. 


"Lyra." he sighs, and I scratch my eyebrow. "I know you don't want to get married.. but you're doing it for my people. I'm thankful. But you sai it yesterday that you do have feelings for me, so is the wedding really that bad of an idea." 


"I do have feelings for you, Thayer." I reply,  "It's just getting married so young... and soon." 


"Arranged marriage." He takes notice. "I remember you talking to me about how you we're once a long time ago engaged. You don't like the idea of it. That's holding you back I think." 


"I've told you how I feel." I say watching him now. "You know I do have feelings for you, and that I am going through with the wedding. I don't know how you feel though, whether you have feelings or even want this marriage other then to save your people." I get a little attitude with him. 


"You think I don't have any feelings for you?" He laughs, and I look away.  "I want to save my people yes, but Lyra I want to marry you." he scratches the back of his neck,  "You're my best friend, and the person you marry should be your best friend. You fit in with me, you help me be me."


"Thayer." I smile, tears coming to my eyes. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "You're my best friend." We're standing outside in the yard holding each other, then I pull away, and I sit on the ground. He sits next to me and we lay back looking at the sky. We chat about bird that we see flying most of them are crows but every once in a while there is another kind. I can't tell from this distance, but Thayer can. Then we move on throwing back and forth small little wedding details, like the kinds of flowers we both like, and a menu. Yeah we haven't decided on what to eat yet either. Time is running out for this stuff too!


"What about just normal roses?" I sigh, leaning on my side so I'm facing him. He shrugs his shouders, we drop the conversation. Neither of us really care. "We'll talk about that later." I say picking at the grass. We're both quiet, daydreaming off into space.


"Lyra," He whispers, and I open my eyes. "I was just wondering if you were awake." He sighs.


"Yeah.. do you want something?" I ask him, closing my eyes again. I'm surprisingly tired now for some reason.  I even let out a little yawn and it's just now the afternoon.  


"Not really.. but if you're going to fall asleep, do you want to go inside?" he asks, moving in closer.


"No.. it's nice out. Just stay out here with me in case I do." I reply, rolling in closer to him.


"Of course." He says wraping an arm around me. It's nice laying in the

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