» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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grass like this. It reminds me of the night at the cabin. Being out in the wilderness, but there is a castle like 20 feet away. I role again, so I'm facing him now. I cuddle in close, and he kissed my forehead. I look up at him, he is smiling down at me. I inch up a little so we are more even. "Lyra...?" he questions. I don't reply, I might not do it if I do. I lean in on my side, touching our lips. Gentle oh so gentle a kiss it is. I move away, snuggling back into him. "Lyra." He says, grabbing my chin. He moves down  so are faces are even again.


Not so gentle this time he pulls my lips to his. I cup his face in my hands, as a breeze blows over. He roles over taking me with him now, he stops hovering abve me. I giggle, as his hands tickle my sides, and I nibble his bottom lip. Again, a different Thayer he is more playful and dagerous seeming. Our kiss changes from a nice little peck to passion filled make - out session in seconds, but we still have control. We just don't care, if some one see's some one sees. What if Elijah sees? Well, we said goodbye. I can't keep going back to him either. I need to forget him. Thayer can make me do that. He makes me happy. Although sitting here in Thayer's arms and knowing he can make me forget Elijah practically breaks my hear. I don't want to forget him, but I have to. Pushing against his chest I flip us, now he is under me. I grab the colar of his shirt and pull him up so we are sitting. My fingers grip in his hair, and he wraps his arms around my waist. Golden eyes appear and I knew they would. I ignore them, and think about Thayer. I'm with Thayer. I have to be with Thayer! It makes my blood boil and not in a normal way, as the eyes slowly start fading away. It burns though, and I feel like I'm sitting in a volcano. My head hurts like hell, and I'm partly sure my heart is withering away. What's happening? I groan, but not in a pleasuring way. Thayer takes notice and pulls back.


"Lyra? What's wrong?" he ask, looking at me. My head is spinning, I'm going to be sick! "You're getting a fever!" he says, and I try to stand up and move away. I lose balance, and I feel grass beneath me. 

Chapter 6

 White. That's all I see. Oh, now I see a light fixture. The light is all to familiar to me. I'm  in the infirmery. I feel sore, like I swam thirty miles and tired. I glance at the I.V in my arm, that's probably not helping. A snore comes from the other side of the room, and I look over and see my parents both sleeping. They've been in here with me, I smile knowing this. My face drops. Elijah, he had to of been my doctor. He has been in here with me as well. I lay my head back against the pillow. Jesus what the hell happened anyways? 


"Mom... Dad.." I speak, and they imediately sit up. Not a very heavey sleep I see. "What happened?" I ask not wanting to a whole entire meet and greet while I'm laying in a hospital bed. They both get up walking over, they don't look scared or anything so it must be nothing serious. That's great.


"You just had weird attack. To much sun." my mom replies grabbing my hand. I nod, sounds alright to me. Although, I've gotten a lot more sun then that before.. hmmm.  "Hunny you should go get the doctor." My mom says, and my dad turns leaing the room.


"No." I speak, as the door opens. "Get Thayer. I want to see him." As Elijah walks in. I close my eyes. Great. This is just great.


"He can't see you right now." He speaks, and I can hear the jealousy obvious in his voice. I let out a breath, looking at my mom. She sighs, and grabs my hand. She isn't going to help me. "Actually I need you to leave the room Molly." He adds, and she nods not arguing. She gives me another smile, and leaves the room. It's just Elijah and I.


"How long do I have to sit in here for." I look up at the cieling. I didn't accept to see him so soon. In fact I planned on not seeing him again while I was here. Just being in the freaking hospital room with him, I can feel that pull. It's never been stronger. I'm guessing it's strong because the two of us are purposely trying to forget each other. Or at least I am. I don't know what he is doing.  I don't need to know either, it's not my business. Although thinking about hi being with other people doesn't make me happy either.


"You're fine now. But you almost killed yourself.. and me." He sighs. "That's why I've kept you in here. We need to talk." he is still looking at the machines, and paper work.  


"What are you talking about?" I say closing my eyes. "Besides isn't the queen gonna skin me alive now?" I ask.


"No. She isn't happy with you, but I think she realized she can't kill you." he replies. I sit up, she can't kill me? I look down the at the I.V wanting to take it out if  I don't need it. He reaches over and just pulls it out. It doesn't hurt, but I get upset and mad. He is mad, and jealous and pissed off! I'm still not following him. He lets out a breath, setting down the clip board, and I get a good look at him. He is more grey colored then his normal, and his eyes are dull. What the hell did he go through? "Great you should ask." he speaks. "I just went through the beginning of  the breakage process as you did to." I sit back, closing my eyes. So I didn't just get to much sun. 


"What happened?" I ask. Not really wanting to know, but needing to know.


"You tell me. All I know is one minute I'm fine, and the next I feel like hell, and I'm getting called to come and help you. I put two and two together. What were you doing?" He wheels his chair closer.


"Thayer and I were outside and  talking about the wedding." I begin, not really wanting to tell him we were kissing and I was trying to push him out of my head. Oh shit!


"Well..." He sighs sitting back. "There is the answer."


"I wasn't trying to hurt you.. or myself!" I defend myself right away. "I didn't know all this would happen. It's not like you haven't ever done it! What about all the times your with the queen? Never mind I don't want to know." I say. "Just let me out. I wont do it again."


"Lyra you almost killed yourself. I'm worried." he says sounding less mad now.


"I didn't know doing any of that would hurt me or you!" I repeat.


"It could kill you. It can't exactly kill me, but it can break my heart." he says and I glance at him. Wouldn't breaking a partner bond break any ones heart? "I mean really break my heart. Like I would become a feelings void, and it's very hard to regain your heart once it's broken."


"Oh." I say. I don't know what else to say. "Well, I wont do it again now can I go." I imagine Thayer wants to see me, and I would prefer to get out of the infirmery. It's never been my favorite place. I sit up again, hopping down from the bed.  I'm in a stupid hospital gown. 


"Lyra, what are you trying to do." he asks standing up, and walking over the the side of the bed I am on. He leans agains the bed arms crossed. I look at the clock, it's 9:21 P.M It's the same day still! That's great! "I wont let you leave the room until I have an answer." He speaks, and I role my eyes. Doesn't he have like other patients to worry about? The force between us is getting stronger, and it's drawing me towards him. That's a line I can and wont pass. 


"I can't kiss my fiancé now?" I ask. "That's what I was doing." I say my attitude maiking it's way out. 


"No need to be smart." He smirks. "You said it before you were trying to forget me." He smiles, "I'm in your head even when you're with him." I turn away, roling my eyes. He is right, and I'm not denying it. It's just he seems to be liking the fact that he is in my head at all times. When I'm guessing I'm in his to, and when he is around the queen t messes with him just like it messes with me while I'm with Thayer.  "The difference is that you try to ignore it. I on the other hand embrace it." I turn glaring at him. That's gross, I'm partly sure he just told me that while he is with the queen he thinks of me.  "No." He says flatly. "I meant that I follow what is says. I stop, they're warnings. That you might be forgetting your partner. So when you tried to push the warning away it had to create a bigger warning." 


"Okay, so from now on I'll listen to it!" I lose my patience. "What did you tell Thayer happened?"  I ask him. 


"He is the only one I told. He needs to know, that way you don't do it again." He sighs. 


"Are you kidding me right now!" I say, turning back to him. "You had no right to tell him that! Oh god, he wont even come near me now because of this!" I say. Now I'm panicing. 


"I had every right. I don't want you dead and neither does he." he replies.  I lean against the wall, I need to think about this. Oh god, Thayer what does he think? He wont ever kiss me again! In the future... kids.. I wont have any! Do I want any? At the moment no there is a crazy queen on the lose!  "Lyra, you're thinking about this to hard." he sighs. 


"Being partners means you're not supposed to be with anyone else." I speak, looking at the ground. "Because of that stupid queen of yours, she is causing all of these problems. She is causing us both this pain, I wouldn't have to forget you, if I wasn't engaged!" I say. Elijah stands walking closer to me. "No. Don't come any closer. You've been living here longer then I have. Dealing with all of this. You never said anything to anyone. You never told her off. Not until I came back. "I'm with some one else though.. I love Thayer, of course not as much as I love you... but I do love him. The queen got what she wanted. Now... I'm sorry, but we have

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