» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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to say goodbye." I whisper my last sentence. 


"Lyra, please don't there has to be a way." he speaks quietly. 


"There isn't anymore." I say wiping my cheek. "I'm getting married next month, and I'm guessing the queen has very special plans for you now that her husband is gone." I realize. "Neither of us were strong enough to stand up to her. Now we're paying the price. Goodbye Elijah." I say, leaving the room. I find a window, opening it and jumping out. No way am I walking through the castle in a hospital gown, I land on the back deck to our appartment and go inside heading straight into our room. I shower and change into a pair of sweatpants, and sweatshirt. I head out to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. Walking past the living room, I see Thayer sitting with his head in hands. Oh god. Poor Thayer. 


What on earth to say to him? It must've been so awkward for him, to have Elijah telling him. I wonder what he thinks. I should've asked Elijah, but then again I should ask Thayer myself. What if he regrets having feelings for me? I'm panicing again. I need to just go in a talk to him, but now I'm scared. He could reject me now. What am I going to do and say to him?! I need to go in. We need to talk. I slowly walk in and sit next to him, he doesn't move or say anything. We sit in the quiet, both of us thinking. This can go a bunch of different ways. Mostly bad. I let out a breath.


"You have to talk to me." I  whisper. I have not idea what to say. " I didn't know it would hurt me... or him. I didn't do it on purpose." I say trying to explain. 


"I'm happy you're okay." he speaks. "I just.. I wish you would've told me..." he says, he still hasn't looked at me. 


"Told you what though ... that while I'm kissing you my brain tells me I shouldn't be." I ask, but I don't want an answer. "Thayer I want to kiss you. That's why I was trying to ignore it, but doing that back fired." We sit in quiet again. I don't think he is really mad, just upset. 


"He said it almost killed you, Lyra. Meaning you kept going once it started.. why?" he asks. 


" I honestly don't know. I didn't know what was happening." I sigh, I'm getting jittery. It's from all my worrying I'm doing. 


"Don't ever. Ever. Do it again." He speaks, and I nod. I wont. "From now on you have to stop, when it tells you." he adds. I look at the ground. If I stop everytime it warns me then we wont ever be able to really touch each other. When we're adults, we will never be able to ave kids. Like I was thinking earlier though do I want kids? He must realize what this means, we will never ever be able to make love or anything. I feel tears coming, and I stand up leaving the room. He will never be able to truly love me, not knowing what he knows. Knowing that Elijah and I were meant to be together must be really hard on him. I can't tie him down. Not to me. But I can't not marrying him either, then his people will be in danger.  "Lyra.. open the door." I hear him on the otherside. I  reach up unlocking it I didn't realize I did lock it.  He sits next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.


"I wont be able to make you happy, Thayer." I say. "Not with all of this ... this stupid crap." I  say keeping my face hidden with my hands. I'm one of those ugly criers. 


"That's a bunch a bull." he sighs. "Lyra you have already made me happy." 


"I wont be able to please you then... how ever you want me to say it." I say, and he scoffs. 


"You really think that's what I care about?" He asks me. I don't reply, I don't know what to say. Isn't that what everyone eventually wants in a relationship? Well, kids even. If he ever wants kids!  "Lyra... please don't start this." he whispers. "Don't push me away. We're best friends, life is hell with out best friends." he pauses  "Espicially if you love you're best friend." he adds, I look up at him and he is looking up at the cieling. Did he just say he loves me? 


"Thayer... all of this means no kids in the future. No being able to really see each other. Doesn't that bother you at all?" I ask. 


"Will figure that stuff out when we get there." he replies right away. 


"You're to good to have to deal with me!"  I sigh, leaning against him, he just laughs. "It's true." I add. He kisses my hairline above my ear. 


"Hungry?" he asks. I nod. He stands up and hold out his hand for me. We leave the bedroom, and head out to the kitchen and the two of us make food. It's around ten now, so we try and keep it quiet unsure where his parents are and if they're sleeping. Deciding on grilled cheese, I get the bread and as he gets the cheese and butter. I let him do most of the cooking and I make us hot chocolate... that for some reason his parents packed.  I'm known for burning bread. My specialty is black toast. I drop in three marshmellows into each of our cups, and then I se our cups at the islancd so they're there when we're ready to eat. Out of know where a window flies open, and a bunch of crows come flying in! I duck as does Thayer as the ravage through the place, cawing or screeching what ever crows do. I crawl over to him, getting nipped at little by little.  "What is going on?" he asks, as we huddle together. They're destroying the place! I can hear glass breaking, and loud thuds. 


"Thayer! The stove!" I panic, she is trying to make it look like an accident! I stand up dashing to the stove, crows wipe past my face and into me as I fight throw the cloud of black feathers. There has to be more then five hundred birds in the place! I reach the stove, trying to see which switch turns it off, which is hard with feathers everywhere. Including I'm getting knocked around by the stupid things. I finally get it off, and I crouch back downI start forming snow balls and throwing them up into the smear of feathers, but it doesn't seem to be helping. A tornado would work but it would a lot of damage. Well it's not like the crows haven't done enough of that! "Thayer, grab a hold of something sturdy!" I yell, hoping he can hear me. Again crows screaming and wings flapping.


Starting a small tornado on my hand, I get as big as I can. Then I twirl, and the wind blows! I watch as swirls of grey and dusty and wind mixed with black. The crows noises die down fast, but that might be because of the wind. I have know idea what is going on now! I might just being seeing swirls of feathers that fell from the crows, but what if they are still in here? I'm gonna have to take the chance, and this isn't going to feel to good. I kill the tornado and plummet to the ground smacking my stomache to the floor. The wind clears, as do the crows. I have no breath at the moment it all came out when I fell, and as I try to regain it. I can hear Mr. and Mrs. West yelling and asking what happened. I role over so I'm on my back, I'm gonna hurt in the morning. Hell I'm hurting already! I look at the cieling as I see black bird feathers raining around yet, and I growl in disgust. This was Rashell's doing! I sit up, as I start breathing again I check on Thayer.  He is okay, and so are his parents, they were in their room sleeping. I excuse myself, leaving the disaster of a home, and I go find my way to Rashell. She is obviously awake, most likely in the throne room. She had to of known that no one would she knew I wouldn't let that happen. It was a warning, but for what?  Stomping right in while pulling feathers out of my hair, I interupt her and Elijah. Thank god they were just talking!


"Lyra, what on earth on you doing? This is extremely rude!" Rashell snaps right away, and I role my eyes, and just laugh at her.  "What a rude child." She says, reaching towards Elijah. Using him as if he will protect her. She isn't actually scare of me at though, she should be, but she isn't. 


"No!" I snap stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I don't want to go any closer to either of them right now. I actually try and ignore that Elijah is even in here. She planned this, she knew I would come here, she wanted him here to throw me off. Well it's not going to work! "What's extremely rude, is sending your ugly ass birds into the appartment you have us staying in! You destroyed your own building, and put the the West family at risk. I'm not okay with that, so if that is the way you will treat your guest we will leave. I don't want to be here anymore then you want me here."  I speak clearly and fluently. Never faultering and never leaving her eyes. I mean business, and even though Elijah is here, and I know he is worried. He isn't in danger, Thayer and his family are!


"Are you acussing me o-" she begins acting all confused. 


"Oh save it!" I say, "I may be a young child to you, but I'm not. I don't appreciate you threatening to kill people  I care about, even though killing people  ... even people that you should love... seems to be easy for you." my attitude pokes out again. I might have over spoken my boundaries this time. 


"What an evil little little girl!" She screams, stepping down the stairs. "How dare you come to my home. My kingdom, and say these absurd things, even to my son!" She points at me, I can see the smirk on her face. She knows I can't really say anything for sure. I can't report her, I can't do anything I have no proof. Elijah stays up by the thrones, almost as if he is tied up there. Can he not see what she is doing? He can read her mind he has to know. Why is he not fighting against her? Now isn't the time for this. 


"I told him the truth! Isn't that what you ask of everyone in your kingdom. Telling the truth?" I ask her and she faulters, for a milimeter of a second. I am breaking her down. Slowly but surely. I smirk now, and she grits her teeth. "You've been lying for years though haven't you? To your kids.. to your husband to my parents your so called friends. You thought you could get away with this shit." I pause, I did just swear at the queen. "I'm not leaving. I wont leave until all of your lies have came up, that I promise you. Be prepared, Rashell. You're life will be hell." I smile at her, as she doesn't know what to reply back. I see her arm fly up, I reach over, grabbing it before it hits me. Her breath hitches, and I glare at her. "Never. Ever try to hit me again." I threaten.


"Or what?" She laughs. I form a snow ball behind my back, smiling at her. She doesn't

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