» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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know or see it coming. I smack the snowball on her head and she flinches and gulps in a breath at the coldness.  


"All lot worse next time." I warn her again, and leave the room. I go back to the aparment steaming, and mad. Elijah didn't say or do anything. What said is he on? Right now not the right one that's for sure. I go in and sit down with Thayer and his parents.  I explain to them everything, about Rashell and all she has done. Leaving ut all of the stuff with Elijah, cause they don't need to know that. Thayer knows that already anyways. I was as the expressions become more and more grim. Explaining to them how they are in danger, and that they... all three of them need to go back to Caswan where they are safe.


"What about you dear?" Mrs. West ask me, and I smile at her. She is worried about me, that makes me feel warm inside.  


"Yes." Thayer speaks, he is the one who will take the most convincing to go. "What about you?" 


"Thayer, you're aren't safe here. I will stay and take care of her. Then once it's safe again I will return to you." I say, and he shakes his head no. This will be harder then I thought, he is stuborn and I will really have to push him. "It's for your own protection Thayer," I gesture to the destroyed place. "She isn't going to stop theses attacks are only going to get worse."


"I agree my parents need to leave, but I'm not gonna leave you hear." he says, and I see the look in his eyes. I wont be changing his mind. Not unless I go back wih him as well.  "How soon can you guys leave?" Thayer asks, and then they all scrambling around for the West's to leave. Okay, well at least his parents are safe, beside he'll be with me, I'll protect him. I will, nothing will happen to him. Once the Mr. and Mrs. have all of their things in the car we say our goodbyes, and Thayer and I practically push them down the back way from the castle.  


"You should have went with them." I say with my arms crossed, what if I can't protect him? How many people are that list already? My parents, the other elementals, Sebastien, Chaston, Thayer. I've decided to take Elijah off the list. Only until I know where he stands, and if he chooses the queens side then he'll stay off. I'm only one girl, including right now only one person from that list even knows they are in danger! Although Sebastien and Chaston aren't really in danger, I just don't want them to be sucked into what ever evil Rashell is working with. Also the other elementals can protect themselves, but right now they too don't know what's going on. I need to tell them, but I'm guess half of them wont believe me. Flora might and maybe Asia. Sierra wont, and I don't know about Janessa.   I look at Thayer who is glaring at me for my comment. "I'm happy you're here though, now I'm not alone." I reply, and smiles slightly.


"Plan?" he questions as we walk back inside.


"Finding the elementals." I inform him. "We need a bigger and stronger team, if we plan on taking down a queen working with evil."

Chapter 7

 As we near the training building looking for Theodore, we talk about how to go about telling people the queen ins't a good guy anymore. We can't just blurt it out, that will make us seem like the bad guys wont it? But we also need to hurry. Once we're inside I head straight up to his loft, since it's  past midnight I assume he is sleeping. He is the first person next to the other elementals that we need on our side. He is an expert trainer, he can train people. I knock on the door, and it's quiet, but I can hear shuffling and lots of it. What's going on?  The door flies open, and it's Theodore shirtless with shorts shoved on. Oh, I got it. 


"Oh god... sorry." I say. Loud enough for Janessa to hear as well. "Theodore I didn't mean to interupt .. but we need to talk." He isn't embarassed at all, but Janessa peaks around the corner in a shirt only.. she is. 


"Is it really that important?" She asks, from behind the cornner. Theodore sighs, looking from me to Thayer. 


"Would I be here this late if it wasn't?" I whisper to him. He sighs, and opens the door for us to come in. Janessa turns and I hear a door slam.  "I didn't mean to cause problems... but there is a bigger one brewing." I inform him. Hopefully this will kill two birds with one stone since Janessa is here as well. Thayer and I  go to the table that seat four, and we wait for the two of them to come back out.   As they take their seats, I look at Thayer and he nods. I'm losing confidence here, I mean I'm one teenager! "Okay... now I need you both to hear me out. No matter what I say, listen til the end." They are both confused now, and I take a deep breath. I launch into my theory on the queen working with a great evil that has something to do with crows, and how she killed Mr. Holt. I do leave out Elijah.  He is unneeded information, and that will open questions that are off topic.  "I need to know if I have people with me to fight against her." I finish, and they are both gaping at me with there mouths wide open. 


"Let me get this straight..." Theodore begins. "Rashell is working with evil, and you're the only one who knows. So you want to fight back?" I nod, also pointing at Thayer. He knows as well, but he doesn't count much I guess. 


"I wouldn't have came here in the middle of the night if something wasn't up... you know me Theodore." I say rubbing my forehead. He sits back thinking real hard about it. At least he is thinking, and not just telling me I'm crazy. I look at Janessa and she is looking at me, studying me. What does she think of all of this?


"I believe you." She speaks, and I don't know what to reply to her. "Something is up with the crows, and Rashell has seemed different. She didn't really grave over Edmund's death either. It all makes sense." She admits, Thayer grabs my hand under the table.  "Theo you know it to, we were just talking about how different she has been since Lyra came. It's because Lyra is the only one who sees through her crap." He is still quiet, and I bite my lip. Janessa is on board, that's one elemental. Now we just need one expert trainer, and the other elementals. 


"I believe you." he sighs, looking up at me he is sitting directly across from me. "What can we do though?" he asks. 


"I ran away once." I say looking at Thayer, "Since I left things have gotten even worse, and I'm not scared anymore.  I am an elementals I'm supposed to protect people, Sebastien and Chaston, Edmund..." I trail off. "We need to fight back before it's to late."


"We're in." Janessa stands up, "Where and when do we start?" she smiles, ready for action.  


"We need to get the others." I tell her and she sits back down. "Tomorrow I plan on coming to training. We'll talk to everyone tomorrow. For now we need to sleep." Now I stand as does thayer, we thank them and leave them to do what ever for their last night of peace. Now Thayer and I have to find somewhere to stay. "We can go to my parents place, just for the night." I hug him, and jump. It's quiet a walk, so I'll just fly. I land on the back deck and we slip inside. I lead him to my old room, and I'm happy to see it' still got my bed in it. We slip in, and snuggle together, again last night for peace and safety. Last night for getting a good nights sleep I'm guessing. 




I'm sitting in the window sill, waiting for Thayer to wake up as I watch the sun come up. I got a good three or four hours of sleep that's enough. I'm sure I could just go back to sleep, since it was just another anoying nightmare that woke me. I'm to anxious though, so much is going to happen in the next couple of days. People might die! I might die! I'm putting everyone at risk, but aren't the elementals supposed to do this can't of stuff? Thayer isn't, and Theodore can can both ways. Neither of them have to fight, as long as they're on the right side that's all that matters! I can hear my mom getting up, she has to start making breaking now. I want to go say something, but for now I need to leave her and my father out of everything. Until  the actually fight begins. If they don't suspect anything they will be safe. I listen to her humming in the kitchen as her coffee cooks, and I wonder why she doesn't just make the coffee in the other kitchen. After a couple minutes, I hear the front door open and close. She is gone. I look at the clock in the room it is six in the morning. I'll let Thayer get a couple more hours. Besides training isn't until later tonight anyways. I leave the bedroom quietly, going to the kitchen and grabbing a banana. 


I wonder how far we will get today? Everyone should hopefully be at training later, and hopefully with already having Theodore and Janessa on our side things shouldn't be to hard. The thing is though, that Elijah goes to the group practices,  just to be there in case someone gets hurt. What will happen with him being there? He already knows all of, but will he say anything? I need to think of a way to talk to the others, with him not getting in the way. Another thing I need to do is talk to Tatum, with things about to go down having him to help wouldn't be horrible either. So, I'll have to get ahold of him some how today too. Going back to my problem with Elijah though... what should I do? At the moment I have no idea what side he is on, I would hope he isn't really on the queens side and he just waiting for the right time to come back to me. Maybe that's actually what he is doing keeping me safe. Although he told me yesterday that the queen wont kill me anymore, but I'm not gonna hold anyone to that. I'm still not gonna relax around either of them.  


I go back to my room unsure when my dad wakes up, and I would prefer he didn't see me. I sit in there thinking about what I can

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