» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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it just floats. What the hell is it? No feathers, just black smoke or fog. With silver blue eyes! They seem to be familiar. Watching as it hold up an arm, and a black looking lightening bolt. What the hell? I watch longr speechless, as it raises it's arm aiming. I try and follow where it's going and it's down at someone. I watch closer, and then I realize what ever it is. It's being a threat! It throws it's arm forward, and I run realizing it's going towards Elijah too. He is leaning over Sierra still help her. 


"No!" I yell, jumping right over Elijah and it strikes me. It sends shocks through me, and I loose all feeling.I colaspe not able to move or feel anything! I can see the figure though as it watches me for a second it's silver eyes locking with mine. Then it fades away. 


"Lyra?!" Elijah says, now hovering by me. I'm struggling to focus my eyes, and I inch my arms towards my torso. I feel goey stuff, and I know I'm bleeding again. 


"What happened? Where did that come from?" I hear voices start babbling, and Elijah does something to me. I can see him having a hard time focusing to. My blood and lots of it is spilling. More shuffling happens around me, but I focus on Elijah's face. 


"Lyra, I need you to talk. About anything, just stay awak and talk."  Elijah says looking my in the eyes, and I blink a second.  "Hey, come on. Don't scare me." He says. 


"How much have I lost?" I breath out, talking is hard at the moment. I gulp in air, okay what the hell was I hit with?  He doesn't reply, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. "What was I hit with?" I ask a different question, and he lets out a breath. 


"It's supposed to be ment for vampires, I have not idea how it's going to affect your system." He admits. "You took it for me. Why?" he asks. Now it's my turn to ignore a question. My throught tickles, and I don't think I could speak anyways. I cough slightly and it sends me into a wave of coughing, and the next thing I know I'm throwing up.  I get flipped over so now I'm on my stomach, and I hear screaming and lots of running around. I'm puking up blood, okay this isn't good. My head is feeling dizzy, and I know I'm losing to much. 


"Elijah..." I panic, trying to wipe the blood from my mouth. He is trying to get everyone calmed down, and get them all back. "Blood..." I cough up more. I'm loosing to much, I need his and he knows it. Although I might just puke it up so what good would that do? I start getting black spots in my eyes,  and I lay my forehad down on the ground that way if I pass out I'm not gonna I wont bang my head on the ground. I'm moving, and I open my eyes slowly to see Asia and Sierra sitting on the ground in front of me. "Whaa.." I slur out trying to understand. I wrist get shoved in my face, and brought to my mouth.


"Come on, Lyra." He whispers, holding me close. Gosh everyone is watching.. Thayer is here! I'm dying so who cares?! I hear his sharp intake of breath, as I clamp down. Closing my eyes, I drink up. His grip around my waist tightens, and I know how hard this must be for him. He is getting the most sexually activuty from this, and he is managing it like a boss. Although I didn't want it to be like this. I wanted it to be because he wanted me too, and because we were having a moment. Not for saving my life for the third fucking time. After a minute, I push it away from me. I want more, and I'm sure he didn't want me to stop either but we needed too. But any longer and I don't know if he would be able to keep up his resolve. I take a couple deep breaths, still with my eyes closed. I feel a lot better actually. "You're going to throw up again, but it will just be the rest of the acid making it's way out of your system." He says. Just after that I lean over as I throw up a bunch of black shit. 


"Thank you." I say, wiping my face. I stand up shaking myself off. "Damned demon birds and evil shit. When this is over I'm vacationing at some freaking beach!" I say. I don't even look at Thayer I don't want to see his face.  I look down and offer Elijah a hand up, and he takes it. 


"Evil birds? ... ahhh when whats over?" Sebastien speaks, and I look a him. 


"You know what." I say, and he opens his mouth ready to speak but then closes it. "Let me guess she told you I was crazy, and jealous?" I say. He just nods, I send Elijah a quick looks, also loking at his clothes. Bloody.  "Elijah you should go. Change out of that." I say, gesturing to the blood. He nods, and leaves without a goodbye. 


"Sebastien knows what?" Chaston complains, "I'm always out of the loop." I give Theodore and Janessa a look and they nod. It's time. "Some one gonna tell me what's going on?" 


"You're not gonna like it." I sigh, and Theodore and Janessa nod in agreement. I hop into the same explaination, I gave them yesterday, still leaving out Elijah. ".... And now she sent the birds here so I couldn't talk to all of you about this... but it failed."  We're all quiet, and Thayer makes his way to stand next to me. He doesn't grab my hand or anything but he is still there. Seeing that probably didn't help the case, but I'm sure he is happy I'm alive! I look at everyone, they're all pretty shocked. Oh boy, we might be here a while.


"You two believe her?" Asia is the first one to speak, and Janessa and Theodore nod. "Everything you said does make sense." She sighs scratching the back of her neck, 


"Where is everyone! Is everyone okay?" Chase's yells running into the building, I forgot all about him! 


"I believe you, I've noticed it. I'm happy I'm not the only one!" Sierra says and she inches over to my side. I'm suprised, but happy.  Asia doesn't say anything but she comes over to, leaving Flora, Chaston, Sebastien, and  now Chase. Where is Frederick? Maybe he moved back to where ever, since him and Sierra broke up. Not the focus right now Lyra! I look at my side happy  this was easier then I thought. "Flora you know Lyra has a point." Sierra says to her. I'm still surprised she is over here, I did just knock her out about two hours ago!


"It's the queen guys." Flora says, she is going back and forth. I'm working on Chaston right now, eyeing her to get what she thinks. 


"Think about it Sebastien, Chaston." I begin. "Has she ever really mourned you fathers death? Has she not been different since the crows started appearing?" I say, Sebastien looks down. He knows what I'm talking about, and he knew the first time.  "Chaston, come on. I know it's hard because she is your mother, but she needs to be brought to justice! She just attacked this place!" 


"Chaston...she is right." Sebastien whispers, holding out a hand to her. She glares at him for a second, but her face goes to a frown. I see tears form in her eyes, and she grabs his hand. Chase walks on over to my side without really knowing whats going on, all that's left is Flora. She is looking at us all, and she is still confused. Elijah comes back in, but he is different. He looks more proffessional, and unreadable. Rashell talked to him! Oh god what happened? Then Rashell herself appears next to him, she is glaring at me. I stand straight not afraid. I wont back down.  


"Well.. well.." She smiles walking in Elijah following behind her. What did she say to him? What is she holding against him?! I walk up to Flora and push her behind me,  standing in front of everyone. "So... you managed to tell them. Even my own kids believe you." She says to me. 


"Because they know what's right, unlike you." I say my voice sounding strong and brave, she frowns at me glancing behind me. I'm assuming at her kids, and I hope this is proving to them that she isn't a good person anymore. I take the second to look at Elijah who is standing at attention behind her, he is looking somewhere off in the distance. What did she do to him?  "Wanting to see the damage you caused?" I shake Elijah off my mind, and gesture to the training center, it's even worse then the appartment.


"It's not as bad as I had told them to do, I wanted a couple wounded elementals as well." She admits, no longer hiding. I can hear the sharp intake of breaths behind me.


"You just want me dead." I say, trying to make her not seem like she was trying to kill her kids, even though she might've been.  "But you know you can't kill me now, not unless you want someone else dead as well." I cross my arms, glancing at Elijah behind her. I didn't say his name though, and I hope she doesn't. Maybe I shouldn't have mention him. Oh well, they are going to find out sooner or later. She doesn't say anything she just glares at me.  "I think you should leave." I finally say before she can say anything about it. 


"Leave? This is my kingdom." She smiles, gesturing around her. 


"It wont be for long." I say, and I notice the other elementals stand beside me now. All of us in a line, looking ready for a fight.  "You're a bit out numbered at the moment." I take note.


"This isn't over. I will come back." She speaks loud and clear. "To my children... the next time I see you, you must choose whos side you are on." Then she looks back at Elijah, holding out her hand. He looks up at me. I shake my head, don't go with her! Stay here! Anything! He looks away taking her hand, and throws something to the ground and in a poof of black feathers, they dissapear. I fall to my knees, pounding my fists on the ground.  


He went with her. He choose her! Oh god what does that mean, what's going to happen? It's like Romeo and Juliet all over again but even more serious! How could he do this? He just was in the bathroom practically begging for me to be with him, and now he chooses her and the evil side sense I said no? 


"Lyra, maybe he is protecting you some how. Don't loose your faith." Thayer whispers grabbing my arm and standing me up. He is right I shouldn't lose hope just yet, then I realize it's Thayer I'm talking to. I close my eyes, now isn't the time to do this. 


"Well, you all believe me now?" I say finally, and they all just nod. "Now, we have some war tactics to work out." I say, rolnig my shoulders. My whole body is tense from standing up to her.  "Thayer, what did Tatum say?" I ask.


"He said he will get troops ready." Thayer replies. 


"Already ready." Tatum appears beside me. I look a the others some look unsure. 


"We need more people if we want to win." I say, "Tatum is here to help us, shouldn't we be greatful?"


"Not just Tatum." Another girls voice, comes into play I look behind me. I freeze looking from Tatum to the girl. "Nice to finally meet you,

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