» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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Lyra. I assume you're Thayer, and I'm guessing I know who all of you are as well. I'm Tracy." Chapter 9

After we have everyone calmed down about working with the Drarkals, we sit up in Theodore's loft talking more about how we can defeat this unknown enemy, and the queen. No has really talked about the option of killing the queen, but who ever the other enemy is they so far haven't lived in one scenario that has been made. We don't even know who or what it is. 


"Hey... It's funny though.." Theodores voice breaks through my chain of thoughts. Funny? Did he just say funny? How in the hell is ay of this funny?! Everyone quietes down so he can explain. "Doon't you guys remember?" He asks, looking around the room. No one says anything. "The accident... it's been in front of us this whole time. The crows, are back, and-"


"Theo." Janessa  interupts, and everyone turns their heads and looks at me. I'm looking, at the floor thinking. The accident? There was crows at the accident?  How didn't any one else pick up on that? What happened that day, I need to know.


"What happened." I speak, still not looking up at them. Thayer sits next to me, and I lays a hand on my back. Well, at least he is being semi reasonable. It feels nice knowing he still cares... hopefully. 


"She needs to know you guys.." Theodore speaks. No one argues with him. "Alright then... one day we were all here training...." He trails on telling me everything from that day. The attack, from black shadowed creatures, and the loud caws and screams from birds that were never seen. How Emilia, the orignal air elemental, was killed from saving me! How I went all ice zombie  warrior, and fought on meeting a black figure with yellow eyes that was in the sky. "The figure said it didn't want to hurt you... that you weren't supposed to be there, but you still attacked it. The figure shot an arrow at you, and it struck you in the side. Then you disapeared as did the figure and it's shadow creatures." He finishes. I sit, not understanding. I was thinking something really bad happened. That doesn't sound so bad. "The figure knew you Lyra, it didn't kill you like we thought it did. All it did was relocate you and make you forget you're life here. There has to be a reason." 


"I don't... know." I say. "I saw the figure today.. black with yellow eyes. That's what threw that thing at Elijah... Dr. Drake." I say, and I figure I shouldn't use his first name. Not now, we don't or at east I'm still figuring out where he is in all of this!


"Did it bring any memories back?" Janessa asks, and I think long and hard. Does any of that ring a bell? Me saving the day, a girl dying right in front of me. I didn't save her. Why didn't I save her? Why wasn't I fighting? 


"No. It's doesn't." I say standing. I pull my from Thayer's grip, and I leave the room. Why wasn't I fighting? Why did Emilia have to save me? Was I not a fighter before? Emilia, he name was Emilia. She was the oldest out of all of us, the most trained. The best fighter. She saved me, and died doing it. I leave the building, taking in the fresh air. Even the area around the training center is trashed. Fallen trees and other depri scattered around the whole place.


The black figure, didn't want to hurt me the last time. This time it wasn't trying to hurt me either. It was trying to hit Elijah, I just got in the way. The people I care about, the people around me are in danger. I'm puttig my friends in danger! I will not let anyone else die. Emilia is the last one, I will die before any one else. Back to the figure though. It said it knew me, and if it is the same thing or person it still knows me! It send me to the human world. It took away my memories. It wanted me out of the fray, why?  I run back to the castle, I need to talk to my parents.


Once I get to the castle I'm glad to see it's still in one piece. I run inside and towards my parents home. I get there, and I find then in the kitchen delibrately talking about the Queen and Elijah being gone.


"I told her to leave." I say making myself known. They both look at me, and I tell them everything. Still leaving out Elijah. "You're beloved queen," I laugh, "Has been lying to you this whole time." I finish and they sit quietly staring at me with open mouths. "That isn't why I'm here, though. I'm here to ask you guys about a black figure with yellow eyes."


"Yellow eyes?" My dad asks, and I nod. "We don't know anyone with yellow eyes." He says, they are trying to wrap their brains around all the new information. It's a lot, but they need to know. 


"I figured... but who ever it is they know me." I sigh, leaning against the wall. What on Earth is with all this secret shit! Why can't things be straight forward with no secrets! Although secrets are helping me as well with Elijah.  I look down at my wrapped hand, it tingles slightly just thinking about him. I'm gonna have a mark now on my hand, as he will on his wrist. I'm gonna have to keep my hand wrapped or covered. 


"Fine, but you know everything now. Be careful and don't trust any of the castle workers!" I say leaving. I cant sit here and be around them. just in case another wave of crows comes, or the figure even. I head to the kitchen, and throw a bunch of food into a bag. Then I carry it back to the training center. I'm guessing we wont have time to do any actual shopping, and Theodore's loft is the only place we can be without anyone maybe catching us. His loft is set up to be a bomb shelter, that isn't on the ground. Hence why it's still standing and untouched on the inside becaus the birds couldn't even crack it's shell.  


"Hey." Tatum greets me, he opened the door. 


"Hey." I reply,  walking in and setting the back of food on his table. I start pulling stuff out and putting it away in spots. I have no idea what to do right now. Everything accept my one secret is out on the table, what else should we do. I should tell everyone about Elijah, but I can't. Not if he really does choose her. My hand tingles, and I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and lock it. Unwrapping my hand I look at the mark. Yeah, it's sure there and pretty easy to see. I look at my reflection, I do look better, My hair calmed and bright. My eyes are alive again, and I didn't even realize they werent before until I see now there is a difference. Pulling out the first aid kit from under his sink, I braid my hair back first, and then rewrap my hand. I come out, to see  everyone together in the kitchen cooking. I smile it's a nice sight to see after everything. Even Tatum and Tracy are helping, and everyone is okay with it and normal about it. I'm still a little iffy with Tracy, but I always knew Tatum was a good guy no matter what his kind is. 


We all sit around eating, there was spaghetti made and chili and mac and cheese. A little of everything, and we all just chat telling funny stories as if nothing is wrong. We're just a bunch of friends hanging out. I wish life was like this all the time, I wonder what made the queen  go all crazy evil though. What got he mixed up in this? It's not just her jealousy for Elijah. That can't be it. There is something else, but what? I mean maybe part of it is  the jealousy and anger she holds towards me,  for having Elijah and Sebastien, who used to like me. I think he has moved on. Or at least gotten the picture that me and him just wont work. He is still garden boy though, cute and hot, funny, and a nice polite guy. Other then his thing with the blonde girl. Although I haven't seen him with her since. I haven't seen him with anyone in fact. Other then the elementals and his sister, and Chase.  I shake away all of my thoughts on Sebastien, not important. I need to talk to Thayer. That's what is important, other then of course the evil war going on. 


Later on once we've all worked cleaning up the place, and the meal. We all split off into small groups.This is the time Sebastien and Chaston take to talk about there mother, couple group wanting to be together for on last night. I'm leaning against the counter in the kitchen, alone. I watch everyone now smiles gone and sadness taking over. Thayer is talking to Chase, I have  no idea what about. I see Tracy and Tatum, and I smile slightly. Tatum looks semi annoyed, but I can see in Tracy's face that she is in love with him. It sends a shiver up my spine, they are brother and sister. They even look alike, as if I seen them just walking down the street I would know they were family. Not Engaged. I turn looking out the window, It's dark, with the night coming.


Out of know where, thunder roars and lightening strikes, and the power blinks out. The room goes quiet, as the power stay off, and the noises outside get louder.  This is weird, not a normal storm. Something else is doing it. But how? The elementals are here, no one is using there powers. Abruptly it stops, and the black figured with it's beaty yellow eyes appears outside the window. He or she or it, is staring directly at me. The power blinks back on and I tear my eyes away from the thing, checking on everyone else. Tracy is squeezing Tatum, obviously scared, and to think she was threatening to kill me! The elementals are standing ready to fight, Chaston and Sebastien are standing as well. Theodore is still sitting and he is looking at me. Trying the best I can, I ty to say to him with out actually speaking to keep everyone inside. 


"I'll be back." I say, and turn towards the door. There is slight comotion behind me, but Theodore's voice interupts, telling everyone to just stay put for right now. I leave, happy Theodore understood what I wanted him to do. I head down the stairs slowly walking towards the figure. Eyeing me still but unmoving the figure waits until I'm stand across from it. "Okay... you got me out here. What do you want?" I wonder if it can even speak. I haven't heard it speak

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