» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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before. Up close like this I see more features. I see it has a mouth, and a nose. It's hard to make out still but its there. It looks human, other then the black shadows. 


"Don't you want to ask me who I am?" It's a guy! The yellow eyes narrow, and getting a better look at them I see some flicker of resemblance. Not as if remembering from a memory, but like connection wise. Like relation some how. "It's been a long time, and my arrow affected you more then I wanted it to." He sighs, "You were only supposed to forget fighting me, not your whole life. I sent you to the human world that way I could talk to you on level ground, but when I seen all of your memories of this life were gone I decided to leave you alone. Now you're back though. I want what's best for you Lyra, I'm trying to protect you. I hoped Tatum would suceed, I inched him towards you, without him knowing it. He found you on his own, he knew who you were, and he still wasted the time getting to know you. He fell in love with you. But that's when complications came along. "


What? How does he know all of this? Who is this? This darkness surrounding him, is fake, it's a cover. Hiding his face. Who is underneath the mask though?


"You killed Emelia." I say, not wanting to ask obvious questions. "Why did you kill her?" He holds up a hand and with a flick of his wrist, a figure appears. A girl, long dirty blonde hair, dressed in normal Spridge clothing. She has muscle and looks to be around seventeen or eighteen. It's her. Emelia. 


"Emelia.. knew what I was after. Her and I went way back, we were once engaged you see. But once my true nature was shown I was casted out, my parent's didnt want me anymore, and Emelia hated me. I left and didn't cause any problems, Of course I went away, while gone I created my own people and my own kingdom. Waiting for the right time to come back. Then you were born." He goes slowly, making sure I understand. Which I do, but don't. "I drew back, and waited until you were old enough. Of course around the time you were born all the other elementals were too. I waited watching you grow stronger. I knew the adults were taking causions with you, after what happened with me they didn't want another child going bad. They didn't teach you how to fight properly, and you were weaker then everyone else. The King and Queen scared of you, even our parents were scared of you." He stops. 


He said our parents. I noticed that. What?


"I decided enough was enough on the date of your thirtenth birthday. I came to come and get you, train you properly wait until you turned eighteen so your true nature would show. Things got messed up, and Emelia wouldn't let me take you. She had to get out of the way somehow, and in her last breath she granted you her powers. Making you even stronger, you just don't know what you can all do!" He grins.  "I shot the arrow at you, so you would forget Emelia's death, and the battle. So I could talk to you, but like I said before that isn't what happened." He comes to an end.


"Who are you?" I ask, keeping my guard up. "Why are you working with the queen?"  He scoffs and me mentioning the queen. 


"The queen, is an unstable child who thinks she has powers that are stronger then mine. She doesn't. I used her to get to you." He sighs bored onthe subject. "As for who I am, I wish I didn't have to tell you. But no one remembers me. Only Mom and Dad, and the Queen, with the dead king that means only three remember me. The rest of Spridge was drugged to forget me." He  frowns, but he isn't actually upset. He is talking as if he knows me, yet he knows I don't know him. Also true self? True nature? What the hell does that stuff mean? Why doe this place have to be so compicated. Can't we just be straight forward? No.. I guess not. Straight forward would be not keeping secrets. 


"What do you mean true nature?" I ask, shifting. How does any of this make sense?! I glance up at Theodores building everyone has there faces smashed against the windows watching. I look away, not the time to get distracted.


"They didn't tell you again?" He glares towards the castle, off to our right, I can just see the top of it peeking out through trees. "How like them." He mumbles. "You and I were cursed, from the day we were born. We have a rare curse placed on us Lyra. When I turned eighteen my true nature deemed me evil, and not kind hearted. Hence why I was thrown out. That is our curse. When you turn eighteen your true nature will reveal and you'll either be kind hearted or not." 


I could be evil? I take a step back, my breathing is getting off and I'm loosing my grip on braveness. In two years, I could be a cold hearted killer! Is that the kind of evil he means? He killed is ex fiancé, and he doesn't seem phased about it at all. I don't want to end up like that. I look again up at the others, I wonder if they've been able to hear anything. No windows are open. They shouldn't.


"Why are we cursed? What is it about us two?" I ask, fearing the answer.  "Who are you?" 


"You know who I am. I've told you enough to figure it out." He replies. I feel like all the air in my lungs is gone. This can't be right.  My arms fall to my sides, and I'm gone. Bravery lost. 


"You're... my... my brother." I whispers shaking my head. This doesn't make any sense, Molly and Garret have another kid? They had a son? I have an older brother! 


"Ding ding we have a winner!" He claps, and the shadows and blackness around him slip and fade away. There standing in front of me, he is. He has white hair, yellow eyes, strong bones like me. He is taller and obviously older. Stronger. I can feel power radiate off of him.  "Mom and Dad told you your white hair came from you elemental powers, they were wrong. It's the curse. You're eyes are from your powers. Silver. Other wise they would be yellow like mine." He says. I get the urge to run and hug him, but that would be highly innapropriate. Holy shit my brother! 


"Holy mother fucking shit!" I say, I want to run and hug him, but I also want to chop his head off! I have an older brother, I'm sure my jaw is touching the ground. "Whats your name?" I ask, sounding like an idiot. 


"Donatello, Donatello James Castir." He smirks, we have the same middle name. "James is our uncles name. He died before even I was born." He say. 


"You're named after a famous artist." I smile, also ninja turtle. The purple one who is smart. 


"You're named after Mother's favorites character in her favorites piece of writing." He smiles, an actual smile. Not an evil smirk, or making fun of me way. An actualy brotherly smile. I want to hug him. That's for sure. "You really grown up to be beautiful... and oh so powerful!" I take a tip toe towards him, then stop. No wait. He is a killer. The bad guy.


"You've killed... so many people." I whipser, "You don't feel anything..?" I ask. He frowns thinking about it. 


"Emilia. She is the only death that haunts me." He admits. "Yours too. I thought I killed you when you took that poison for the vampire. Then he gave you his blood, and you were fine." He sighs. 


"You were going to kill Elijah?" I ask, my heart drops slightly. 


"No, that wasn't enough to kill him. He had just had your blood, and he would've evenually gotten better." He answers. "I was only trying to see what you could really do, but you didn't attack. You took the bullet instead." 


"You know what he means to me." I state, and he nods. "You were going to risk breaking my soul?"


"No. It's wasn't enough to kill him Lyra. You both would've been fine. I wanted you to attack me. You didn't." He sigh, "I need you to understand. Eveything I have done, has been what's best for you. I haven't ment to cause you any harm, even though I know I have. I need you to really understand, I want what is best for you." he says stepping towards me. I don't move. Unsure if I should. What should I do. That feeling to hug him is still there. Which with the others all watching I don't know if thats a good idea.  


"I can't be out here much longer just talking..." I say finally. We've talked for to long, we should be fighting or something.  I see his eyes flicker towards Theodores place, and he sighs. He opens an arm, and smiles at me. "I'm not going with you..." I say.


"I want a hug from my little sister. Is that to much to ask?" he sighs, "Besides, I don't expect you to choose right this minute." He adds. I take a deep breath. He wants a hug? Can I trust him?  "So, you gonna leave me hanging here?"  I take a couple steps towards him. "Just a hug I swear no tricks. We haven't seen each other face to face since you were born. My true nature may be evil, but  we are still family, and I do love you."  I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Well shit. I run into him, and squeeze him tightly. He hugs me back, and I realize everyone is watching. At this moment I don't care, it's my brother! 


"It's nice to meet you!" I whisper, and I can feel him relax with a couple breaths. 


"Lyra, you must know I'm not on sides with the queen. I'll let you do what ever you wish to her in fact she is very annoying."  He laughs. I do too. "Until we meet again. Lyra, my baby sister." Then he lets go of me, and the shadows return and he fades away. Then I'm left standing alone, and way more confused then ever. I turn looking back at everyone, they're all staring wide eyed and mouths wide open. Well okay... now what?

Chapter 10

 I close the door, standing back in Theodore's loft now, all eyes on me. I take a deep breath, not wanting to explain. I know they will ask, I'm surprised I haven't been bombarded with questions yet! Okay, so the evil villian we are facing is my brother. I don't know exactly what he wants to do other then get me on his side. He isn't working with the queen in fact I can kill her if I feel like it.. which I do. 


"What the hell?" Chaston is the

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