» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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able to stand much longer. Mind reading... I take a deep breath.Why is his blood in his hair? Should I ask? 


"What happened?" I ask again, staying where I am at. It's taking all my might to not run to him and hold him feel him against me. I look behind me real quick through the crack. Everyone still seems to be sleeping. Looking back down at Elijah, my cheeks flush. His eyes are on mine, and I can see the pain he has been put through.  "Elijah, what happened." I ask one last time. 


"She took my blood. She drained it out of me." He whispers closig his eyes ashamed. "As punishment." Bitting my lip again, I look at my surrounding. It's nearly sunrise, and all the crow bodies are gone now. Donatello must've done something to them. 


What he is saying sounds like Rashell drained his blood from him almost completely. As a punishment for... drinking my blood?  Taking in another deep breath, I look back down at him. His eyes are still closed. He is ashamed and embarassed. I feel horrible. Even though he is the one who bit me without my permission. Although I could've stopped him if I really wanted to. I don't know what to do, what does he want from me now? Why would he come here if I'm  the reason this happened to him? 


"Being near you will help me get better faster." He whispers, laying his head back against the rail. My breath is caught in my throat, I know what will help him get better even faster though. I step away and feel the door behind me. No, I can't go there. "Lyra it's fine." He sighs, opening his eyes, they have already starting turning into a more golden color. 


"You're not fine, Elijah! Can't you see what is happening to you? Why do you keep choosing her, and doing this to yourself!?" I break down. How can he be okay with this? How can he expect me to be okay with this!? 


"Lyra calm down. You're going to wake up the others." He hushes me, and I look behind me at the door. I lay my elbows on the rail, watching as the peek of sun starts coming up.  "Hey, I'm fine. Just need some rest."


"No." I say again. "Why? Why are you doing this to both of us? You keep leaving with her, but coming back to me. You need to choose, I'm not going to play this game anymore! I can't take much mo-"


"Can't you see, I have chosen!" He stands up. "I chose you, Lyra. I'm protecting you! If I don't listen to her, she plans on killing your friends one by one. She at first planned on killing you, but then realized doing so might kill me as well." he pauses catching his breath. I look down at the metal rail gripping it so hard my knuckles turn white. 


"Look what she did to you." I turn around, looking at him again. "Your beautiful skin and your eyes! You have you own blood in your hair!"  My hand instinctively reaches for him, but stops mid air. No touching! I look at my hand, at the purple/blue/black mark. He caused that. My hand pulses with energy, my whole body does. It want's him. I want him. His hand slowly comes up grabbing mine, it sends me over board. Stepping as close to him as I can, I wrap my arms around his torso taking in his smell. His arms wrapped around me, and we stay in each others arms just holding each other. It's sad, his whole body is shaking, not just his hands. I will not cry. I'm not going to be a weak little girl about this. The words from earlier tonight.. well now yesterday come back to me. My reflection, yelling and laughing at me.  


"Lyra, everything is going to work out for the best in the end." He whispers running a hand through my hair. 


"How can you say that!? Look around you... Spridge is being destroyed. Donatelloo wants to destroy everything... kill everyone! I never should've been found. None of this would've started, everyone here would be safe, and Spridge wouldn't look like war zone!" I let go of him, turning away. I look threw the crack on the door. "Nobody would be in any danger." I whisper. 


"Then none of us would be as happy." he whispers. 


"You think they are happy?" I look at him again. 


"Yes." He says evenly. He eys never leaving mine. "Lyra, you brought hope back. Your parents, and your friends. Me. We all thought you were dead. Now even if you weren't found all of this was bound to happen at some point. We're lucky we got you back to help us win!"  He reaches for me, wrapping an arm around my waste. Energy blazes between us. My heart starts pounding again, his grip  tightens pulling my closer. My back is to his chest, and he sways back and forth. "You were choosen to take all of this on for a reason. You are strong enough." He whispers, and then I feel his lips on the top my head. It's his kiss, that really gets me going. The skin to skin contact. I turn in his arms, moving a hand to the back of his neck and pulling his head closer. It feels so right to be kissing him! We fit like a puzzle, forming to each other. He stops shaking, seeming to get better, and he holds me tight. 


What is with my horomones? I mean, that kiss with Thayer after we broke the lust charm, and now this. Oh well, that doesn't matter right now. Pulling away to catch my breath, my eyes wonder to his neck. I lose all the air I did have, and I feel a pinch on the inside of my mouth. I bit the inside of mt cheek, it's bleeding. Bleeding... oh shit!


"Lyra..." He backs up, I close my mouth, and step away. "You bit your cheek." he smiles slightly. 


"Maybe you should go." I say quickly. My eyes keep wondering to his neck, and it's not helping. I wish he would've let me- Lyra focus! I shake my head, that is the last thing I need to be thinking about. "Just a little." It's out before I even realize I thought about saying it.  His mouth is back on mine, and it slowly slips down my neck. God, my body is aching for this. But having a new mark on my neck will be hard to explain. His hand grabs mine, and in a fast motion we're both sitting. My back still to his chest, and I'm between his legs. His left arm holding me in an iron grip, his right holding my already marked hand. The second the mark touches him lips, I feel intense pleasure. Once he bites and actually gets my blood, I take a deep breath choking down a moan. My back archs from pleasure, and I can see his skin getting better with every second. "Elijah..." I say quietly, as a warning. If we keep this up, I wont be able to stay quiet. Instead he just bites harder, causing a little whimper to escape me. I close my eyes trying to focus on staying calm. But, my body starts squirming, and I'm loosing control. His grip holds me in place still, but I'm wiggling around still as the pleasure starts building. Opening my eyes real quick I look around trying to think about something else. Something catches my eye through the crack, and I look closer. 



Chapter 12

 "So this whole time you have been his food. Are you addicted to his bites now or something?" Sebastien asks, as I stir my coffee. God, I'm so embarrassed. Elijah left right away without even saying goodbye... leaving me here to explain. I should've known Sebastien wasn't sleeping. "Holy shit.. how long has this been going on? And.. Thayer knows right?"


"Sebastien... please just leave it alone. It's a lot more complicated." I say.


"Wait... this has been going on for a long time! Like since you came back hasn't it! You've had the marks on your neck, just like your marks." I finally look up at him, and see his eyes wide starring at me. Ding-dinng he figured it out. I let out a breath setting my mug down. I can't tell if he is mad or not. "Before when you said a human.. it was him!" He is mad. I grab my cup taking a sip, I wish I would've just listened to my rule I set. No touching. He touched me first... but I didn't have to let him touch me. 


"Please... Sebastien I really do-" I try to explain to him. I need to ask him to keep quiet. I don't want this getting out. 


"Oh come off it Lyra." he leans back in his chair. 


"Please be quiet... I don't want anyone knowing. I didn't tell you for a reason."


"Yeah why is that?" He leans forward. His eyes studying me, as if he can read my mind like Elijah can. " I bet I know why. You didn't want to tell me so you could keep seeing me. You aren't sure who you want. Even though you're bonded to Dr. Drake, your feelings for Thayer and I are still enough to make you question the bond." I keep my eyes on him, knowing what he is saying is true. I'm surprised he said Thayer. I can't sit here and listen to this though. I just need to be sure he wont tell anyone about what he saw and what he now knows. 


"Even if your right it doesn't matter. Thayer and I are getting married, and Elijah is with Rashell." I mentally smack myself. He didn't need to know that last part.


"My mom?" He sounds grossed out.


"Long story short is that she forces him... and this is all part of the reason she hates me. Sebastien I need you to promise you'll keep you mouth shut. No one else here needs to know about this. Just you, Thayer and Tatum."


"Tatum knows?!" He throws his arms up in the air. "Are you in love with him too?"


"Oh I can't believe you!" I shake my head. He can be some immature sometimes, although he is kind hot when he is all worked up like this. Mentally slapping myself again I move away from him, he can't be garden boy. It's confusing me. "I don't have any feeling like that towards Tatum.. or you in fact." I say crossing my arms. 


"Admit it Lyra." he stands gripping my wrist. His touch is rough, and not passionate like it used to be. Looking from his hold on me to his face, I can see the stubborness in him. There is more there. He wants something, although I don't think he wants me as in my body or anything. Information. He wants to know. "Admit it you have feeling for me. Just like Thayer and Elijah." he whispers pulling at my arm. 


"Let go of me, Sebastien." I say tugging at my wrist. 


"Answer me!" He says, and the his grip only get tighter. 


"I have feelings for you still!" I

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