» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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naked animal in the bathroom?" Chaston leads the others into the living room where I am at. 


"It's a long story..." They all sit making them selves comfortable, and I launch into what happened to me after I disapeared into the teleporter. They listen intently as I explain the arena, and what happened in the arena. Then I go to being locked up in the cage, and running away from Drew. "... then I was at the door here." I finish, and they all stare at me wide eyed. "How long was I gone for?" I ask. 


"Just overnight." Thayer, who is sitting next to me, leans foreward grabbing my hand. "Don't worry about what happened there. It was you or them, you did the right thing." He adds. 


"So let me get this straight... the naked guy in the bathroom can't die?" Chaston asks, and I notice Chase roll his eyes. 


"Well... he can't be killed by a spear at least." I lean back again. "His name is Drew by the way..." I inform her for the twentieth time. "What's been going on here? What have you guys been doing?" I ask, looking around the room. "Why did you guys come here?" 


"Same reason you did  I assume.." Sierra sighs, and that's the end of that conversation. We all sit in the room in silence for a little while, and we all jump a little on edge when there is a loud banging noise that comes from the bathroom. "He's awake!" Sierra hops up. Chaston gets up as well, and the two of them scurry off the towards the bathroom. 


I notice how pissed Chase is, and I can't help but not feel bad for him. I look over at Thayer next to me, and I give him a quick brief smile. I look around everyone seems to be okay. Tatum and Tracy are here and still okay. Janessa and Theodore. I take the quick look over in Sebastien's direction. He is looking at the key in his hands. I never asked what it was for. I wonder if it's even fore anything imparticular. It must be, since is father told him not to lose it. 


"What's the key for?" I ask, and he looks up at me from his hand. Our eyes lock, and I remember yesterday the promise we made. It still stands. "Do you know?" 


"I have no idea... but it's to something in the castle." He sighs, tossing it to me. I look at it firguring it's size for a lock. It has to be for a door. It's to big to be for a lock, I think at least. I could be wrong. 


"Where there any locked rooms in the castle? Or rooms that you were told to stay out of?" I ask, him studying it closer. It's gold skeleton key, and there isn't any numbers or words printed into the medal. A door. It has to be to a door. What would the king hide behind a door though? He was such a sweet man, he didn't seem to be the secretive type at all. With that crazy wife of his though, maybe he had to keep secrets of his own. Like a secret bedroom to bring mistresses too. I shake my head, that's not right. What could it be though? 


"The weapons room." Sebastien stands up. "The war ships, and tanks! It's all in the south wing of the castle. He always had the key to the south wing with him, in case a war started!" He starts pacing heavey in thought. "We need to figure out if we have any millitary men left who know how to run the ships, and tanks it's time to fight back!" 


I couldn't agree more. Accept I don't know what good tanks will do against a floating island that's so far up in the clouds you can't even see it from here. I already checked. I guess I forgot to them the location of the island. Air ships will be a great asset though. Maybe ... if we do find some military men... we can have them remake more air ships, and incorperate tank pieces to make them stronger! I stand up grabbing Sebastien by the shoulders. 


"You're brilliant!" I say, and I pull him to the kitchen. We start working on getting in contact with some of the military, ignoring the banging from the bathroom. After three hours of locating where most of them live, we decide that it can wait for tomorrow. It's supper time anyways. We all pitch in again, making a bunch of different stuff. I saved all of the food, from the loft when it was coming down. Sebastien and I explain our game plan for tomorrow as we eat, and everyone seems to like it. 


"What about naked dude in the bat-"


"Drew." I interupt Sierra, tired of hearing naked boy. I know he was naked. "His name is Drew. And I have no idea... some one might have to stay back an-"


"I volunteer." Chaston and Sierra say at the same time. Chase doesn't even roll is his or even look at Chaston. It looks like he has had enough of it.  I feel kind of bad, I mean there relationship hasn't even gone completely public yet, and all of this is already happening.


"Umm... any objections to those two staying back?" I sigh, unsure how else to go about the matter. No one speaks up, and that's the end of that. We all eat in piece after that.. well accept Chase. He isn't happy about Drew being here. Although I don't think Drew is the problem, I think it's Chaston. After we clean up supper, I knock on the door to the bathroom. "Drew.. are you hungry." I ask, " I have food for you." 


"I don't need food, I'm dead remember?" He sighs, on the other side of the door. 


"So you don't want it?" I say. 


"I didn't mean that!" He says, I hesitate unsure if I should give it to him. If he doesn't need it... why risk opening the door for him to get out."Don't worry I wont try to escape... there are to many elementals here I wouldn't even stand a chance." I unlock the door and go in sitting beside him on the ground. I hand him the plate happy to see him in clothes for the first time ever.  "Is that tomato soup?"


"And one grilled cheese sandwhich with a cupcake also a I swiped you a juice. Sorry this was all I could get ya." I lean back against the wall. I don't feel weird sitting in here with the enemy which is odd.  "I'm sorry you have to be locked up in here. Will Donatello come and get you?"


"I don't know. I'm sure he has better things to do then come and rescue little old me." he sighs, dipping the grilled cheese into his soup. It makes me feel bad. Drew doesn't realize that he is his own person. Donatello doesn't control him, he doesn't even have to serve Donatello! The idea strikes my mind, and I send Drew a quick smile. 


"Tomorrow, some of the others and I are going to go for a... walk... you can come if you want... then if you really wanted to you could fly off and go back to Donatello." I stand up, stretching out. 


"You're going to let me go?" he looks at me puzzled. 


"No not intentionally... but if you happen to slip away from us.. I guess you're free." I say, "Unless you actually wanna stay with us.. then that would be fine too." I leave before he can reply to my words. I close the door, and I think about leaving it unlocked but then decide against it. I lock it, and run into Thayer outside the room. "Hey... something wrong?" 


"No... I'm just happy to see you're okay... we all thought that after the night and you hadn't came back that you were... gone."  He sighs, throwing an arm around me shoulder. They thought I died. I scratch my eyebrow feeling bad for not getting back sooner, but yet I really couldn't have gotten out any faster then I did. I guess though if I would've been smart and realized I could've unlocked the door sooner. He pulls me towards the living room, and we sit in the love seat just talking. He is acting almost like a councelor and making me talk about my feelings of what happened.


"Thayer I'm fine." I sigh after thirty minutes of talking about my feelings. "I did what needed to be done, to get here. I wasn't going to just give up." I stand up feeling awkward sitting next to him now. "I'm kind of tired.. I haven't slept at all.. so I want to sleep." 


"The three bedrooms all have beds." He sighs, standing up. I walk towards the stairs going back to my old room, although it doesn't look like my old room. I go the bathroom first showering and washing my hair, they actually had soap in here so why not. Once I'm done I go straight to the bed, in my sports bra and underwear.  Thayer lays down next to me, twenty minutes later... there is an alarm clock on with the right time.  He snuggles into me wrapping an arm around my stomach. "This your old room?" He asks, after a minute of silence. I just nod. Then that's it I drift off feeling better with someone being with me.

Chapter 14

Theodore is a very persistent person. Even though the training center was ruined, and we have no more training tools, we still train. It's also six o'clock in the morning.  We all start with stretching and then we have to run 15 laps around the house. I take a quick bathroom break, in the bathroom in my old room though since Drew is still locked in the other bathroom. Running out after my hands are dry, I see  everyone is already partnered together and I'm alone. I shake it off accepting Theodore as a partner, I wonder why he and Janessa don't train together though.  Sticking to the fundementals for a while, since we don't have mats to actually spar. 


After an hour of fundamentals, Theodore moves on to working with out powers. Getting all of us in a line and asking us to perform certain moves and tricks. Giving us targets and lifes to save... which is him throwing around pillows.  I wonder how he knows all of these things about our powers when he doesn't have any himself. He is also our age, maybe two years older at max, so how did he learn all of this? I've never asked him, but it's on my list. I get sent inside to get more pillows after the first couple of minutes, the living room no longer has any throw pillows, and one of the bedrooms only has one pillow.


Theodore informs me on how to make an ince throwing star, and I get stuck working on aiming and throwing them while everyone else is working on using there powers in close hand to hand combat. After 15 minutes of throwing and creating little ice stars, I stop watching the other while Theodore is distracted. I watch

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