» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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am standing next to now, then back at me.


"Don't break Thayer's heart too, Lyra." he says and then he dissolves into nothing. How can he do that? It must be a new thing that Donatello showed him. The queen can't do that.. or at least I don't think she can. She doesn't have powers.  With him gone I relax, and rub my eyes. I feel drained now. As if I just finished running a 5 mile race!  I shake my head ignoring his comment. I know exactly what he was hinting at.  I can't believe how much he has changed. My brain almost can't comprehend! He doesn't even seem to be the same person!


"Come on, lets get you bandaged up." Sebastien says quietly next to me. I follow him back through my parents old room, and to there bathroom. Checking on my next I role my eyes seeing that Elijah had to make two different marks. I'm at least happy they're on the same side. I use a wet rag to wipe away the little amount of blood that dribbled out, and then I let Sebastien put the bandaids on. I wonder how awkard this is for him. What was he even doing up here anyways? I watch his face, which looks pretty funny... he's got his tongue out because he is thinking so hard. I don't even know what to say to him either. He saw what happened in the hall... he has seen what it's like for Elijah and I now. I wonder what he thinks.


"Sebastien... what are you doing?" I finally ask. He glances at me a second and then back to the open marks on my neck. "Really... I'm serious."


"I figured you wouldn't want Thayer to s-"


"No... that's not what I meant and you know it." I mumble, "What are you doing up here, were you listening or... waiting..."


"I was..." I move back so he has to look at me. "Yeah.. I was listening.. and waiting."


"Why? Elijah wouldn't ever hurt me... that's one thing I know for sure." I ask, slightly confused.


"How do you know for sure? We all know he isn't who he used to be." He says, and it throws mee off slightly. He is right, he has changed a lot. I turn my head again, and move closer so he can finish with the dumb bandaids.  "Hey.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said anything." He finishes up.


"No." I sigh sliding off the counter. "You're right." I say, and we both head downstairs. We enter the dinning room together, and all conversation stops.  Everyone just stares... at me, focusing on my neck. I cover up the bandage with my hand, andI  glance at Thayer. He is staring at the table, his face blank. Obviously he isn't happy.


"I'm just gonna call it a night... so see you all tomorrow." I say turning around. "Remember training tomorrow, Sebastien, Chaston... Thayer." I add then I go right back up stairs. I close the door to my room, and bang my head back against the door. Everything is all screwed up now! There is a small quiet knock on the door, and I move away wondering if I should let who ever it is in. It's more then likely Thayer, but he is probably so mad and upset he has no words for me. The door opens, and to my slight relief it's not Thayer.


"Hey..." Tatum says quietly. Even he seems to be disapointed in me. "Lyra you can't be upset, what happened today helped you. Of course there were some perks too, but hey that just makes it all better!" He tries to cheer me up, but it only makes it all seem worse in my head. "Seriously though Lyra don't worry about it. Thayer needs to get over it, you can't help any of this."


"What if I could though?" I ask turning around. I look up and out my window, seeing my reflection against the glass. Behind me, I hear Thayer come in the room, and the door close.


"What do you mean? You know how to break the bond?!" He asks, quietly but overly intrigued. Of course I do know a way to break it, but it risks both our lives, or at least broken hearts or souls or something. Neither of those sounds like good options!


"Yes and no." I reply, knowing I have other information as well. "I'm trying to find a way to break it without hurting either of us. So far the only thing I've found could kill us both or one of us, or leave us both hearltess." I inform him.


"Wow... I'd rather be dead then heartless." He sighs, sitting on my bed. I turn looking at his face, he is serious. An apparent bad guy just said he would rather be dead then be heartless. That tells me something. Sitting down on the bed next to him, we just sit. Thinking about things.  "I'm sure everything will work out for the bext Lyra, I wouldn't worry to much about it tonight. You need to sleep."  I agree, I do need sleep.


"You're right." I practically yawn, feeling more drained then ever.  He gets up, and says goodnight as I do to. I pull out the covers and snuggle under them. Tomorrow after training, I have some more research to do.

Chapter 16

"Just come at me already." I say getting annoyed with Chaston. She isn't taking this seriously, and it might cost her her life! She gets into the position I showed her reluctantly. She is upset with me because of the whole Elijah bond thing. She insists that she has known all along, which I believe. She is just upset that I didn't actually confirm it for her. She takes three small steps toward me getting ready to attack, and then she jumps trying to attempt a flying kick. I block by moving a step to the right, and I grab her leg pull and twist. she falls landing on her stomach with a thud. She groans, laying thre for a minute. "Maybe you should focus a little more on keeping your feet planted." I offer.


"Well you know what, you've been at this a lot longer then I have so give me a break!" She gets up and I hear multiple swear words as she somewhat limps away. I rub my eyes wishing I didn't have to be so hard on her but she doesn't seem to get it. This is a matter of life or death, she isn't just going to breeze through this like her school classes.


"I'll go get her..." Sebastien says and runs towards her.


"That's leaves us two." Thayer sighs, scratching his chin. "Now... I believe you have a couple things to show me." He smirks. It makes me smile, his cockyness... yet it also almost upsets me. Last night he didn't come up to bed, and he hasn't really spoken to me at all yet today. So I'm not sure if that's him being him or if that has some secret meaning to it that I'm not catching.


"Well... I suppose we should start with that mile run." I say, and his face drops slightly. Now it's my turn to smirk. "I made Chaston do it before we even started working on defense and offense." I add, and he lets out a huff of air. "I can run it with you too.. if you want me to." I add, trying to figure out where we stand.


"No... I'll be as quick as I can." He sighs, and jogs off. I almost yell at him to stop and tell me how I can fix what ever this is, but I let him go. I'm not gonna make matters worse this early in the day.  I glance over at the other who are all training hard, and using their powers. Even Drew is out this morning wokring with Chase. Using my powers, I create a chair made of ice, and I take a seat. After a couple minutes my mind wonders away from serious thoughts, and more towards a playful idea. Again using my powers, I form a septor looking stick and an Ice crown. Then a bunch of snowmen, as if they were my kingdom of people. I smile, looking at my little creation. The things boardom lets you do.


About 20 minutes later Thayer makes it back, and we get right to work. I let him choose between working on offense or defense. Not much is said between the two of us either, unless he has a question on something. So, yes he is still mad. Or at least he is still very upset. I've decided to just let it be. I'm not going to confront him about this, I'm just going to let him be mad. I'm so done trying to convince him that there is only him. Once all of this over, and we're back in Spridge everything will go back to how it was. The two of us laughing and having good times all the time. No danger, and no one else getting in the way.


After about an hour of working with Thayer, Sebastien and Chaston join us again. Chaston doesn't seem happy to be back, but at least she did come back. I pair Chaston with Thayer, and tell them to work on sparing, so I can start Sebastien. He, I'm completely positive, is the only one actually a little happy about being trained. I tell him that he needs to do his run first, and he nods with out any arguing. I can't go with him though because I have to keep an eye on Chaston and Thayer. I'm happy to see Chaston was actually paying attention, and that these two seem to actually be learning something. I back down in my ice chair, and form a bunch of throwing stars, sadly killing each of my kingdom members, as I wait for Sebastien to get back. Out of the corner of my eye though I keep watch on Thayer and Chaston. Yes, my jealousy kicks in seeing that he is smiling and laughing with her. I stay sitting, though taking it out on more of my creations.


"Okay.... I'm back." I here Sebastien, and I hop up and get right down to work with him. He chooses defense first, so I show him the basics, and a couple quick and easy defense manuevers. As it turns out though, he already knows a couple moves! He explains that he has picked up some from watching the others while training. After thirty minutes of going at it with a break, he asks for a quick drink. I of course let him go and grab one. While waiting I peek back over at Chaston and Thayer. They're getting faster and faster. Good. I watch as Thayer goes on defense, and Chaston come after him with a side sweep. He blocks it, and she loses her balance falling. Landing on her butt she lets out a huff of air. I continure watching as Thayer offers her a hand up, and she grabs it but pulls him down to the ground instead of getting up. They both laugh and get back to there feet. I turn away taking

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