» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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a couple calming breaths, unsure if I should be worried or not. I thought Chaston was with Chase, but then I also remember Chaston having a thing for Drew too. She better not be even trying to go anywhere near Thayer!


After another two hours passes we call it good for a day. Everyone meets in the dinning room after we're all showered and non sweaty and stinky from training. Chaston complains about being sore, and it makes me smile, she thinks she is sore now, just wait until tomorrow! We all talk about the battle plan again, making sure everyone knows what they have to be doing. Then we switch over to when the battle actually will be. It starts with us, so really it's up to us.


"The sooner the better... catch them off guard." Tatum offers, and I nod he has a point.


"Wait.. were not talking about like tomorrow are we?!" Chaston sits up in a hurry, and winces feeling her muscles.


"No. That's to soon. But by the end of the week we should be ready." I say glancing around the table. Everyone nods a little, as if they're scared. Thinking about it though, I'm sure they are scared! Hell I'm scared! But, of course I would never tell any of these guys that. We could be walking to our deaths, and not even know it. No, I bet we have a fair fight. All of the elementals, a couple army men, shooter plans, and expert combat fighting. They have  a bunch of birds, and Donatello. Do they have an army or warriors too? I didn't see anything like that while I was stuck up there.  "Meeting adjourned." I sigh turning away from the table. Every lets out a huff and starts slowly scattering. I make my way out to the deck, looking up at the stars.  It's been a long couple of days.


"Well, i it isn't miss perfect." I here a faintly familiar voice. I can't help but grin, it's been a long time since I've talked to him. All of our conversations always were funny as well, I have to admit that. I wonder what he is doing here? Maybe he is here doing something for Tatum?


"Why hello. Long time no see what are you doing?" I sit up.


"Checking on the Drarkal prince, letting him know whats going on in Spridge. How about you? I see you've been very busy." He gestures to my neck. Reaching up to where my marks are still bandaged, I eye him suspiciously how did he know?  "I'm a vampire... I can just tell." He smiles. "Now, were is Sir Tatum?" I point behind me to inside the house, and he gives me his creepy smile and walks on it. I lay back again, feeling the weight of the world on my stomach. 


Everything is going to fall on to me if we fail. I mean our attack plan is mostly my idea, and if it fails who else would they all blame? If we lose one person, then the whole mission will be a failure. Although we aren't going to lose anyone, and we aren't going to fail! I sit up, watching as a shooting star flies across the night sky. We will win. Good always wins. I knock on the wooden deck underneath me, feeling like I jynxed it. Just then I notice the black cloud moving at a fast speed coming towards me. I get ready to freeze knowing it's a bunch of birds. As they get closer though, they dwindle, the cloud gets smaller and smaller. Then only one is left flying only ten feet away from me. It swoops by my head, and drops a role of paper into my hands, and flies off. I pull of the deep purple ribbon, and unrole the parchment.


"Oh shit!" I whisper, gripping the paper I run inside yelling for everyone to get some sleep, and make sure they are hydrated.


"What's the matter? Lyra? What's going on!?" Theodore, asks. I shove the paper at him, and I watch as the blood drains from his face. The house starts shaking out of know where, like really shaking, items falling from shelves, and dishes flying from cupboards. Taking the letter back, I take a look at the message one more time.


Get Ready For War.


I tear it to shreds, as everyone makes  there way into the living room.


"What's going on?" Chaston asks, gripping Chase's arm so hard har knuckles are white. A small smile spread across my lips when I see them together, but now isn't the time.


"It's starting sooner then we thought." I say, and I can see the faces fall throughout the room "We can do it. We've been trained for this day!" I say, a fire burst from in the other room. "Everyone out!" I yell and start shoving people towards the door. "Is everyone out?" I ask, trying to do a head count. We're missing one. Thayer.


Running back into the house, that started on fire faster then I swear it should've I run up stairs which is something you aren't supposed to do. But I can fly. Crashing into everyroom yelling for him, I panic as I realize he isn't upstairs. Taking of down the stairs I yell for him over the crashing and banging hoping he can here me. Once I know I have searched the whole house, I really break down. Where is he? How did he just disapear. I make it out of the house just in time as it starts falling to one side. Watching as my house again falls and turns into nothing.  Chaston grips my shirt collar and pulls it down.


"Where is he?" She asks, in a very loud voice.


"I ... he wasn't in there!" I say, calmly. The queen must've taken him. But why him? God he is going to be bait or going to be used against us some how.


"Why did this happen? Why was he taken? Why weren't was it him and not you!" She completely yells now, and she strikes a nerve. She is blaming me for all of this. She lets go of my shirt, as Chase pulls her away. I stay there watching after her, and I know she is right. If I was never found, none of this would've happened. Thayer wouldn't be in any danger, and I'm almost positive Spridge wouldn't be in distruction!


"Don't listen to her, she is just scared. We'll get him back, don't worry about it." Sebastien whispers, to me once we all start making a move towards our next camp. We've already planned out where we'd go if something like this happened.  I just nod, knowing if I don't agree with him, he'll keep talking.


"We will get him back." I do say, knowing that we will I have no doubt against that. I keep walking, yelling at myself for not forcing him to leave with his parents. He would've been safe, and not in the hands of evil! I don't understand when he was taken, or even how! He was with all of us one second and gone the next... just like Elijah's new gift he has. That's interesting. Elijah wouldn't kill him though would he? Maybe, if he became jealous enough, but the queen wouldn't allow that would she?....


It's been hours now, and I haven't slept a wink. We've all gotten settled into our new fort, which is actually an old tree house that Chase and Flora built a long time ago. Everyone else is sleeping, or at least pretending to if they aren't. Accept me. I'm outside leaning against the railing, praying for Thayer to be okay. He needs to be brought back to me. Safe and sound.


"Bring him back!" I whisper, looking up at the sky. All I can see is stars, but I know... for some reason I can just telll that Elijah is watching me at this exact moment. "Please. Just bring him back." I look at the ground below my in defeat.


"Lyra." Donatello's voice whispers behind me. I turn around, coming face to face with the beast. He is holding out an arm, wanting me to shake hands with him.


"What are you doing?" I ask, moving away from him. The bad guy wanting to shake hands that's not a good thing.


"Truce. I'm withdrawing from this war. This is between you and the queen." He sighs, "That women is more evil then I." he insists, I don't agree but I don't disagree either. Slowly my hand reaches his, and we shake. "Until next time lil' sis." He smiles,  then he disapears and I sit on the little deck. Rashell has Thayer. Why would she need Thayer? What are her plans for him? Is she going to kill him, god I hope not. I'm never going to get to sleep now. How can I save him though? Rashell probably thinks I'm going to go charging up there to save him, which is what I  really should do, but that's not a very smart I idea. But the longer he is up there the more of an oppertunity there is for something to happen to him.


On to another topic, why did Donatello just withdraw? What does he know that we don't? Obviously it has something to do with the queen, and what she has planned. She just took Thayer as well... so he must be part of her plan. Oh god, what would she need Thayer for? He has to be there to be used against me some how.  Back to Donatello though... why would he pull out now? Doesn't that leave the queen defenseless? She no longer has any of her followers, and her protection detail no longer obeys her. All she'll have without Donatello is Elijah  and now Thayer. Donatello had the birds, and he had all the little worker men like Drew. She has nothing. Not even any powers. Elijah is all she has now. Because I doubt Thayer is up there helping her try to kill all of us. Although that would explain one reason why he is up there.


How do I even know that is where he is? Maybe he got scared and ran away. Maybe Donatello took him? That would make sense too. Donatello just took Thayer, and withdrew from the war. So he is leaving and taking Thayer. Maybe he is trying to get me to follow him?


What if it's not even about me? Maybe Thayer was the one taken because he was the only one Rashell was able to take without anyone noticing at the time. He was upstairs sleeping when it all happened.


I look down again, watching as the ladder sways slightly from the breeze. Getting a weird feeling from it, I pulling up  happy it's a rope ladder. Now, hopefully, no human will be able to get up here. I still don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight. A tree house is the last place to feel safe in, but it's also the last place anyone would expect us to be. We might be safe here after all. Although Donatello knew where we... I'm sure Rashell does too. I rub my eyes wishing I understood. Wishing I was older and stronger. It seems like just yesterday when Tatum and I were at school flirting and talking. Now look how far I've came! First Sebastien and then Elijah... and now Thayer. I don't even think it has been a full year either. Being honest with myself though, I don't know the date anymore. Our wedding could be tomorrow for all I know.  Everything has gotten so screwed up. What's going to happen when all of this is over? Thayer and I will go back to Caswan, and what about Spridge? Rashell will be gone, Edmund is already gone. Sebastien and Chastonn will be left here. Chaston isn't ready to  be a ruler yet. In fact I always kind of thought Sebastien would take over for his parents. Sebastien is

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