» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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"Yes, Lyra don't lose hope... blah blah blah. It's always about you isn't it?" Rashell's voice floats around the room. "Well... I'm afrain your hope should already be lost." Then the light flicks, on and there she is sitting in the chair. On the floor in front of her is Asia and Sierra tied up and together. Next to them is Drew and Theodore, and then laying by himself not tied at all is Thayer. He isn't moving. He looks pale. Everyone else is awake and unharmed, just tied up. But Thayer doesn't look good. He looks... dead. Janessa and I stand unsure what our move should be. No one else is here. No fighters, no guards, she is alone. How did she manage to tie all of them up?!


Everyone is quiet unsure what to do. My head is spinning, still trying to process that Rashell was able to tie up two elementals, and Theodore and Drew. Wait... Drew.  Drew can get out of his ties! I zero in on him, and he catches me looking. I mouth the word 'change' to him, and he understands right away. I use my fingers at my side to give him a count down.


one... I hope we're all ready for this.


two... Take care of queen first then check Thayer. She is more important.


three... Elijah's presense in the room just occured.


Then with that Drew is a huge gorilla snapping his rope, and leaping over to the other who are tied and untying them We took Rashell by surprise, and using it to our advantage Janessa throughs he flames towards her. Rashell is able to move out of the way, but her chair is charred to a crisp. Elijah.. he is in here somewhere. I can feel him, but not see him. That can't be good. Then the feeling is gone, and I focus back on the queen. All of the elementals surround her. Sierra is the first to attack, and she strikes her with a low voltage bolt. Rashell falls to the ground, and I realize that she really isn't strong at all. She has nothing without Donatello. She has no power, and no army. So how were the other tied up? I tell the other to keep her there alive, and I run over to Thayer.


Falling to the ground, I turn him over gently. I grab his face saying his name rapidly over and over. I lightly slap his cheek trying to get him to wake up.  I feel tears burning down my face, but I haven't made crying noise yet. He isn't dead. He can't be. I can hear Rashell laughing in the background, as I move my hand down to his neck looking for a pusle. I can't tell if it's his heart beat or my own! I can barely hear anything my heart is pounding so loudly in my chest.


"Thayer!" I whisper, pulling his body onto my lap. Just then Tatum and Tracy appear here with a couple more drarkals, ready to fight a war. We sent them home to get reinforcement just in case it was needed. "Thayer don't leave me! We have to get married remember, and ... and go to those stupid royalty classes your parents taught us!"  I try to laugh, as if that will magically bring him back like it does in movies. I pull his chest to mine, holding him closely, and rocking back and forth.


She killed him. My eyes glaze over, and anger over takes my body. I lay him back down on the ground, whispering a quick goodbye, and I walk back towards the queen. At first she is smiling, but the closer I get the smaller her smile gets. Once I'm standing directly in front of her, and practically cowers away from me.


"I enjoyed it." She speaks, and I snap. My arms flying out, and my scream now mixes with cries. I never touch her though, and I can't even feel whoever is holding me back beause my body is to pumped with anger and adrenaline.


"Lyra, stop." Not even his voice breaks into my head. I scream yelling at him to let me go, and I swear every swear word I know as Elijah tells the other elementals to tie Rashell up and take her away. I kick my legs, and push against his restraints, but I can't break free. I step on his toes, and tell him I hate him but nothing falters his grip on me. After what seems like a good hour of screaming, and fighting I finally stop yelling. I look back over at Thayer's body, laying cold and unmoving on the ground.


"Let me go." I whisper, my voice barely audible. He does as I asked, and my body feels numb yet I feel like I'm  going to fall over because my muscles hurt from my tantrum. I sit next to his body scooping him up again. I tell him... more like order him to come back to me. Nothing I say works.  "Please you can't leave me!" I lay my forehead to his. "You didn't do anything to save him.." my voice cracks.


"Lyra is was to late... there was nothing I could've done." He says behind me. "She did it before she even had him here. I couldn't stop her. He passed quickly and painlessly though. He didn't hurt or feel anything." 


Knowing this makes me sob more, but yet it puts a little, if any really, hapiness into me. What will I say to his parents? What will I say to everyone else? I can't ever go back. Not without Thayer. I failed. We lost a good guy.  End of story. I will never forget what she did. I will get revenge. I stay there with him, crying and holding him as tight as I can. Now I can sense Elijah, and he is still behind me. He isn't touching me, but he isn't leaving me alone. I want to turn arond and lash out at him. Yell about how he could've saved him, but no I no he couldn't have or he would've. He wouldn't want me to go through all of this. I don't think he would at least.


"What will I do without you? What about you're parents? Your kingdom?" God all those people are going to hate me. His poor sweat parents, what will they think of me. I wouldn't blame them for hating me. I wouldn't blame them for killing me. We saved Spridge... but we lost a prince. Caswan lost it's beloved prince. I lost my fiance and best friend. The other lost there friend. Everyone lost a really good person today, all because of one crazy ass lady.


"Lyra... his parents need to know. His body needs brought back to Caswan." Elijah touches my shoulder, and I nod knowing he is right. Tatum appears, and he touches me without saying a word. He teleports me and Thayer's body.


The next thing I know were in the castle in Caswan, and the king and queen are in the room. I let go of him, and back away, unsure what they're going to do. His mother screams, and tears cascade down her cheeks, and His father opens his arms to me. I run into them and we all stand there crying and holding on to each other.


He is gone. There is know way to get him back.

Chapter 18

Sebastien's POV


"It's been two weeks and she hasn't left that room." Asia sighs, and everyone nods in agreement. "She isn't talking, or moving... she isn't even eating."


It's been a little over two weeks since we took back the kingdom. Which involved captuing my mom and finding Thayer's body. It upset us all, this wasn't his fight, but because of my mother's stupidity he was dragged into it.  All of this is just really bad, and since I am king I have to decide what to do with my mom. Right now, everyones main focus is Lyra. She's been in this depression now for two weeks, which is justified. Her fiance was kill, I feel for her. It hurts me knowing she has been cooped up in the room we gave her.  She hasn't eaten anything either. That is starting to worry me, if she doesn't eat she will get sick or worse. Although there isn't anything I can do. I've tried. I have sat in there with her for hours trying to get her to even say a word to me. She wouldn't even look at me. I wish I could just take away all of her pain, but I can't. If things keep going the way they are, we may have to hospitalize her.


"Maybe.. we should tell Dr. Dr-" Janessa begins, and I immediately shut her idea down. Everyone turns looking at me like I'm crazy. I'm not. I know something they don't. When Lyra was finally brought back here, Elijah saw her right away. In fact other then Tatum he was the first one to see her. I witnessed half of what happened between them. In fact it was the last time I heard her talk too. She lashed out at him, saying it was his fault that the queen  had done all of the terrible things she'd done. She wasn't just talking about Thayer either. I could tell by the rage in her voice this had been building up for a while now.


She slapped him completely across the face, hard and strong. It sounded so bad it made my own cheek hurt. Then her words still echo in my head. "I never want to see you again. I hate you."  Then with that, she turned and walked away. Leaving him standing there alone frozen in shock.


I wont put her through seeing him if  she doesn't want to. Although Janessa has a good point. He might be the only one who can get to her. Since that day when I over heard everything though, I haven't seen much of him. He has been around, and he has made it clear that he is back under my command. I'm assuming he has a lot to do though with towns people, since he is a doctor though. That's actually what I told him to do. I didn't really want to be around him either. Ever since I found out about the whole bond thing I haven't wanted to be around him. It's very weird for me. I love her. I have since she came back. I was mad at first when I realized she was with a vampire, heck I still am mad about that. But I wasn't ever really jealous of Thayer. I always thought there was some kind of secret hidden under their relationship and now I know I was right. Now a prince is dead, the love of my life is in depression, and I'm trying to pull a broken kingdom back together.


After a moments silence I finally take a deep breath and make a decision. "Give her until the end of the week. If nothing has changed, I will speak with Dr. Drake." I sit back, unhappy. But Lyra's life needs to come before her happiness. I'm not letting her die. Everyone nods agree, we have reached an

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