The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

- Author: Kiki XoXo
Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo
"There really isn't anything that can be done about them." Sebastien leans back looking out at the rest of the back yard. "It is what it is she can't change it, you can't change it... I'd just let it be." They all go quiet, and I wonder what they are talking about. One of the girls I know. Sebastien just said she.
"Honestly I don't think you have anything to worry about... I mean look at where he is and where she is. Also with everything that has happened I'm sure they aren't in a good place." Chase says, scratching his chin, looking at Thayer.
Me. They are talking about me. Elijah and I, this stupid dumb bond that I have with him. I look at Thayer, wishing there was something I could do. There is...accept it could maybe almost kill Elijah or me! My eyes glance at Sebastien, who is still looking out at the yard deep in thought. Just the other day we kind of had a blow out, and things were said. Just then Sebastien turns his head and he spots me watching. I duck and make a run for it out of the kitchen and back outside with the pillow in hand. Setting up the pillow I go over to the stop Theodore told me to stand at, and I create a couple throwing ice stars. Mad and upset, I throw with my feelings letting them out. Smacking into the target and sticking to the tree trunk behind it. The ice doesn't break or shatter when it strikes, so I'm thinking these would actually be a good weapon to use. They are sharp enough to cut through skin as well.
"Great job Lyra." Theodore comes over and checks on me.
"Why am I stuck doing this while everyone else is doing other more important looking things?" I ask, as I take a second to create more.
"Because you my dear will not be anywhere near the actual fight." He whispers. I stop what I'm doing, and look up at him. He has to be joking. It's not a funny joke.
"Yeah, you're what is the real reason?" I say, I pull my braided hair over my shoulder. He looks down for a second, and then back up at me. He doesn't say anything though. "You're not joking? Are you fucking kidding me! Sebastien and I came up with this whole plan, it's my brother! I have to be in the fight!" I stomp my foot down.
"Lyra... I have my reasons... you're not going to be in the full battle of the fight. You will still be there. Just off to the side, and this is what you'll be doing." He picks up one of the throwing stars. Reasons? He has reasons for keeping me from the fight, and apparently they are reasons I can't know.
"What in the hell kind of reasons could you have?" I ask, bringing my voice down a little bit. I don't want to make a scene and get all wound up. He sighs letting about a breath out air with a shake of his head.
"Reasons." He says, and with that he walks away. I grip a star in my hand ready to whip it at him, but I decide that probably is a bad idea. Turning towards my target, I launch the star at the pillow and it strikes the top left corner completely slicing it off. Unable to keep my anger unnoticable I fly up to the roof where that can't see me anymore. Who put him in charge of telling me what to do? Why am I on the side lines, and everyone else is in the thick of it? Espicially when I pretty sure half of this is my fault! I mean it is my brother, and Rashell is lashing out in jealousy from this dumb bond.
Thinking of the bond though, I remember the small conversation I over heard... more like eavesdropped.... with the others. Thayer is worried about the bond. I guess I can't blame him, but after everything that has happened so far he should no that Elijah is more the off limits to me. I need to do some research on vampire bonds I need a better understanding of this. Jumping from the roof I fly off towards town, without telling anyone where I'm going. I probably should of, but to late now. Landing in front of the library, I have to break in because the town has practically shut down. Everyone is hiding in there houses from all the shit that is going down. Walking through the isles trying to find the right labels.
After a long ten minutes of walking through isle after isle I find what I am looking for. Taking a stack of books out to one of the couches, I make myself comfortable and get reading.
"Lyra!" I get shaken awake. I jump off the couch, landing on the wooden floor and books. "Are you okay?" I feel his hands on me, and the feeling is instant. I move away imediately, why does he always show up when I'm alone?
"I'm fine... what are you doing here Elijah?" I ask, standing up. He looks good. Healthy and happy. I can't believe I fell alseep. I guess my anger turned to tiredness. I stay as far away as I can, without seeming weird.
"Checking on you." He replies, not trying to move any closer to me. Maybe he is starting to get this. "What are you doing?" he asks, looking down at the books. I watch as he leans down and picks one up. I scratch my brow unsure exactly what to say. I was reading about how a bond forms, and how it choses who partners are. "Lyra...Wha-"
"You know what." I say turning away. Walking over towards the drinking fountain. This is slightly awkward now. I didn't expect to see him again, or at least not like this.
"Actually I don't could you please explain?!" he follows not happy, he does have an idea he just wants to hear me say it. Rubbing my eyes, I think about running off then I remember he has super speed. He wouldn't be able to catch me though if I flew! I'm inside though, so I wouldn't get far. I need to get closer to the door. I turn towards the door but he is right there. "Nice try."
I mentally smack myself, he can read my thoughts. Why me? Backing away from him, I take the chance of peeking at his face. He isn't happy. I go back into the library trying to think of what to say to him. I mean he obviously knows, he just wants to know why. That's obvious to me too, but apparently not to him. But if I don't do something about this, it's only going to get worse with Thayer though. How can I fix this? What can I do? I don't know how much more of this Thayer is going to take.
"Thayer this and Thayer that. I never have all of your attention do I? Whether it's Sebastien or Thayer... or Tatum!" He complains, I turn around and my hand flies out slapping his cheek. We both stand still and quiet. You could've heard a pin drop. We both just stare at each other, him in surprise. I'm glaring at him. "I deserve that."
"You deserve a lot more then that!" I mumble, "Do you know how much shit you and your.. your queen have put me through? And what about her kids? The other elementals?"
"She isn't my queen." he roles his eyes.
"Oh yeah that's right you're her little pet!" I sneer.
"Don't call me a pet.." He sighs.
"That's what you are though! You think you can be her little play thing, and then come be with me. That is not going to happen! That's why I'm here!" I pause a second, letting what I just said sink in. "To figure out away to break the bond without harming either of us, that way we can just move on."
"So you can go be with Thayer, become a queen after all of this is over."
"If I'm alive when this is over." I counter.
"Donatello doesn't want you dead, he wont let any real harm come to you." He leans against the door frame, looking at the floor. "That's about the only thing we agree on."
"Drew said something like that to me too." I sigh, we're getting off topic.
"So you do have Drew?" he scratches his chin now.
"Do you know something?" I ask, getting the feeling there is some kind of plan in action now. He doesn't say anything, answering my question. Jesus freaking christ! "Goodbye Elijah." I walk around him.
"Is this really what you want?" he asks, I turn looking at him. He is holding up one of the books I got out looking for answers. Is it what I want? Do I want to be a queen if I live through this? No not really. Do I want to be with Thayer, yes. Do I want to be with him, yes. Do I want to make a choice, no. I have to. I have to make the right choice.
"I don't know what I want." I give up. He has probably read my mind and figured all of this out already anyways. "I need to get back." Walking around him, I leave the building. I can feel him following behind me, but what am I supposed to do? I've already slapped him, and that didn't seem to get the message through. What message am I trying to send though? I mean I'm not being very straight with him, like I know I should. Is he just going to follow me all the way back to the other too? Because I really don't want to deal with all that confrontation shit. "Okay!" I turn, ready to tell him off. That doesn't happen though. In fact the polar oposite happens. Lips locked, bodies melting together, and of course the pull of gravity to not stop on my shoulders.
Thayer. Think about Thayer, Lyra. It's hard for me to picture him while Elijah is touching me! This dumb ass bond. Although I guess it's not the bond that's dumb, it's Rashell. If Rashell would've just kept her nose out of things, then none of this would've happened.
"Lyra, I wish you would understand." He backs away from me all of sudden.
"Understand what?" I sigh, getting frusterated with myself and my jumbled feelings. He kissed me, not the other way around. I just didn't tell him no... like I should've. What on earth is there for me to understand? Everytime I see him he says he is doing this for my protection, but I can protect myself. I'm not weak. Theodore doesn't seem to get that either, kicking me out of the fight!
"We're just trying to keep you safe. Lyra, Rashell is ruthless and wouldn't hesitate to kill you if
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