» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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first person to speak. "You have enough guy problems as it is Castir, and now you're hugging the enemy?" Of course she brings in guys, that's so like her trying to create more drama! And to think we were all fine before Donatello came. Well I guess we still would've ended up fighting, it just happened a lot faster. "So, this whole time you'vebeen with us you've been sleeping with the enemy is tha-"


"Shut up." I say, simply and calmly. She closes her mouth, and sends me a look. "He .. Donatello is m-"


"Well you're on a first name basis, thats just grand! So while you have a fiance here and two boys dreaming about you've been ge-"


"Donatello is my brother!" I yell over her. The room goes quiet. "That's what I thought." I send Chaston a glare. "He just wanted to talk to me, introduce himself. He wanted to actually be my brother before things got bad." I begin telling them what he all said to me about everyone forgeting him, and the curse. Leaving out the fact that he told me I could kill the queen, and Elijah. Everyone sits quietly and listens, not once am I interupted. I finish telling them everything, and I look at Thayer I wonder what he thinks. I look at Chaston, wishing she wouldn't have said anything. I am engaged to Thayer, he and Elijah are the only guys that I have feelings for... that I know of at least... I know who she was talking about though. Sebastien and Tatum. No, no and no. Tracy first of all, and there isn't anything else to be said about Tatum. Sebastien though... I have no idea, he is still garden boy. Now things have changed, his mother is a traitor, meaning he doesn't have to follow her and neither do I.  Shaking my head I can't believe I even thought that.


Getting up, I walk slowly to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I turn on the sink splashing water on to my face. I look at my reflection, I'm still glowing from the blood, but I'm still tired, and I'm shaking. Weakness. I'm weak. Donatello was right. I don't know how to use my powers the way I should. Theodore did what he could with what he knows about hand to hand combat. But my powers, hell I have two elements! I'm stronger then the other elementals, yet I'm the weakest. There are to many people I'm trying to protect, everyone in the other room, my parents, Elijah, Thayer's parents, the people of Caswan, the people of Spridge.


Looking again at my reflection, the girl in the mirror smirks back at me. Crossing her arms, I get the I told you so look. Stepping back, I try to shake it off. She is still there, her lips are moving as if she is speaking. No volume is coming though. I can't here her over the water running from the faucet. I turn it off and look back, but she is gone. Out of the blue my own voice rings in my ears, so loud I cover them with my hands but it doesn't help. Over and over again being repeated my voice says:


"You're weak. You know what you must do."


Shaking my head trying to get it to stop. The words get louder and pound into me faster giving me a spliting head ache. I mumble to myself saying it's not real, it's just my tiredness, and everything I've been through. It wont stop! I feel tears slip down my cheeks, and I remove my hands from ears standing up and looking at my reflection ready to see a girl who looks broken. I see me. Smirking, and lips moving again. Repeating the same thing. I shake my head at her. It's not me. It can't be. She stops speaking, and the voice does as well. 


"I'm not weak." I whisper, voice shaking. Her smile turns malicious, and a laugh cracks through the air. 


"Yes. You. Are."  Each word is pronounced as a single syllable. Drilling into me. Before I even realize, I pull my fist back, and punch into the glass. It shatters, thousands of tiny slivers colasping into the sink and on to the floor. 


"Lyra? What's happening are you okay!?" I hear Thayer on the other side of the door pounding, trying to get it. I pull my hand away from now broken mirror, bleeding everywhere. This is the second time today, that I have punched a mirror.  "Lyra!?" I swing the door open. 


"I need to go outside." I say, walking past him blood dripping from my hand. "Alone." I add, feeling him behind me. I close the door and I'm alone-ish outside. Going down the stairs from his loft, I walk towards the castle. I need some bandage. After taking the hour long walk to get to the castle, I feel tired. I'm tired, and I've lost a nice amount of blood. I just want to sleep. Going to Elijah's office hoping to find bandages, I search through the medical drawers and cabnets. Pulling off the over wrap, and revealing my mark, and looking at how bad my hand is I let out a sigh. It's not horrible. Cleaning out the cuts with some sanitizer crap. I wince at the stings. I wrap my hold hand, and lean against the counter. 


Elijah's office. I've been in here only a couple of times, I've been in his bedroom more then I've been in here. It's clean, and organized like you would imagine a doctors office to be. Sitting at his desk, I look for personal items. There isn't any. No pictures, or anything. Just a bunch of paper work, and files. I look around as if I'm going to get caught, even though I wont. I'm in the clear. I dig through drawers and buzz through all of the files. It's all labeled with code names! Opening a bunch of different ones I just find a bunch of stuff n other patients. Where is my file? I want to know what he has written on me! The queen, what does he have on her? I go faster, practically throwing files that give me nothing. Flipping through on I find a report on Rashell, I skim through it, and he thinks she has a bunch of mental issues. Tossing it aside, I lean back letting out frustration. Where is my file? He has to have one, somewhere! I rummage through the drawers again, gooing slower needing to find my file. 


I've torn his desk apart. Nothing is here. As if he doesn't even know who I am. I look aroound where else would it be? Where else could it be? My eyes run over the room, there isn't filing cabnets. There is cabnets like in kitchens, but they're filled with medical crap. I sit down on the small love seat, feeling bad for practically running through here like a tornado. It's not like he'll be back though. I like this alone time I'm getting. Great time to think. Although the only thing I'm thinking about it Elijah and it's making me more mad then anything.  I still feel like I need to trust him, but how can I when he has chose her more then anyone else? Is he only choosing her to protect me? Why couldn't he just tell me that straight out then? Looking at his desk again, and look at the top. I never touched anything on top. I go bach to his chair, and sort through everything on top of the desk. More files, paperwork, and then I spot something I've been needing to see. There is a key, a key that goes to a safe. Where the safe is I don't know.  I go through all the cabnets and come out empty handed, then I check the bathroom, and still come up with nothing. His bed room? Would it be there in his room? No, that's where Rashel would find if easier. Think Lyra, where would Elijah hide a safe?


Going to my knees, and push the love seat, and move the desk, and the rug. It's wood floor, is that obvious though? To hide something under the floor? I stand up again, looking aroud. What looks normal and not suspicious? I scan the walls, looking at the couple of paintings, and the one book shelf. Pulling everything off the book shelf, I grunt in protest. This is hopeless. I'm never going to find the stupid safe. All I'm doing is letting out my anger by destorying his office. Which makes me a creepy bitch. I stop, as the last book falls. Nothing. He doesn't have a file on me. I grip the edge of the shelf, screaming as it falls over. It reveals a clean white wall. Nothing. I go to my knees again in tears this time. Why does this matter so much? I want to know what he thinks of me. I want to know if he thinks I'm crazy, and need mental help. Or if this bond thing is as real as he has made it. If he thinks I'm a child and uncapable of what he wants. I lay my head back, looking at the wall across the room. A painting is directly across from me. It's a ball, people in fancy dresses and dancing. It's the ball room here in the castle. Ball room painting. 


"Holy shit!" I stand up running from the office. I remember I was in that weird room filed with paintings, and one of them was a painting of Elijah and a girl who looked like me. I'm sure it is me! I get to the room and I scan looking for the painting. I find it, and slowly tip toeing towards it as if the ground beneath me will crack if I take one wrong step. I get there and reaching up I can see I'm shaking. I touch the painting, and pull against it corner. It pulls open like a cupboard. There it is. I'm shaking so bad I can hardly get the key in, once I do I unlock it and it reveals, a bunch. A necklace, it's beautiful. I flip the painting back over, and it's the same one painted in the picture. I pull out the manilla folder, and I open it seeing it's packed with a bunch of information. All of the stuff from when I was younger, all my medical records, broken arm, black eye, my first period! Then it all stops. The accident. I read through the quick file, of what he has documented. Nothing I didn't already know. With all the files there are pictures as I grew older, he was watching me closely. I set the file down, and pull out another piece of paper. It's a letter of sorts written in scribbles. It's from me to him! 


Deer Dr. Drake,


Thanks you for taking care of my mommy. I will always luv you for that.


Luv, Lyra


I smile he kept this little letter? Why? What's so special about it? I could barely spell! I spelt love and dear wrong! I smile, looking for other information. There isn't anything. Just the file, the letter, and the necklace. I put the file back, and letter as well. I pull out the necklace, looking at it closer. It's gorgeous, silver with a amethyst stone. My birth month Febuary. Little diamonds surround the jewel in the middle, and practicallly twinkles. I want to keep it, but with everything going on I can't I'll lost it or damage it. Putting it back, I decide that I'll wait to see if he ever shows it to me. Locking all of it away, and keep the key, this I will keep. I don't want anyone getting in there other then me... or Elijah I guess. Leaving the room, I go back to his office grabbing the file on Rashell. This might come in

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