» Romance » The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #2, Kiki XoXo [best e book reader .TXT] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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have to ask him a little more about her sometime. We slip in the chairs next to his parents, no one notices us but them. They notice me and how I am flustered, and I get a smile from his mother. Even more embarassed my cheeks turn tomato red. I look at Thayer next to me unphased, as if nothing happened. He smiles and peeks down at me. I frown, but it's hard to keep it serious so I look away. He places a hand on my knee, in a relatiosnhip way, and then I grab his hand linking our fingers. I squeeze his hands really hard using my training, and he looks down at me. I smile with innocence. 


"We can finish later if you want." He whispers, and then kisses my hair line above my ear. I look up at him, to see him looking forward and unphased. I'm panting and blushing, how can he be like this at this time! He is almotst a new person. But he isn't. I've known he had a more dangerous side to him, and it seems that me telling him I do have feelings for him opened up this side to him. A side I don't mind at all.


Looking straight ahead, I see Rashell, Chaston and Sebastien standing in the front of the room shaking hands with everyone listening to them all say the same things. Sorry for your loss, and it was to soon. Glancing through the crowd, ... which was a mistake... I do see Elijah. He is sitting in the front row on the other set of pews. He pale almost white skin looks spectactular in the black tux. He hair combed back like usual and his complection still clear as a babies. I can't see his eyes,  but I can just imagine their golden color. I seen them only a couple minutes ago during Thayer and I's moment. That's just what I'm going to call that now is our moment. It was a good moment.  A step foreward for our wedding next month. 


Our wedding. I think again, I'm think of marrying Thayer as I stare at Elijah. I'm in trouble. I watch as he brings a hand to his face scratching his forehead like he does when he is thinking hard. I wonder what he is thinking about. Then I watch as he stands and makes his way to Rashell. Watching as he first sees Chaston and Sebastien. Chaston is bawling and Sebastien seems emotionless. Gosh there father is dead! Or course things aren't going to be good!  then I watch as Rashell wraps her arms around him and she cries, fake tears, I can tell. But I'm not the only one to realize she holds him but he doesn't hold her. Her kids notice, and so does Mr. and Mrs. West. Looking up at the coffin, which I can't see inside, I flash back to Harris's wake. Tatum was nice enough to take me. His wako sister sister killed him. Wow women these days! Looking out the window to my right I almost jump out of my chair. Tatum is there! Floating! Or doing what ever he does flying at something he points at the door, and gestures for me to hurry. Elbowing Thayer I point and he looks, and looks at me. I stand up, telling Thayer to stay put.  I look up at Rashell, Chaston and Sebastien... and he just happens to be looking at me as well. I smile slightly and leave the room as fast as I can. I'm gonna beat Tatum when he appears!


"Lyra, you know what the obituary says!" He asks behind me holding out the paper. I take it reading it and it says Pneumonia! 


"It's a bunch of bullshit!" I hand it back. "It was Rashell." 


"Oh.. you knew that already?" He asks, tossing it behind him. I nod wondering if I should pick that up or not. I guess I never picked one up so I wont be blamed for it, but I doubt Tatum will. Also it's not very nice... that guy is dead. The king is dead! Leaving only Rashell to rule over the kingdom. Oh god, I see where Tatum is going with this! His people might be in danger! I know I am and I'm from here! What might she do too Tatum and his family?


"I don't have time for this Tatum." I sigh, wanting to help, but until we know for sure whats going on we can't really help. 


"Later then." He says. I nod slipping back into the room. As I come back in The West's a sitting back down. Damn I missed the time to go up there. I don't want to go without Thayer with me. I look back up there and see my parents. I smile they look the same. Sadder then ever but still healthy. At least she isn't trying to kill everyone off! Taking my sear next to Thayer, I grab his hand and he gives me a quizzical look. I hold up a fingure gesturing for him to wait with the questions for a better time. We sit quietly as people come in and out. Elijah stays for the whoel time and so do we. Once the sun has started setting, guards come in and lead the Queen and her kids out of the room. I look up at the coffin one last time, I haven't seen his body yet. I grab Thayer's hand, and I stand up pulling him with me. Going up there now without having to say anything, I look down at Mr. Holt. He looks peaceful. I hope it wasn't a horrible and painful death. "Care to tell me whats up?" he whispers, wraping an arm around my side. 


"Tatum... he showed me the obituary. It says Pneumonia was the cause of death... It's wrong." I reply, Looking away from his body. I'm for some reason not as sad as I should be. More angry, because he was good guy, and the women he married killed him! She is one bat shit crazy lady! "He is worried about his people his race. I told him I will help." 


"Lyra!" He says in his normal voice now sounding worried. "You can't protect and save everyone.  He has an army why would he need your help? Why go through all of that danger?" He ask.


"Beause it's the right thing to do Thayer. She murdered him, and now Sebastien and Chaston don't have a father. The people of Spridge will live under her rule, and that's not right!" I say pulling from his hold. I cross my arms, can't he see this?


"You are right, I just don't want you put into that kind of danger." He says, and we walk back towards his parents. I take notice to Elijah talking to Asia, in the back of the room. "Lyra, you are so reckless sometimes!" He sighs, seeing my determination.


"Thayer do you realize me being here is huge risk?" I whisper. He nods, and I see his eye flick to Elijah. "It's not his fault either!" I add. "We need to talk to Tatum. Come on!" I grab his hand, and we head back outside and to the beach. We're no one should be able to see or hear us. We sit at the edge of the dock, waiting to see if Tatum shows up, dangling our feet into the water, and chatting. It's always easy to carry a conversation with him which is one thing I love about him. 


"I seen the other elementals in there." he sighs, as we finish talking about fish. I nod, unsure where he is going with this. Better not be that he is attracted to them! Although I shouldn't be mad if he likes other girls. "I've never seen you use your powers, and I know you have bth ice and air."  Holding out my left hand I  form a snowball, and he smiles. I still can do it. Then with my righ hand, I twirl a tornado.  "That's awesome." He smiles, 


"This isn't anything. " I smile, sitting the snowball in the tornado then I throw it and the snowball shoots out like a cannon. "I can fly, and create wind and snow storms. I'm kind of out of practice though." I sigh, ending the tornado in my hand. 


"Can you fly for real?" he asks, disbelieving me. I stand up, offering a hand for him to come with me. He shakes his head. I shrug, and he turns to watch me. "In case you really can fly, please be careful." He says, giving me a look. I smirk, crouching down. I haven't done this in so long, it will feel nice. My hair will get messy, but it's worth it.  "Lyra I'm serious!" He warns and I jump. Bursting into the sky, I laugh I forgot how good this felt! I do a couple loops and twirls. Then I dive down, flying a foot above the water. I reach down running my fingers through the water. Something I've always wanted to do since seeing it in movies. I slow down to hover by Thayer who is smiling as well and watching me. 


"Sure you don't want to come along?" I ask, holding a hand. He nods stepping away from me. Hmmm I wonder what his problem is. "Scared of heights?" I ask. and he doesn't say anything. I giggle, landing on the dock I run my fingers through my hair again happy it's not as bad as I thought. "Well, I don't think he is coming. "Wanna go back get some food." 


"Yeah." he sigh, and he holds out his arm like a gentle men. I put my hand on his elbow like a lady is supposed to and I still lead the way. I point out little things about bushes and flowers, still not a smart as Thayer is about these things. Walking up the entrance to the castle, I sigh. It's such a pretty place. I'm surprised my parents haven't came running to find me. Although there friend just died. Also they're probably trying to sooth their other friend even though she doesn't need soother she needs thrown into a jail cell! The stairs start shaking, and I look around at everything. I see the groundshaking as well, and I know something is up. We don't have earthquakes here!  I see Flora walking about of the forest, and it's her. It's her.. why is she doing this? Out of know where A bunch of crows fly out of the woods, and up into the sky. Then she stops. "What was that?" Thayer asks me. I'm gonna find out. Jumping up I zoom over to her, and land in front of her. She gives me a smile happy to see me. 


"What the hell Flora?" I ask right away. Not wanting to do the whole enitre how have you been and why didn't you write conversation. Her face faulters slightly. "Hey..." I sigh, and she smiles. 


"The crows... They've been hanging out around the castle the past couple weeks. Just trying to get ride of them. They're stubborn I had to make an earthquke for them to leave." She sighs. 


"Oh... huh.." I sigh, and then we somewhat catch up walking back to the castle.  "Thayer.. Flora... Flora Thayer." I  introduce them.  They wave to each other.  


"I hope you're treating her right, she is a special  girl." Flora grabs his hand shaking it. Thayer doesnt know what to say, and neither to do.


"Flora don't pesture the couple, come on we're running late." Elijah walks down the stairs. My grip on Thayers hand tightens. Oh shit. He heart rates flies again. I don't look at him, I don't say anything. 


"The others went to training already?" Flora groans. "Yeah, we shoud get going... Hey Lyra you should come with us! We never had that  trainging day with all od us and I'm sure Theo would love to see you. Along with the

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