» Romance » Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗». Author Claire M

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him die in here. He already seemed weak so he probably wouldn't have been able to get out himself. Even with his power. Even though he wasn't human. How long had he been in here?

And then I realised. I was the one who helped him get out of the attic. To help free him in this point in time. This was meant to happen...?

I followed him as he rushed downstairs. His eyes filling with anger and sadness that he'd been abandoned. I saw him drop to the floor, his hands to his face. Then everything went blurry once again and I was pulled back to the timeline.

Where was I going to end up this time?

I was in the attic with Rufus again. He had gotten a couple of years older again. By now he'd be about...19? I sat up rubbing my head. I swear, each time I went through the timeline, it dropped me harder to the floor.

Suddenly his head shot up and he looked to the window. He ran over to it and I followed, wondering what all the fuss was about. Maybe his family had come back?

I looked out the window, my arm accidently touching Rufus's, but it went through it. Of course it did...

His face dropped slightly when he saw it wasn't his family. I know he loved them, but after the way they treated him?

Then my eyes widened when I saw who stepped out of the van passenger seat.

It was me.

Rufus sighed and went and sat behind the boxes.

I stayed with him as my past self moved into the house with the help of the movers. I was surprised I didn't go back to the timeline or wake up, I mean, nothing happened for the next few hours, and Rufus had fallen asleep himself.

Suddenly the attic door opened and a head peeked over the entrance. My past self's head. I remembered about how I'd been too afraid to go up because of how it looked haunted.

Now I was up here all the time.

I chuckled to myself and Rufus opened an eye. He sensed the presence of someone else and froze. He didn't move again until the past me had gone back downstairs, which wasn't more than 10 seconds later. The door shut again and I was pulled back to the timeline.

I really hoped this was the last time I was going to travel through it.

"Ow!" I landed with a thump on the attic floor and Rufus's eyes searched the room. He'd heard me again?

He didn't look any different. Probably because I didn't go very far through his past.

He looked to the window and saw the moon, and then listened for any other noises in the house. When he heard nothing, he quietly got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I followed him and watched him take a look in the fridge. He pulled out a packet of ham, cheese and the small carton of milk, and then went back upstairs drinking the milk.

I didn't feel at all annoyed at Rufus for taking my food.

He stopped when his eyes saw the door to a bedroom was open a little. He screwed the top back on the milk and put the food and carton on the floor outside the door. He then quietly walked into the room and looked at the person sleeping peacefully in the bed.

It was me. And he was stroking my cheek. My past self. I held a closed hand to my chest and looked at him. Of course he'd seen me before I met him, but seeing him do this...

"Rufus..." I spoke before being pulled back to the timeline. Again. But I saw his head spin round, and he looked right at me. I gasped and everything went black. The trip through Rufus's past had ended.

"Lexie! Lexie! Wake up!" I was being shaken. I opened my eyes and Rufus's face came into focus. The present Rufus. I was back to the present time.

"Ugh..." I groaned. "Rufus-" "How did you do that?" He cut me off. "What?" "You got into my memories! How? I heard your voice!" I sat up. Rufus was looking into my eyes for an answer. "I-I don't know! I woke up during the night and your hand touched mine, and then I was in your past!" I stammered.

"I had a dream about my past, that's when I heard your voice. I looked up at him. He was looking away and frowning, his eyes slightly narrowed, like he was trying to remember something.

"I guess we had the same dream then." Rufus snapped out of it and looked at me, wanting to know more. Now I was the one who had the distant look. I told him about the different times of his life I went to and how I helped him a little, and how I was a ghost in his past.

"Yeah, I think what happened was I had the same dream, but somehow when I touched you, you joined me." Rufus said afterwards.

"Rufus, I'm so sorry about what happened...It's really mean what they did to you." "It's okay! I mean, I got to meet you so I'm actually quite grateful to them!" He giggled and I hugged him. He stopped laughing, a little shocked. "Silly..." I said, and he hugged me back tightly. I could tell he was still emotional about it, but I'd be here for him. I'd be here for him whenever he needed me, because he was my best friend too. And I cared for him. A lot.
School Introductions

"I'm off to school now. Don't break anything; don't answer the phone and don't answer the door."

I handed Rufus a piece of toast before grabbing my bag and put my hand on the front door handle.

"How long will you be gone?" Rufus said with somewhat a sad tone in his voice. "Just a few hours! Don't worry; I'll be back before you know it!" I turned and pulled a smile.

I felt bad, leaving him alone all over again after so many years of being that way. I sighed and gave him an apologetic look before turning and walking out the door.

It's okay. It's just a few hours. He'll be fine. I kept telling myself and looked at my watch.

Oh crap. I have 15 minutes to get to school which is the other side of the neighbourhood! (Note: I live in a very big neighbourhood with a big town).

I swung my bag over my shoulder and began to run.

* * *

Rufus sat on the sofa, flicking through the channels on TV. He pressed all the different buttons on the remote, grinning goofily, when his stomach rumbled.

He looked at the clock and walked to the kitchen where he searched the cupboards for food.

One particular cereal box caught his eye and he picked it out, jumping back down on the couch and pulling out the packet. "How do you-" The bag burst, sending little flakes of cereal everywhere. "Oops..."

* * *

Phew, made it just in time! "Hey Lexie!" I sat down in my seat beside the window just as the bell rang for the beginning of school.

I looked round to see Ruby and Hayley. My best friends. Ruby sits in front of me and Hayley beside.

We've been friends since Primary school and from what I remember, have always stuck by me, never falling out with me once.

We are also friends with a girl called Maisy, but she's in a different class. We met her when we started this school. Maybe I'll tell you the story on how I met my friends. But not now.

"Oh, Hi Ruby! Hayley!" Ruby sat down in her seat and Hayley leant back on the front of my desk.

"So, do anything fun over the weekend?" Hayley smiled. "No not really. I stayed in. Watched TV, Slept. The usual." I couldn't be bothered explaining what happened truthfully. "Same here. I would have invited you both and Maisy over if I hadn't had been grounded." Ruby groaned and leant her head back in her seat.

Me and Hayley glanced at each other and giggled. "What did you do this time?" Ruby is a humorous troublemaker. Hayley is cheerful and confident and Maisy is the shy and sweet one. We all joke a lot. People at school think we're crazy and weird because of how we act but we don't care. We just have fun.

We get along with most of the people in school but we aren't popular. Definitely not. And of course, there are those we don't get along with at all.

The room went quieter suddenly.

"Oh, and just a reminder, exams start this Thursday." Our tutor had arrived for registration and had given some of the boys in the class a small lecture on not to wear their uniform like trash. It seemed we hadn't noticed he'd come in, but some of the guys were tidying their uniforms moodily so I'd only guessed they'd had a lecture. They do every day.

Everyone groaned and some protested at the short exam notice.

Hayley sat down at her desk beside me and Ruby sat sideways in her chair-which was in front of my desk. I dropped my head into my hands, also groaning.

"Ha-ha, just kidding. They start next Monday until whenever it says on your schedule which I'm going to give each of you now."

The class seemed a little relieved at the few extra days they had, and the teacher handed out the schedules.

Damn exams. I hated them. I doubt anyone liked them.

So, after what seemed like a century (okay, over-exaggeration), lunchtime came.

And today really wasn't my lucky

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