» Romance » Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗». Author Claire M

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of the session and me and my friends started packing our things away.

"I'll leave a practice paper on the table so take one on your way out if you want to revise over the weekend." The older teacher said, putting a small pile of papers on the desk.

"Thanks miss!" Hayley smiled, holding the door open for us. We all took a paper before leaving knowing it would be wise to use as much revision resources as possible before the upcoming and important exams.

"Good luck on your exams!" was the reply heard from the teacher before the door closed.

It felt weird walking through school when there weren't any students in apart from the few like us and the teachers of course.

"Hey, I wonder if it's true what they say about the teachers sleeping in school." Hayley said, peering into the darkened classrooms as we walked by.

There was the occassional teacher in some of the rooms which looked quite annoyed at us for making such a racket. Many of the teachers at our school were moody and strict. I really felt like sticking my tongue out at them.

"Yeah, maybe we should secretly stay here one night and see what it's like?" Ruby giggled, Hayley joining in. Maisy just sighed, a sweet but slight smile on her face.

"You okay?" I asked, a little concerned for my friend who hadn't been herself all day.

"Hm?" She looked up at me in wonder but realised what I meant. "Oh, yeah thanks." She smiled and though I knew something was wrong, I also knew I shouldn't press the matter.

Maisy usually trusted us enough to tell us about any problems or if she was feeling down, but if she wasn't going to tell us this time, I was going to trust in her that she would be okay and be able to fix it for herself. Not telling us, or even me, meant it wasn't too big a deal and that she could deal with it. But we all knew we were there for each other, whenever help was needed. That's what type of friends we were.

"Okay, I'll see you guys on Monday, have a nice weekend!" I shouted and waved to my friends as we parted ways for the weekend.

Ruby was staying at Hayley's for tea and to study. Maisy couldn't since she had other plans and I couldn't leave Rufus so I told them I also had other plans.

"You too! Sorry you couldn't come too! Bye!" Hayley said and they waved back.

"That's okay!" I shouted in reply before continuing on home.

This is probably going to sound crazy and really stupid, but all day, I had this creepy feeling that someone had been watching me. It wasn't Rufus, he'd stopped watching me toward the end of the week.

I found myself walking faster, reaching my street and practically running home as soon as I caught sight of my front door.

Kicking the garden gate shut behind me, I pushed the key in the lock with shaky hands and stumbled inside, slamming the door behind me and exhaling deeply as I leant back against the door.

I turned back round and slipped my school blazer and shoes off. I didn't know why I was so shaky and scared...That feeling maybe? The feeling that someone had been watching me almost all day...It sent shivers down my spine. I tried to shake it off as just my imagination but it just didn't seem right. There was definitely someone out there.

I was too wracked up my thoughts that I didn't hear Rufus come in and while hanging my blazer up on the hanger, I felt a slight warm breath on the back of my neck which sent my heart soaring. I froze for a second before screaming and slamming back against the front door.

"Uhh...Lexie? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you-" I slid down to my knees and breathed.

"Wahh! Lexie! What's wrong?" He bent down in front of me and looked me in the face. "You're so pale!" He put a hand on my cheek. "What happened?"

I looked back up at him and giggled, leaving him confused for a second.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing." I reassured him and he helped me up, his face still concerned. Then he wrinkled his nose and looked at my shoulder.

For a second I noticed a look of annoyance in his eyes. As he touched my shoulder, he stared at it, and I realised he could sense something. My mind reeled back to earlier that morning when the mysterious raven woman had brushed past me.

I looked at my shoulder and back at him. It was like he was in a trance. So that woman had been a demon?

I looked into his eyes and said nothing. He looked like he was trying to figure it out, like he recognized the scent and he was trying to find it's owner. Then his eyes widened and he looked back up at me. I looked away feeling my cheeks heat up for a moment.

He pulled his hand away from me and scratched the back of his head.

"Ah, sorry!" He smiled, his teeth showing and his eyes closed. Then he opened one eye and glanced at my shoulder for a split second once again before putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'll be in the attic if you need me. Call me when dinners ready!" He said before heading upstairs.

"O-okay..." I replied but too quiet for him to hear. I simply stood there in a trance of my own and raised a hand to my shoulder.

What the hell was going on?

An hour passed slowly and I was taking the dinner out of the oven when I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Jeez, it'd just finished cooking too...

I grabbed the house keys from the cupboard and opened the door.

Rufus was laying on his back with his arms folded behind his head, staring at the roof.

He'd sensed something demonic on Lexie's shoulder as she got home from school. A scent. It was definetly a demon. And it had seemed familiar. He just couldn't figure out who's it was.

But it was a demon, and it had touched Lexie. That angered Rufus. What if they had hurt her? He snarled at the thought.

When he had gone to greet Lexie with his usual hug, he had seen she was shaking, and he could sense a high amount of fear imminating from her. This had worried him deeply.

He was concered what had scared her so, until he had noticed that scent.

He closed his eyes, knowing that he would never let anything happen to her.

And then he sensed it. It was stronger than before. That same scent that had been smeared onto Lexie's shoulder.

It was here.

He snapped his eyes open. That presence!

I opened the door to find quite a beautiful and young woman with medium length jet black hair. It was quite messy like Rufus's, and I had the weird feeling that I had seen her before. Could it be...?

"Hello dear," She spoke with a nice voice. She seemed kind enough, but it wasn't to last. "Would Rufus be in by any chance?" Her deep brown eyes searched the room behind me. I could tell she was trouble.

But, how was it she knows Rufus? She sure looks a lot like him. No, she couldn't be...

"I'm really sorry but he's sleeping at the moment. He's had a rough day and I'd rather not wake him. Maybe you could stop by again later?" I finally managed to speak. I had to lie a little. If she was trouble and looking for Rufus, I couldn't let her see him. Who knows what she'd do?

And I had seen her before. I was sure of it. It was the woman from earlier. And she was a demon. I felt the smallest amount of fear in my chest.

The girl nodded and looked down, her eyes hidden behind her long locks.

"Wrong answer!" Her head shot back up and before I could react, within a second she had me slammed back against the wall which cracked at the force, and pinned there around my neck.

Her eyes were black with crimson cat-like pupils, or in other words demonic. I recognized them from when Rufus's were like that.

She looked into my eyes and smirked. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I tried to push her hand away with my own but she stopped me and pushed my futile attempt away. After that I couldn't move my arms or legs.

I tried to scream, but all that came out was a squeak. My vision began to blur, and as I felt myself beginning to slip into unconciousness, I heard Rufus's voice.

"LEXIE!" The womans grip on my neck loosened just the tiniest bit, but it was enough for me to turn and see Rufus skid to the top of the stairs, hitting his shoulder on the wall as he stopped, but his eyes were on me. And then the woman.
His eyes narrowed and he growled something under his breath with sounded like "Eve."

Then his eyes turned to anger and he literally flew down the stairs and grabbed the woman by her shoulders, slamming her against the front door. I was surprised it didn't fly off it's hinges and down the road with them from the force.

I fell to the floor, coughing and clutching my throat, re-filling my lungs with air as quickly as possible. I felt my vision returning.

My eyes widened at the words which followed from the womans mouth.

"Hello, Brother."
Chapter 10

So, I was left sitting on the couch, hugging my knees to my chest and staring out into the rain, trying my very hardest not to start pacing round the room or go insane.

It'd been an hour since Rufus left to talk with that girl. A whole hour! I was sick with worry.

A storm had started around ten minutes after they left, and it was still raining heavily now, along with the frequent and violent roar of thunder and flash of lightning.

I had been right about the girl. She was Rufus's sister, Eve.

Truth be told, I was scared. I was scared for Rufus. What if he was hurt? I know Eve, or at least, I've seen her through Rufus's dream that time and I saw enough to know what she's like. She would hurt him.

I know Rufus is a demon, but I still couldn't shake the worry which clung heavily to my heart.

"He's only after your

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