» Romance » Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗». Author Claire M

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After picking battered fish, chips and mushy peas, I got a tray and headed toward the table at the top of the cafeteria.

I was looking round for the others while heading towards the table, also not looking where my feet were going.

So not a good idea. Especially when I'm so clumsy and all.

My foot reached the first step of the four while my other foot hit the second.

I went flying forwards, my tray soaring through the air before me, and before I could look up, I heard a splat, a shriek and a smash.

Oh crap.
Incident Number One

"Oh my freakin' god! My top! My brand new-oh you are so gonna pay for that." Before I could even look up, I was dragged to my feet round the collar of my shirt, by none other than Kylie Samson.

I repeat. Oh crap.

Her face was bright red with anger, her strawberry blonde hair lined with mushy green peas, and her light pink pineapple top was stained with green. She must have a dance class after lunch. Not that that mattered or anything.

Mushy blobs of green dripped from her hair.

I tried not to laugh but I must have failed since I saw her face go an even brighter shade of red. I thought she might explode.

Jesus, it's just a top...

"Sorry, I tripped on the steps." I said. Kylie's grip on my collar tightened and I realised the whole cafeteria was silent, apart from the odd murmur. Everyone was staring at us. I felt my own face go red but in embarrassment.

I looked round and saw the plate smashed into little pieces on the floor of the top step not too far away, and the piece of fish which had somehow found its way all the way over near the window at the far side of the cafeteria.

The chips were scattered on the floor too.

And the tray-wait, where'd the tray get to? My eyes scanned my line of sight. Oh! There! Oops...It was in some girl's dinner.

I shot her apologetic look and she smiled back forgivingly, moving the tray underneath her own. Her friend giggled quietly.


I remembered I was being shaken by Kylie, and shouted at. A little over the top. She wasn't one to let things go easily, and she tends to go overboard. Alot.

I was tempted to say "Not really", but she'd only get even more worked up. She'd probably even hit me.

I just stared and listened.

I could see her becoming more and more pissed off, but I didn't expect her to let go of me. I think a teacher may have arrived at that point, because she looked over my shoulder and let me go.

But before turning and walking away, she had to go and give one petty little push.

I had to step back to regain my balance, but of course, I was still on the step and this was my unlucky day.

I toppled backwards, my hands reaching out and grabbing nothing but thin air, my feet trying to regain balance.

I heard a shriek and then there was nothing.

What Friends Are For

I groaned. My head hurt like hell. This pain seemed familiar.

"She's alive!" A girl's voice? I couldn't tell. My brain was fuzzled up. "Of course she's alive, silly. Lexie wouldn't die on us. Besides, she only hit her head." "Yeah, but there was so much blood!" "Quiet down you guys, you'll give her a headache." "I think she already does have a headache, silly Maisy."

I managed to open my eyes, and I did so to find a crowd of faces looking at me. "Lexie! Oh god...You're awake!"

Who was this Lexie? My brain did not compute.

I felt disorientated, and claustrophobic.

I began to hyperventilate.

"Oh god, she's hyperventilating! Give her some room! Lexie, calm down, it's okay! Do you know who I am? It's me, Ruby!" I stared at her and continued to hyperventilate.

"Lexie! Look at me." She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. I stared back, dazed.

"Oh that does it." The others looked at each other and stepped back. "Sorry Lexie."

And she slapped me. She actually slapped me one in the face.

But I'm glad she did.

"Ruby!" I gasped and she hugged me. Hayley and Maisy joined her. "God, we thought you were dead!" Hayley breathed as we let go of each other. "Oh, enough with the dying! It's not nice!" Maisy sighed.

"We got to the cafeteria and there was a crowd of people, so we went to go see what all the commotion was about and there was blood all over this metal seat and beside it there you were on the floor, blood around your head!" Ruby stammered, breathing deeply when she finished.

I remembered what happened. I looked round.

"Oh, you're in the school infirmary. It's quarter to three." Hayley smiled. "The teachers let us stay with you."

I felt really loved!

"Aw, thanks guys! You stayed here all this time!" Everyone grinned at me. "But it's okay, really! I only hit my head. Right...?"

Seriously though, what the hell is with me and hitting my head? It's like I'm cursed or something! Or maybe it's just my stupid clumsiness.

Everyone suddenly looked serious.

Okay, now I was scared.

I felt my head. A bandage had been wrapped around it. I ran my hand to the back of my head and pain shot through it. I winced and my eyes widened.

No way...

There's no way I could've possibly hit my head the exact same place I did when Rufus attacked me!

But I had...

I breathed deeply. "Lexie, we think you might have a concussion..." Ruby broke the silence.

What? A...A...A concussion? No way? No, I don't...! I don't feel like I do! I don't feel that bad! It doesn't even hurt!

But I knew I was lying to myself. It did hurt.

"You also lost quite a bit of blood. We really hope you don't have concussion, so a doctor from the town hospital is headed over right now. Just to make sure and all." Ruby had a serious look on her face. So did Hayley. And Maisy. But Ruby? Serious?

But really, I got hurt this bad from a slight bash to the head? Well, it was in the same place as before.

"Talk about unlucky, huh..." "Huh?" Ruby looked up. "Oh, nothing! Sorry, just mumbling to myself there." I giggled and everyone smiled at me.

Then I remembered.


Oh no! What am I going to do? I need to get back home to-a knock at the door interrupted me mid-thought. "Hello, you must be Lexie Evenson am I right? I'm Doctor Matthew Thames. Your school nurse called. I'm here to make sure you don't have a concussion." A tall man in a suit walked in the infirmary and set his bag down on the bed next to me. I sat up to make room and my friends walked to the door. "We'll wait for you." Hayley smiled and shut the door behind her.

So after a while of examination and shining bright lights in my eyes, the doctor put away his equipment and looked back at me.

I could still see small blobs of light from where he'd shone the little torch in my eyes. I blinked.

"Lexie, tell me, have you hit your head before? Quite recently and maybe enough for it to bleed?" I couldn't lie. Not to the doctor. "Yes. I tripped on the stairs and cracked the back of my head on the floor. When I came to I couldn't remember what happened at first and found my head bleeding." I had to lie about Rufus.

"I see. That would explain why your head was so much easier to take the damage."

I took a deep breath.

"Well, I've examined you and you don't seem to be too bad. You have hit your head pretty hard but it's not as bad as to call it a concussion."

I sighed in relief.

"You do need to take it easy though and take extra care of that head. With the damage you've taken it's pretty much vulnerable at the moment. If you were to take another hit like that you probably would end up with a concussion." He stood up and took a small tub of what looked like paracetamol and another bigger tub out of his bag.

"Here, take these; some painkillers and some cream to help it heal a little. If you need anything or if anything's wrong, be sure to let your school nurse know and if needed, I'll be down here as soon as possible." I smiled.

"Okay, thank you doctor!" I walked out the door to my friends who had been patiently waiting for what seemed like an hour, but was only around 30 minutes.

"Hey!" Ruby was the first to get up. "Oh, hey! How'd it go? Are you okay?" Hayley joined her, Maisy at her side.

"Everything's fine, thanks. I don't have a concussion but I still took a bad hit to the head so I need to take it easy." I grinned at them.

"Oh, phew! Thank god you're okay!" Maisy and the others smiled kindly back at me and picked up their bags. "We're gonna walk you home today. We don't live too far away anyway!" Hayley began walking. "No, it's okay! You don't have to-" "Yeah we do, just to be safe and all!" Maisy and the others were already in front of me. I sighed.

"Okay. Thanks guys."

We stopped at the local shop on the way home so I could get some food supplies. I got some weird looks from people because of the bandage around my head. My friends just told me to ignore them. I did.

It was around half 4 now.

"Well we'll

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