» Romance » Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demonic Bonds, Claire M [best ereader for graphic novels .TXT] 📗». Author Claire M

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and I like that.

I enjoy looking out and daydreaming into the outside world.

I found myself doing that this lesson. My chin resting on my left hand and my eyes wandering out the window, letting my mind shut out the teachers droning voice. (Okay I shouldn't say that about my English teacher. He's actually quite friendly).

Only this time, what crossed my mind were images of last night. Of me and Rufus. Of the way he'd hugged me and kissed my head so softly.

And then there was her. The woman that sent a shock of electric-like-static through my body, as she brushed past me not too long ago.

I touched my shoulder. It felt, still tingly.

I blinked and looked back to the teacher. Seeing that he was still talking about something which uninterested me completely, I let my head rest down on the table, using my arms as a not-so-comfortable cushion, but it'd do.

I just had this sudden
Chapter 8

There was water all around me. My vision was blurred and darkened, but I could see a hand reach out for something, but what? I couldn't see.

And then someone was calling my name.

"LEXIE!" it was deep and familiar. Then it turned slightly higher and everything dissapeared.

"! Lexie! Hey, wake up!"

I opened my eyes. Someone was kicking the back of my chair. Oh yeah, I was in English wasn't I...

So that was just a dream. I rubbed my head and looked up. Everyone was looking at me, the teacher somewhat annoyed that I'd fallen asleep. It was the guy behind me who was kicking my chair and telling me to wake up.

I jumped to my senses. "Oh, sir! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep, I-" "It's okay, just don't do it again." He sighed and continued teaching.

I glanced round the room. most people had stopped looking, but I noticed Ruby still looking at me.

"You okay?" She mouthed. I nodded, smiling and she smiled back, her expression saying "Okay."

I hadn't realised my heart had been pounding away at my chest, but it hurt.

What's going on with me?

Hayley, Ruby and Maisy all walked me home afterschool. Exept we were being followed.

By Rufus.

Little did I know that he had actually been at school all day, watching over me, as if protecting me from something, or, someone...

"What the hell are you doing?" I practically shouted at him as he walked in through the front door a few seconds after me.

Instead of answering, he pulled up the sleeve of my school shirt to my shoulder and ran his hand over the top my shoulder.

Then he frowned.

He was about to speak but I went and interrupted him; I was feeling a bit annoyed.

"What are you doing?" I spoke a little too coldly. I swallowed and said a little gentler; "Rufus? What's wrong?" My anger suddenly drained.

He snapped out of whatever sort of trance he was in and looked at me smiling. I knew it was fake. He was hiding something, Rufus didn't seem like himself.

"Nothing, sorry, I just wanted to meet Lexie at school so I waited until you'd finished but you were with some other girls so I didn't want to interrupt anything!" He spoke a little quickly in his usual chirpy way.

I giggled and ruffled his hair as I walked through to the kitchen. Rufus remained on the spot deep in thought again.

I rubbed my shoulder gently.

Did he sense it? Was that woman really another demon and he could sense it? Could he tell because she left a scent on my arm?

I had so many questions whizzing through my mind.

I was so confused.

What's happening to me?

I brought my hands to my temples, squeezing my eyelids shut to stop any tears from escaping.

"Lexie? You okay?" My eyes snapped open and I spun round and exhaled deeply.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I was just thinking..." I trailed off trying to think of something to say. "...I cut your hair for you but you still haven't got any new clothes yet have you?" I forgot to mention earlier; I cut his hair. It was now shorter but still thick and messy. Rufus said he really loved it. I had yet to buy him new clothes and he'd been wearing my clothes which I never really wore because they were too big for me. For example the pair of camo cut-off's which my mum bought for my a few months back since she thought I'd like them. It's a shame they don't fit because I really do like them.

There's also the black hoodie with a zebra pattern on the pockets which turned out to be too big for me when I ordered it off the internet.

Luckily Rufus fits into them somehow.

"But I don't have any money and staying here is en-" I cut him off, shaking my finger.

"Uh-uh. I told you. Don't worry about it 'kay? You can't live in those clothes forever."

He sighed. "Okay. Thankyou Lexie." I half expected him to hug me but instead he gave me a big warm hearted smile. I could only smile back.

The next day afterschool, me and Rufus walked into town.

It seemed he'd been watching over me at school today too. But I didn't know that at the time.

I bought him some new shoes first. We went into a couple footwear stores before he found some really nice looking black converses. They weren't high tops but they were really nice. I bought myself some too but in high tops. I thought I might as well splurge a little. I hadn't been clothes shopping since before I moved into my new house.

When we got to the first clothes store, he was amazed and was zipping round the shop crazily, looking at almost all the different clothes. I should've felt embarrassed at how he was acting, but I didn't. I enjoyed it, being out shopping with him.

I ended up splurging a bit and by the time we got home we had quite a few bags of clothes and a new pair of trainers for Rufus.

"Thank you Lexie! I enjoyed today! If only I had money of my own I could pay you for it..." Rufus said.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you've finally got some new and better clothes to wear that actually fit you. And actually, I enjoyed today too!" I smiled and headed upstairs to sort out the new clothes feeling actually pretty tired.

After tea I went up to my room and changed for bed, before studying for the exams next week. Rufus stayed downstairs watching TV.

I must've fallen asleep at one point because I opened my eyes to find myself in Rufus's arms.

"Rufus? What-?" He gently put me down on the bed.

"I'm not really sure what happened; whether you fell asleep or passed out, but I heard a noise and came up here to find you laying on the floor next to the chair." He told me. I swallowed.

"But...I...I promised my parents I'd do well in my exams, I have to study!" I covered my eyes with my arm to hide that my eyes were filling with tears. Rufus brought it away.

"Stop pushing yourself so hard." He stroked the top of my hair. "I've been revising and studying and I still don't understand at thing! I'm just not good at my school work! I..." I choked. Rufus put his arms around me and hugged me. Then the tears began to flow. I felt annoyed at myself for being so pathetic, but I just let it all out and cried into his chest. It felt better.

Rufus sat with me and didn't let me go until I stopped crying.

"I'll help you with anything I can, and I'm sure you're friends can help too!" He said softly. "You'll do fine, I know you will. You're Lexie!" He grinned and I laughed. "Thanks Rufus."

I must've fallen asleep again after that because I woke up to the alarm to find Rufus next to me with his arm around me. He was still asleep so I decided to leave it that way and managed to turn of the alarm then slip out of bed without waking him.

Before leaving I left him a bowl of cereal on the bedside table.

During school that day I asked my subject teachers about any extra lessons for more help on my studying. I payed more attention in class and my friends helped me, giving me some important notes to jot down and remember.

Rufus also kindly helped me as much as he could around the home too.

It all helped me alot, and I was beginning to understand more and more of the work alot more. I got more sleep and overall felt much better.

But it wasn't just for me.

I was doing it for Rufus too, because I hated seeing him worry like that.

I guess before I knew it, I was in love with him.

Chapter 9

So, after spending the remainder of the week attending extra afterschool classes and studying with the kind help of my friends, the teachers and Rufus, it came to friday and I was feeling darn good and ready for the exams. I'd even go as far as to say I couldn't wait for them to start.

"Oh yeah, bring it on!" I said, clenching my fists with fire in my eyes.

"Lexie, exams don't start 'till Monday so you'll have to wait." Maisy giggled, an comical sweat drop running down the side of her head.

We were in the afterschool maths studying class with Hayley and Ruby who had come not only to help me but also to freshen up their memory and skills. There were a few other students in the classroom as well as couple of teachers helping out.

It was coming to the end

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