» Romance » First Kiss, Elizabeth Hill [intellectual books to read .TXT] 📗

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don’t even know him. What if he’s like a robber or something. Her response made me laugh.

What do you know him? And anyways he’s not a robber! But if he was he would be a hot robber! If he was I wouldn’t mind if he robbed me!

-I <3 Chase!

I didn’t reply if I did I don’t know what I would have said.

I finished home work earlier than I thought I would and wasn’t really hungry so I went to take a shower as I usually did when I had nothing else to do. When I got out and was in pajamas I heard mom and dad downstairs. I walked down and saw they were making dinner together. They hadn’t done that in forever; dad always thought that mom was too slow for him.
“Hey guys, having fun?” I asked.
“Yup, oh Gabby’s mom called; we invited them over for dinner.” Mom said this surprised me but I was fine with it.
“What are we having?” I hoped it wasn’t meat loaf or something gross like that. But the smell was better almost like . . .
“Tacos, your favorite.” Dad said in his gruff voice. I jumped up and down shouting whoo! I always acted goofy around my family to show them I was just fine. They always used to think I was depressed or something because I am always reading and not talking too much. I was and am perfectly happy.

When our guest arrived dinner was ready so we went to eat. When we were all seated I asked the first question.
“Why come over?” I asked, but then regretted it when I saw Gabby’s face go sad.
“What?” I asked.
“Brielle, you didn’t tell her yet?” I had almost forgotten Gabby’s full name. Her mom had named her Gabriella but she didn’t like the nick name Gabby so she called her Brielle. When we first hung out I called her Gabby but her mom like I said didn’t like it.
“Didn’t tell me what?”
“Jamie, honey me and Brielle and her brother and her dad are moving.” My jaw dropped.
“No! You can’t move! I mean what . . . I can’t . . . I mean you can’t . . .” I didn’t know what to say. My best friend in the world could not move! Before Elana and all my other friends Gabby was the only one. She couldn’t move!
“I am so sorry Jamie; I wanted to tell you but . . . But we’re going to England! I mean I am so excited! But I am going to miss you so much!” She smiled at me sad; I didn’t want to make it any harder than it had to be. I mean I wanted to scream I wanted to shout and fight. Tell them they had to stay that they couldn’t go! But that would make it harder on Gabby and I didn’t want that. So I put my brave face on.
“That’s great Gabby really! I mean England! Take pictures and send them to me! Why are you going though?”
“My dad’s job . . .” She trailed off.
I just nodded. “When are you-“
“Tonight, well tomorrow morning; 2; 00 a clock.” She grimaced. I had to blink a few times before the tears went away.

Before leaving I had Gabby come up to my room and take some stuff of mine that she had always wanted. We laughed about all the old stories then cried at the sad parts. We hugged and when she left I felt hollow inside. I woke up the next morning with red puffy eyes. I put on foundation and concealer and headed outside. I didn’t wait to say bye to my parents; I wasn’t in the mood. They would understand though, Gabby was a really good friend. When I was done in my locker I got an unexpected hug from Elana.
“Oh Jamie! Aren’t you gonna miss her?” I nodded and swallowed back tears. I walked into home room and saw Chase smiling his amazing smile but this time I wasn’t taken away by it. It just made me more miserable. I sat down and he turned to me, I put my hand in his face.
“I am not in the mood today for any banter or laughing or smiling.” I said laying my head on my desk; I remembered when any guy talked to Gabby she would snap on him. Everyone said she would die alone because she couldn’t be nice to a single guy. The thought made the smallest smile come to my face.
“Whoa what’s your problem?” He said still smiling but I thought I heard the tiniest amount of concern.
“Why do you care?” I didn’t care when my voice came out croaked or rude.
“Why wouldn’t I?” His smile faded and it was all concern. I sighed.
“My best friend moved to England, and I will miss her very, very much.” It felt alittle better to say it out loud.
“Oh, I am sorry about that.”
“You’re serious?” He raised his eyebrows. “I mean like, I don’t know.” I buried my face in my hands. I froze when I felt his hand rubbing my back. But then I figured it was just a caring gesture. Just him rubbing my back soothed me.
“Thanks but I need to quit being a baby.” I said shaking my hair with my hands.
“No you don’t, friends are important. I don’t have any so I don’t understand but hey I read.” I looked at him confused.
“You’re joking,” fake laugh. “You have friends.” He shrugged, “Eh, kind of. More or less.” Mrs. Everett started to talk and his hand slipped from my back and I felt sad again.

We sent notes through out first period and I felt happy all over again. He listened to what I said and none of his notes were rude in any way. We just talked like we were having an actual conversation. And I learned his favorite color! Neon Orange! My third favorite color! When class ended we walked to our next class together. But then my heart sank to my toes when I saw Taylor sitting right in between where me and Chase sat. I numbly walked to our seats and sat down. Chase looked confused at where Taylor was sitting as she was again batting her eye lashes. He sighed and sat down, as soon as he did that Taylor’s first note was at his desk. I could only imagine what it said; hey I am Taylor the one you called cute! Do you wanna go out? Then he would say yes and eight months later they would brake up and he would realize he belongs with me. My first chuckle since Brielle left.

Chase raised his eye brows at me and a note arrived.

Feeling better?

I inhaled so deeply I coughed; when I was little inhaling and exhaling would always calm me down. If I was about to cry or scream or anything. Even at Fright Land, when one of those people in costumes tried to grab at me. My friends were shocked that I didn’t scream once. Just thinking of something funny . . . like you and Taylor I had added a smiley face next to my name. He whispered a laugh and Taylor looked between the two of us to see what was going on.

Laugh all you want, she’s kinda getting on my nerves.

I wanted so badly to shove that note in Taylor’s face. I could feel my heart swelling against my ribs. He didn’t like her the least bit! I folded the note and put it in my pocket just incase I needed to use it on Taylor. I got out a new sheet of paper and wrote you’re the one that called her cute and tiny. His response was

Whatever, you’re the one that made me
I made you! No I didn’t! You said that all your own trying to get me mad! I wrote back, I guess the no rudeness was out.

Ha-ha! You wish! But good excuse!

I glared at him and didn’t respond. What was with him! One minute he could be the sweetest guy in the world but the next the worst! I tried not to notice when their notes started to come and go as quickly as ours did. The lesson was UN equivalent to the smiles that were given to Taylor and all the notes. And the way she giggled silently to some of them. I knew he was doing this to get me mad exactly as I was.

Inhale and exhale I don’t know how many times I did that but soon enough class ended. I thanked my lucky stars that he wasn’t in my next class. Mackenzi came to sit next to me in Math now that Gabby was gone. My pain from Chase had completely masked the pain of Gabby. I hadn’t even noticed when someone took her spot.
“Hey Jamie, how you feeling? You look down.” Mackenzi was a nice person, but she could get smart with people when she had to. She’s about my height but paler. And her hair was a darker than mine and eyes the color of the sea.
“Well as you know Gabby left today . . .”
“Oh I know I am so sorry! Do you want me to leave?” I shook my head.
“Of course not,”
“But anyways I meant you look “dumped by a guy” sad.” She said alittle shyly.
“Oh . . .” I didn’t know what to say.
“What happened? Is it someone I know?”
“No, and I wasn’t dumped. Just, insulted kind of.” I said.
“Oh, well
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