» Romance » First Kiss, Elizabeth Hill [intellectual books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «First Kiss, Elizabeth Hill [intellectual books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Elizabeth Hill

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I walked into my homeroom class Thursday morning heading to my usual seat in the back of the class, but I was surprised to see it was already taken. I looked confused at the unfamiliar boy in my seat. He was decent looking, alittle more or less. His hair was black as night and eyes the color of sunrise. This surprised me alittle but not too much. He looked care free like he didn’t even notice me standing in front of him looking annoyed. The boy had a smile on his face not too big but noticeably. It would have made me blush if I wasn’t so annoyed. I heard Mrs. Gibbs call my name. I looked back at my seat one last time before going to the front of the room.
“I was going to tell you when you walked in the room but I was helping a student.” She said. “Chase, our new student,” She waved a hand at him. “Decided he wanted to sit in your seat. You don’t mind right?” She looked like she was pleading; I wouldn’t want to make it any harder for her. I sighed.
“Of course not, um where should I sit?” I knew where, but I would rather ask incase she could make a new seat possible for me.
“Well, there’s a perfectly good seat right next to Chase.” She said with a smile. I faked a smile and went to take a sit.

When I sat down I was surprised to see that Elana was next to me.
“What are you doing-“She cut me off by shushing me.
“New hot boy,” She whispered. “I have to get a good seat.” She smiled widely. Most people loved her for that smile. Elana was a tall curvy, widely popular black girl. By tall I mean taller than me. This is tall since I am 5, 4. She flirted with anyone that had a decent looking face and a good attitude. She always made me laugh.
“What about Bob?” Bob is this guy she has had a crush on since the beginning of the year. She flirts with him the most out of everyone.
“If he’s gonna ask me out he needs to hurry the hell up!” She laughed I joined in. When she abruptly stopped I looked at her confused.
“What?” I whispered. Her eyes were on the seat behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked. Chase was starring at us, not in a harsh way or anything but like he was trying to figure something out. I narrowed my eyes and just went back to my conversation with Elana.
“Dude, really! Just get over it! He’s just some guy.” I said but inside I wanted so badly to look at him. Study his features talk to him everything. I fidgeted but kept my head in the direction of the front of the class. A note arrived on my desk it read:
Switch desks?

I looked at her with UN amused amazement on my face. I shook my head and she pouted. I noticed too late that the note was gone from my desk. I looked around and saw that Chase had it. After reading the three words on the scrap of paper he raised his eyebrows. I wasn’t really annoyed that he had the nerve to take the paper but more embarrassed. I shrugged and felt my face get hot. He laughed and didn’t give the note back. I grew even more confused as the minutes passed but I didn’t think about it too much. I paid as much attention to the lesson as I could.

When Mrs. Everett finally said you are dismissed I was eager to leave. I hoped with all my heart everything I had me all that jazz that Chase wasn’t in my next class. I didn’t know what but something was . . . off about Chase. I was incredibly attracted to him but that wasn’t the point. I know a whole bunch of other girls will be all over him. And there are way better girls out there than me. I’m a simple dirty blonde with curly hair that can never stay behind my ears. My brown eyes were normal; I bet any other brown eyed girl had the same exact shade. But none of that mattered Chase wasn’t an option.

I sat down in my back of the room seat and looked around. No un-known faces were in sight. But then just before Mrs. Binkley started her lesson Chase walked in. I looked next to myself and of course; the seat next to me was the last seat left. Why was avoiding him so hard! Another note arrived on my desk.

Hey Jamie! Who is that!
I looked two seats in front of me and saw Taylor looking back at me. I scribbled IDK! On the note. Which was true, I didn’t know this guy that was impossible to avoid. I got the note back in two seconds.

Well he is super cute! Do you know his name?

I rolled my eyes and wrote Chase down. Below it I wrote he is just a guy get over it! When she read the note she looked at me and scowled. I smiled back and started to pay attention to the lesson. Another note came to my desk I was about to scream at Taylor but then I looked at the writing. It wasn’t her handwriting.

What’s up with your friends?

I was cautious with my answer. And cautious with even replying at all. What was up? Didn’t most new kids shy in the blackness? Not speak and just mind to themselves? Like I said Chase was off. Like you don’t know, I wrote back.

Your right I do know. But I wanted to see you admit it.


How self centered, I thought. But really I thought it was kind of cute. I looked at him thinking about what I should write back. He smiled back at me and it made me catch my breath. He raised his eyebrows and I shook my head and wrote something back. Not every girl likes you! I said though I put a heart next to my name. Alittle flirting never hurt right? But his response hurt.

Everyone but you right? Cute heart.
-Chase <3

I glared at him. But he just smiled and made a heart with his hands. I inhaled and exhaled slowly and made a response. Whatever don’t let the attention go to your head though. Everyone will get over you soon enough. I wrote back. He whispered a laugh at that. He didn’t write back though and I was glad for that. I have no Idea what I would say or do if he did.

Class droned on and when we left I was sure Chase was going to be in my next class. But he wasn’t just when I kind of wanted him to be. It was math easiest and most fun class. Easy because Mrs. Hubbard was an easy going teacher. And fun because I sat right next to my friend Brielle and we talked non stop. Brielle was a fun person to hang with she’s an alittle pounds over curvy girl. With pretty brown blonde hair she was a giggly girl. Most guys didn’t like her because she didn’t like them.

Lunch finally came and I went in line. The line was a few feet behind the actual door to the lunch ladies station. I got in the back of the line. I leaned against the wall looking up at the many pieces of gum that people had stuck there. I called it the wall of gum, mine wasn’t up there but I wanted it to. I was too afraid of getting caught to do it. Two of my friends put their gum up there they said they would pay me if I did it. I was still too afraid. Even though two months ago my new year’s resolution was to be less afraid. As you can tell I haven’t been too good at it.

Someone got in line behind me just as the line moved up a centimeter. I stiffened when I saw the black hair. Of course!
“Hey, do I know you from some where?” Chase said with so much sarcasm I thought he would explode with it. I slowly turned around.
“I don’t think so, do I?” I said with the same amount of sarcasm. He laughed and smiled such a grin I smiled back.
“So, why you here?” I said trying to sound nonchalant. Even though I really wanted to know. I wanted to know his past and everything about him. What his favorite color is even what he wants in a girlfriend. That was going way too far but I couldn’t stop.
“Oh you know, living in one place for too long.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, last month I moved here from Canada; too many familiar faces.” I joked and he made a fake laugh.
“Your friends are funny.” His smile growing wider.
“But like I said, soon enough you won’t be the spot light of every girl that looks at you.” I tried my best to smile but I knew my cheeks were getting hot; he was giving me an amazing smile.

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