» Romance » First Kiss, Elizabeth Hill [intellectual books to read .TXT] 📗

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shirt on. And I ran into his bare skin. I shivered, and I felt my face get hot. I couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest, which had defined muscle. I shook my head, this was a horrible idea! Why on earth did I do this! I was probably going to screw up something in front of him I just knew it. Inhale and Exhale, I did that a few times before he actually said anything.
“It’s okay,” he smiled. “I could hear Elana and Taylor shouting. They are funny people aren’t they?” I didn’t know why he felt the need to bring that up. It didn’t seem right but I just shrugged and walked back to the yard.

He followed laughing to himself at something I was oblivious to. When I reached the yard both girls were already in the pool swimming smiling widely. I rolled my eyes at them.
“Hey Chase!” Elana said her smile widening a fraction. Just then I remembered what Chase had said about Elana visiting him after school. I glared at her, but she didn’t notice. She was only looking at Chase.
“You know you should just throw a party.” Chase suggested.
“I don’t think my parents would go for that.” I say quietly.
“Well the fun of having parties is not telling your parents. What are they doing tonight?”
“Probably going to a work party like they always do.” I shrugged. He laughed at that but then said,
“So when they leave invite everyone over.”
“What about getting caught?”
“You really worried about that?”
“Uh, yeah of course I’m worried about that!” How arrogant of him to think I wouldn’t be caught. Everyone always gets caught. For one it’ll get out of hand I know that for a fact, and two I can never get away with anything. Even when I was little and would sneak cookies at night, when it was time for breakfast and I wasn’t hungry mom would ask why. And each time I would – without thinking – say why. Exactly why, either I had cookies last night. Or whatever else I did.

Chase just smiled like getting caught wasn’t a problem.
“Don’t worry about it! So are we going to throw a party or what?” I thought for a minute. I never did anything bad in most of my life. I was always on my best behavior, afraid of what would happen when I got caught. I was seventeen now, I would be moving out soon enough so one little fault wouldn’t be that bad. Would it? No, I decided. It wouldn’t. But I didn’t care, peer pressure alert!
“So are we or what?” Taylor shrieked.
“No! I don’t feel like it.” I screamed back at her.
“Boo! Fine! Party at my house. Now are you going to jump in or what?” I put my toe in again.
“Nah, I think I am going to walk in.”
“Oh no you don’t.” Chase said and he threw me into the water, I didn’t have enough time to scream. I could only feel the cold water when I finally hit the water. I felt goose bumps go along my arms and legs as I plunged deeper. I out my head back up above the water shivering.
“I hate you!” I screamed.
“Hate is a really harsh word, Jamie.”
“Fine! I dislike you . . . a lot!” I splashed water at him and just shrugged and cannon balled into the pool.
I couldn’t help but laugh.

I went to Taylor’s in the only outfit I could find that was cute but also stylish; a creamy blue tank top with a black miniskirt. I didn’t know weather or not to wear leggings with it. But I decided not to; Taylor would probably yell at me. Elana came to pick me up and I was ready to go. My parents were at some work thing so there was no explanation needed. When we got to her house I noticed a lot of people were there. How many people didn’t have things to do on Sunday night? A lot apparently, I searched out Taylor.
“Hey Tay!” I yelled over the other talking people.
“Hey James!” I rolled my eyes at that. “I am glad we didn’t do this at your house. Mine is so better.”
“Sure Taylor, anyways what do you think of my outfit? I picked it out thinking of what you would approve of.” I knew this wasn’t up to her standards but for me this was enough.
“It’s okay, but I wouldn’t have worn it.”
“No of course not.” I made a face of disgust.
“Well I have better things to do than talk to you.” She said walking off. I laughed at her but she couldn’t possibly hear me. Hmmm what now, my friends always got mad at me for not enjoying parties. But really I wasn’t interesting in getting drunk and having a hang over the next morning. I guess I was only looking at the bad parts of it all, but still it was bound to happen. So now I was left looking around at a party that I didn’t even know why I came to. So I just walked around, seeing if there was anyone to talk to.

Na-da. Nothing at all, to do I mean. After an hour of searching every part of the house I saw no fun thing to do. God I sounded like such a nerd, maybe I was one. But really as I said parties don’t interest me! Everything considered cool does, I guess.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” I hear someone scream. I look behind and see that Mark Drove and Shell Patrick were fighting. And I don’t think either one of them was drunk, it was probably the adrenaline that kept them going. I don’t even know what they were fighting about and I couldn’t think about it either. Because right at that moment Mark flew against me, on accident I suppose. We fell on the floor and my breath was knocked out of me. He weighed so much! He didn’t even bother to get up either! Shell just dove right in and both fought on top of me! I wanted to scream or do something, but I couldn’t even breathe. Finally, thank God they rolled off me. I suck in deep breathes till I was breathing normally again. I was still lying on the floor because my legs had fell asleep from all the weight.
“Jamie?” I hear Chase call. “Are you okay?”
“I guess better than I was.”
“Can you get up?” I wiggle my toes then shake my legs . . . nothing.
“I don’t think so.” He bends down. “Don’t you dare pick me up!” He smiles at me and helps me up. I lean against him for some support till my blood gets running.
“What happened?”
“Lets just say I was kind of like the floor mat for Mark and Shell’s fight.” I lean against a wall.
I hear him laugh. I glare at him. “Sorry, it’s just funny that they didn’t even notice that they were on top of someone.” I squirm where I am standing.
“God, no wonder they are on the wrestling team they are really heavy.”
“You need something to drink?”
“Please- wait no. There isn’t anything here non alcoholic.” He laughs yet again and I gesture for him to come closer. He does as I ask and I lean for his mouth. He tenses but leans himself. Oh God! He thinks I am going to kiss him. I don’t though I smell his breath then I quickly pull away.
“It’s not like you have been drinking any so you shouldn’t be talking.” I am alittle embarrassed about the past event but I act normally and try not to think about how red my face must be.

He seems alittle confused but shakes it off.
“So I’m different from you,”
“Whatever-“ Elana came storming up out of no where.
“Hey Laney, what’s up?”
“I dare you to kiss Chase.”
“You heard me!”
“Elana really we aren’t in second grade any more there’s no more spin the bottle or anything like that.” I fake out a laugh as I say this. But on the inside I am thinking is she serious! And if she was would Chase agree to it? Probably not, but what if he did? That would be so cool then this party would be worth something.
“Whatever but someday I’m gonna get you!”
“Oh I get it now you’re drunk!” I jump up but I wasn’t completely ready for that I stumble alittle and Chase steadies me. I send him a thank you look and turn back to Elana. “Now get back to your party and don’t bother me!” I shoo her off and she goes. I laugh out loud then and am comforted when Chase laughs with me.
“Anyways what were we talking about?” I say trying to get rid of all kissing related thoughts in my mind. I mean God! First I smell his breath and he thinks I want to kiss him and then Elana comes daring us to kiss. Was it fate? Man would that be funny.
“I don’t know . . . hmmm.”
“Well I want to leave are you like able to drive me home?”
“Sure,” He says and acting like a body guard he leads me to the front door.

While driving I think about what a waste this weekend was. And how long it felt. I mean really I think like this whole weekend, including Friday was like a month. Man was I exhausted. We got to my house and he walked me to the door.
“See ya, thanks for the ride.” And then right before I leave and I mean the door is like open, Chase leans in a gives me a kiss. It’s quick but to me it feels like five minutes worth of wonder. He pulls away smiles and leaves. I walk inside not really realizing what I am doing and go to bed. I sleep and dream and am happy.

I think you can guess the ending to this story!


Publication Date: 06-03-2011

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