» Romance » First Kiss, Elizabeth Hill [intellectual books to read .TXT] 📗

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did you get last night’s homework?” She asked and besides helping her I tuned out.

Maybe he was being rude to me on purpose so I would forget about Gabby. To anyone else this would sound incredible stupid, but from what I have observed this is something Chase would do. It was smart in a way. And it reminded me of what my uncle used to tell me when I complained about something hurting. He would say “do you want me to punch you in the arm so that doesn’t hurt anymore?” I would always say no but each time he would ask that. After a few years he had stopped asking and I kind of missed it.

Before I knew it everyone was leaving the class room. I got up slowly, and walked to my locker slowly. I did everything slowly and when I finally made it to the lunch line I was glad that the line was so long. I leaned against the wall looking at Gabby’s gum, a little pink piece that, if you weren’t looking for it, you would have never seen it. I smiled at the fact that she was braver than me.

I leaned back against the wall and let my eyes shut, but then I felt someone stroke my cheek. My eyes opened and I saw Chase. He was smiling and it was true. He did it all – the rudeness, the smiling, everything – was to help me forget about Gabby. I smiled.
“Thank you, I think.” Still smiling, with his touch lingering on my cheek.
“Your welcome, but now I have Taylor on my back.”
“I’m sorry; I wonder why Elana hasn’t attacked you yet. She’s more boy obsessed than Taylor.” My smile didn’t fade.
“Oh she has, after school.” My smile faded, I almost choked.
“Really?” I said after I got my breath.
He nodded, but he didn’t look happy about which brought me back. It felt weird in a way but I felt like I knew him. I knew he was doing all of this for me, and I only got kind of mad. I was more upset about Gabby less than him. I looked at what was on the menu. Chicken Patty, with beans and leftover Cherry Crunch. I already knew what I was getting.
“Do you have anywhere to sit today?” I heard Chase ask behind me. I turned around.
“Huh, oh I don’t know. You do?”
“Well I . . . bribed some kids to let me have half their table as long as I got them dates to dances . . .” He didn’t look guilty just happy. He was always happy I noticed, the only time he wasn’t was when he was talking to Taylor or something.
“I guess, I don’t think I wanna sit at my old table now that Gabby’s gone. I don’t like her friends.” I smiled and laughed. He laughed with me and then I started to feel the heat of the food. And smell it.
I got my lunch and followed Chase to his half table. At one end it was empty on the other were a few kids I knew. Most were nerds. I sat down and Chase sat across from me.
“What class did you have before this?” I asked curiously.
“Why you want to switch classes and be in it with me?” He smiled. I shot him a warning glare and he slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead.
“Sorry, I have Social Studies.”
“Oh I have that next, I hate it.”
“It’s not that bad. I like learning about the past. How we have evolved.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
“You were wrong. I am not the interesting one. I think you are.” I said taking a bite of the Cherry Crunch.
“Now that’s where you are so wrong.” I looked at him confused.
“Why am I-“I was cut off by Taylor. Who came over and sat right next to Chase. She scooted close to him, so much that there was nothing in between them.
“Hey Chase! Hey Jamie, what’s up guys?” She took a bite of her food and leaned on the table with her elbow. I put on my best fake smile. “Nothing, just eating lunch.” I held up my chicken patty.
“What about you Chase.” She nudged him with her hip. I silently inhaled and exhaled slowly. Hoping no one heard me. He glanced at me, quickly though I bet Taylor didn’t even notice.
“Nothing, eating as you would in the cafeteria.” He said with a hint of annoyance. I let a small smile slip on my lips.
“Oh well I was wondering-“I cut Taylor off because I knew where this was going; there was a dance going on next weekend. Everyone was asking everyone to go. I could not and would not let Taylor ask her out.
“Chase I need your number,” He raised his eyebrows. “For my friend Brittany.” I nodded my head in the direction of her table. I knew this was helping nothing; after a few texts and a few smiley faces the text do you wanna go to the dance with me? Will pop up. But I would rather have it happen later when I can’t stop than now when I can.
“Sure,” He took out a piece of paper and wrote it down. I took it and looked at the numbers. I had to be sure to put it down in my phone before I gave it to Britt.

Taylor looked at me glaring. I knew what she was thinking but did she really think she was the only one that had a major crush on him?
“What was that about?” She mouthed. I smiled apologetically at her. Though as you might have guessed I didn’t mean it. I was incredibly mad at her. Why did she think she could have him? Did she not realize Chase pretty much hated her? Of course she didn’t, she thought he was the best guy in the world. It’s not fair; she’s living the love life of a lie! I hate jealousy.
“Uh, I got to run; have to be early for class.” Chase said giving me –not Taylor – a little wave. When he was gone Taylor screamed at me.
“What is with you? He is so hot and I was about to ask him to the dance!” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Well do you really think he was going to say yes?” I yelled right back. This struck her.
“Why wouldn’t he? I mean we were flirting in first class. . .” She looked sad and I felt all of a sudden guilty. I sighed.
“I am sorry, I . . .” I didn’t know what to say. “Just forget I said anything.”
“Okay, but-“
“Fine.” I got up and dumped my tray. I walked slowly to my class. When I got there I didn’t really pay attention. I made a mistake with saying anything to Taylor. But jealousy was eating me alive! If I didn’t say anything I was going to combust. I silently sat through the rest of my classes.

I left the school with my back pack being unreasonably heavy; I had to bring my books home to study. I walked sluggishly slow and sweated under the heat. School was going to end in a month or two and summer was coming. I looked at my surroundings; about seven more blocks to go. I really did not want to. I prayed for a miracle to come and pick me up. And one came.
“Hey you!” I heard Chase call. I turned around and saw him cruising in a black Mustang convertible with the roof down.
“Oh my god, your car! It’s-“I was going to say hot, but he cut me off.
“Willing to give you a ride. You know if you want one.” Of course I wanted a ride! I would be crazy not to accept.
“Sure,” I hoped in and looked at him. Chase looked so relaxed in his cool Mustang. The sun shone down on his black hair and eyes, the both shone. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair so badly right there.
“So where do you live?” He asked starting to drive; I loved the feel of the wind through my hair.
“You know those big houses you have to pass to go through all of Dover?”
“You live there?” He sounded surprised.
“Yeah, the big blue one.” I say fiddling with the seat belt.
“Okay, you know you should really put that on.” He pointed to my seatbelt. “We could get in a car accident.”
“Nah, I trust you.” I say alittle jokingly and alittle truthful. At that his arm went around my shoulders. I, like I did before, tensed, but more than that felt warm. His touch sent an electric shock through me right down to my toes.

We sat there for the next seven blocks till he pulled into my drive way. His arm slipped and I didn’t feel warm anymore. I felt hollow and sad.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow, and thanks for the ride.” I opened the door and made my way out. Before I walked in I heard him beep the horn five times. I laughed and walked inside the rest of the way.
I found a note on the walk way table saying that my parents were out at a work party so they wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I called and asked if I could have alittle friend party and they said sure so I called up everyone on my phone book. Well not everyone mostly Elana, Britt, Taylor, Brielle and Bob. Only Bob because I was determined to get him and Elana dating by tonight. Not only so that they would be happy with each other but also so that she wouldn’t be after Chase anymore. She’d be better that way I know.

Everyone said yes right away except Bob. I told him he would be getting something out of it. He says he doesn’t like Elana but I know if she asks him out herself he will say yes. Britt got there first, and just to make her happy I gave her the piece of paper with Chase’s number on it. After I stored it in my phone of course. After her the rest came as a group. I set some food and drinks on the coffee table in the living room and sat down.
“Guys!” I called. They were all at the front door.
“Coming! Shut your yap and get us some food!” It was Bob.
“I have food! Now if you would walk over here and sit down you could eat it!” He ran over and took some of the chips and stuffed them in his mouth. He sat on the floor and turned on the TV.
“Now I have some stuff to discuss with every body
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