» Romance » PENALTY, Annika Sturm [best books to read for self improvement .TXT] 📗

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scent. Tom moved his head in his sleep and Alex gazed at him as he kept stroking his hair. How beautiful he was. How perfect. In every way. Alex gulped as the clarity hit him again. That he had fallen in love with his best friend.

Tom slowly opened his eyes as he woke up and met Alex's eyes gazing at him admiringly. He smiled. Alex kissed his friend, who welcomed his warm full lips. 'Good morning.' Alex said and smiled sheepishly. 'Haven't changed your mind then?', Tom asked cheekily and looked pleased. Alex responded by simply kissing him again, 'please tell me it is not past 7 yet.' Tom looked at Alex with a mix of worry and amusement. 'Oh God,' Alex shouted, 'that's what I was going to bloody check! But you distracted me!' He winked at him and jumped out of bed heading for the light switch. They both wiped their eyes at the unwelcome sudden light and checked the clock. 7.45.

'No! I'm doomed!', Tom whined as he turned his head into the pillow to stifle the sound of his own despair. Alex jumped onto the bed, grabbed both his wrists and turned his friend from his side onto his back. He sat on top of him pinning both his arms down, 'get off me,' Tom chuckled, moaning, 'I've got to go! Alex I'll be late!', he fought Alex's firm grip and tried to push him off, laughing. Alex enjoyed the struggle as he was sitting on his friend grinning at his efforts, 'Alex, I'm serious.' Tom said as he weakened his struggle. 'Oh man. I could start again,' Alex shook his head, 'you drive me crazy.' 'Let go off my hands.' Tom demanded.

Alex finally obeyed and loosened his grip. Tom took full advantage as he grabbed his friend’s arm and twisted it behind his back chuckling with laughter. Alex landed flat on his front gasping as Tom climbed onto his back and pinned him down. 'You cheeky bastard!' Alex shouted, now fighting off his friend's grip. 'This was the best night of my life,' Tom whispered into his ear. Alex's heart started racing again and he stopped struggling. Tom turned him onto his back and smiled at him, 'you have no idea how happy you’ve made me.' He gently stroked his cheeks and touched his lips. He slowly leant forward and kissed Alex, who pulled him towards him. When their kiss became more passionate again, Alex stopped. 'No,' he said pushing Tom away from him, 'you have to go. I will not be responsible for you missing training altogether.' He stroked his hair and kissed him briefly one more time before he pushed him off so hard that Tom nearly went flying off the bed. 'Ouch, alright!' Tom giggled as he dragged himself towards his bag to get his training uniform out. 'Jump in the shower, I'll get you some breakfast ready in the meantime. And coffee. You'll need it.' Alex said still lying in bed following his friend with his eyes. Tom yawned in agreement and left the room. Alex jumped up shortly afterwards and picked up all their clothes that had been thrown and scattered around the room in last night's heat of passion. He nervously chuckled to himself but he could also feel a sense of unease and sheer guilt.

As Alex was preparing some cereal and coffee in the kitchen, Tom rushed in, freshly showered in his training uniform. 'Shit, I have to be quick!', he gratefully accepted the bowl of cereal and a big mug of coffee and the boys sat down at Alex's dinner table. Tom ate quickly, trying to rush as much as possible. He looked at Alex, 'now promise me to kick ass and score some goals. I know you can do it. You can still get the boys out of this muddle. I have faith in you. I always have done,' Tom smiled at him encouragingly, 'and I always will do by the way.' He winked at him finishing off his food. He took a couple of sips of coffee.

Alex held his head looking at his friend. Then he started laughing. 'What's so funny?' Tom giggled amused as well now. Alex took a deep breath and shook his head. 'God, what have we done?’, he gulped gazing at Tom, 'Jesus how is this all going to work Tommy? I mean. We both have girlfriends and I have a family,' he looked at him with questioning eyes, 'what the hell is going to happen now?' Tom looked at him seriously. 'I don't know Alex,' he said, 'I don't have an answer right now. All I know is that we need to make the best of it and make it work somehow,' he paused, 'if we both want to, that is.' Alex stared at him expressionless. 'Alex?', Tom asked anxiously, 'you are not regretting this, are you?' Alex avoided his eyes. He shook his head. 'Tommy, this is crazy. The whole thing, utter madness.' Tom looked at him bravely. 'Are you regretting it?' He asked again and there was an urgency in his voice. 'How can I?', Alex took a deep breath and looked at him, 'I love you.' He finally said quietly. Tom exhaled with relief as he grabbed his head and kissed him. 'Bloody hell!', Tom shouted, 'you scared the shit out of me. Don't do this again, do you hear me?' He laughed nervously and was clutching Alex's hands.

'So when will I see you again?' Alex asked quietly. Tom smiled as he got up, took his hand and pulled him up and towards him. Alex put his arms around him. 'Soon,' Tom whispered in his ear, 'there is definitely February for the friendly against Brazil.' 'February?', Alex looked unimpressed, 'that's in 4 months.' Tom grinned. 'Well. If you can't wait that long to see me again, then I was about you and me hide away in the snow for a few days during the winter break in my house in Austria? We could throw ourselves down steep slopes on our snowboards and I can feel really superior as I overtake you,' he giggled, 'and we can chill out by the fire of course.' Tom added and winked at him. Alex laughed as he carefully touched his friend's cheeks and stroked over his hair. He kissed him so gently, so lovingly, Tom's heart jumped. 'I can't wait to race you down the slopes.' Alex gave him a cheeky smile and his friend laughed and kissed him again.

Alex took Tom's hand and slowly led him downstairs to the front door. The boys were facing each other. 'I wish you could come with me.' Tom said finally. 'I wish you could stay,' Alex put his arms around his friend's neck as he kissed him. Tom pulled him close one last time, 'thank you for coming all the way up here.' Alex said gazing at him again. 'Well, I was being selfish as well.' Tom tickled his friend's chest. 'Tommy,' Alex said and started grinning, 'you'll be so late.' They both laughed. 'I'll be fined and fired,' Tom picked up his bag and opened the door, 'bye.' He sadly whispered into Alex's ear as he turned and walked towards his car.

It was still dark and cold outside. Alex stood in the door watching him. 'Tommy,' he shouted. Tom turned and looked at him. Alex crossed his arms and shook his head, 'nothing.' He said loud enough for his friend to hear him. 'We'll make it work.' Tom smiled at him. Alex nodded and smiled back. His friend drove off beeping his horn and Alex waved briefly after him as he was left standing in front of his house. 'Yep,' he said to himself, 'definitely and utterly bloody in love,' he shook his head and couldn't help chuckle at his own feelings in disbelief, 'well, that's just bloody brilliant.' Chapter 2

The pain was sharp and intense. Alex's ankle had fully given in after only 20 minutes into the match and he was in agony limping on the pitch. He hoped it would sort itself out but eventually had to signal to his manager to get him off. As he grabbed his training jacket and energy drink he cursed and sat down on the bench. His team desperately needed to win this but it wasn't looking good. They were 2-0 down already and it wasn't even half time.

Alex thought of Tom and the days they used to play together. Even when he felt down or was injured Tom's presence always made it seem better. He smiled absently as he let his mind wander back to the day he had come to see him six weeks ago. The day they had become more than just friends. The boys had spoken to each other every other day at least since then and managed to find three days during the winter break that they were both free and were able to meet in Tom's house in Austria. This was only 3 weeks away now, just after New Year and before the training camps started, and Alex and Tom had been getting excited about it for weeks. 'Bloody ankle', Alex cursed to himself, 'this could ruin the trip'.

Alex’s team went on to lose the match yet again. He trotted off, the usual frustration setting in. His ankle was swelling up and he was in more and more pain by the minute. The doctors and physios attended to him and confirmed he was to miss the last match before Christmas and rest now. However this should help him recover more quickly.

He felt relieved when he spoke to Tom that night. 'Hey’, Tom whispered. He was trying to find a private spot in his house, 'how are you? How is the ankle?' 'I'm okay.' Alex smiled when he heard his voice. 'Will I be able to see you still?' Tom asked unsure. 'The physios told me to rest for the next match but said it should be okay for the training camp. So I guess I'll be alright for snowboarding too.' 'That's great news! I was worried it would ruin our trip.' 'Me too.' Alex nodded pressing his mobile closer to his ear. 'We'll have an awesome time. I can't wait to show you everything,' Tom paused, 'I really miss you.' Alex gulped. He imagined Tom's gentle eyes. 'Not long now.' He said quietly and smiled. 'Make sure you rest that ankle. What a pain.' Tom sounded worried again. 'Perhaps you'll need to kiss it better.' Alex said with a giggle. Tom laughed. 'Yes I'm sure that can be arranged.'


Alex was lying on the sofa in Tom’s chalet in Seefeld, resting his foot on a cushion. He was enjoying a beer while he was watching an action movie by the roaring fire. It was early evening by now and he actually felt quite tired. Alex had been entertaining himself since he had arrived that afternoon. He had explored the house and taken advantage of Tom’s pool as well as spent some time examining his friend’s music and movie selections.

Alex let his eyes

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