» Romance » His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗

Book online «His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗». Author Natasha Estrada

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an hotel to have sex. Do you know why? Yes you do because of your sister. She lives in this house just as well as all of us do." Tommy said kindly and looked at Camden with a sly grin "As for you I want you to take care of my brother. Don't just fuck him and leave. Hell nah if you do you'll have me up your ass you hear?" Tommy warned as Camden nodded holding my hand lightly. I couldn't help but laugh and Tommy sighed beyond the point. "I won't tell anyone until you are ready Ryan but for you Camden I do not approve of because one your age. You are nearly nineteen also because you well are a man whore." Tommy said honestly and I looked at Camden as he slowly removed his hand pulling my face closer to his. Placing his lips onto mine he slowly pulled away and looked at Tommy "I like your brother Tommy. Yes I am turning nineteen in two months but age doesn't matter. Also it is true I am a man whore but still your brother can change me. So pure and innocent with a loving laughter that makes your heart beat. Tommy I promise I'll take care of him" Camden said all at once and Ryo out of no where stormed in. "First off you dick Ryan is the most sweetest, caring, outgoing, and smartest person you'll ever meet and for you to be a man whore you'll need a lot of sex right? So no I do not approve of you are whatever that fuck you want! If so I can be a better man for Ryan than you'll ever be!" Ryo shouted and Tommy looked at both stunned just like me. I was shocked at what came out his mouth and also shocked at what Camden told my brother. So does this mean I am in a lover triangle?
Camden P.O.V-
This freaking Asian that had popped out of no where came to tell me he'll be a better man for my boyfriend. Shit he wish I am not giving up that quick. Shoot Ryan is really different and was kind enough to give me his virginity. So no I am not just going to back out because his brother and so fucking dick comes telling me no. "Ryan who do you choose?" I asked looking at him a bit pissed since he just sat there in shock just like his brother. "I...I don't know" He answered which pissed both the dude and I off. "You have to choose him or me!" Both of us said at the same time and I glared at him as he did the same. "Look why don't you two do some type of competition for Ryan? Whoever wins has him or whoever he picks." Tommy said butting in with an stupid remark. "I..I like that plan." Ryan said and I sighed "Fine but I'll win" I said and the guy just glared at me filled with anger. "Hell you will. I will win" He said and Ryan blushed deeply at his remark which hurt a little bit. I pulled Ryan closer to me and hugged him tightly before letting go and kissed his cheek. "Call me when the competition starts" I said because I know for damn sure I will not lose to some straight ass wanna be gay dude. Ryan grabbed my hand and lead me to the door kissing my cheek as well wishing me a safe drive home.
Ryo P.O.V-
Ugh...Why must Ryan have to get some freaking dude when he likes me? Isn't that what fucking Isabella said that he liked me? So why choose some dude he barely knows! "Ryo..I didn't knew you was gay?" Tommy said looking at me strangely and I sighed since I didn't either. "I...guess I am bisexual" I answered and he nodded pointing to the chair in front of him and I knew he'll lecture me about dating his brother and much more. "You better not fucking lose! I do not want Camden to win" Tommy said softly so that Ryan can't hear. I nodded surprised by his action. Ryan than came closer to us and sat down next to me and feeling the heat of his body was not the most enduring thing to do since you just want to attack him. "Tommy..can you leave us two alone please?" Ryan said and Tommy looked at me winking and left. He than got up and sat where Tommy was looking at me with semi-pissed eyes. "What the fuck are you thinking?" He said and I looked at him shocked since he never talked to me this way before. He looked at waiting for an answer that I do not have. "I..I don't know..I just felt angry that he was all over you Ryan and I guess I was jealous." I said and Ryan's face brighten with red. "I see well Ryo I don't know what to say." He said getting up about to leave me but I wasn't having that so I grabbed his arm pulling on top of me. "Ryan please...please don't leave me" I whispered feeling a pain in my heart by his action. Ryan's body was tense near me but soon started to relax as he leaned into me. "Ry..Ryo but you hate gay! The way to you treated Chris by calling a fag!" Ryan said and I did but I am a stupid person for that "I'm sorry tomorrow I'll go and say sorry to him Kay?" I added and Ryan turned around facing me with full on glare. "You better" He said and I could hear the front door open. "What you two doing?" Yuki's voice came from behind us. "Uh..we was wrestling but I got tired and taking a break but not letting Ryan go because I know he'll run away." I made a quick answer as Ryan acted as if he wanted to get away. "Yuki! Help me here!" He said and I held tighter as Yuki laughed "Hell nah! He is hard to win against you are on you own little man" He said and walked to the kitchen. Ryan looking at me blushing as I couldn't help myself and kissed his lips softly. Feeling great I tried to deepen it but he pulled back pushing me away. "S..stop please" He said and got up blushing more deeply. "Ry..Ryan!" I cried out but he walked away shaking his head. When Tommy popped up smiling "Go get Isabella since you have so much free time." He said as Jake in through the door smiling like he just got laid. "Ryo if you don't wanna pick her up I'll go do it for you." He said but Tommy cleared his throat. Knowing that he wanted me to do it instead so I offered Jake to come with me.
Ryan P.O.V-
Wh..what is going on here? First Camden now Ryo? I thought he disliked gay people? Ugh...I bet he's playing with me some type of sick joke. I could feel my body tense up with confusion and pain. I don't understand him at all why must he be so confusing! Laying in the bed my mind kept running back on how Ryo kissed me which made my heart race by the thought and how Camden kissed me but no reaction to my heart, but he is the one that understood my feelings and made me feel loved. Without knocking my brother walked in sitting on the end of the bed. "Ryan why haven't you told me about you being gay? You do know I have many friends that are gay. I do not judge them by who they fuck but by how they are. None of the guys care. Like Yuki he's bisexual did you not know?" He said trying to comfort me and I shook my head not knowing anything of what he said. "Silly little brother. Since both you and I are not allow to make the competition we'll have Isabella do it." Tommy said smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.
Isabella P.O.V-
I was waiting outside for my brother to pick me up when he text me saying that Ryo is going to pick me up with Jake. Luckily Jake is going to be with us but still I disliked Ryo for hurting my brother and making him go to some stranger. When I saw Ryo pull up in his Jake's car I felt my heart beat fast since the one I like is Jake. Also Ryo was driving under the law since his driver license is took away. "Hey Isabella hurry up!" Jake said through the passenger side with a sexy smirk from his face. It melted my heart once I saw it but I know he is a very back player and I'm not down on getting my heart broken. "Whatever you jock!" I said getting in the back as I glared at Ryo and he smiled his heart melting smile. Looking away I couldn't help but have butterflies since he does have a wonderful smile. "Hey Isabella I need to talk to you when we get home alright?" Ryo said looking at me with pleading eyes. "Fine whatever" I said rolling my own eyes since I couldn't fight with that face no one can. That's why he is so easily forgiven. It was about thirty to thirty-five minutes when we got home. Ryo handed Jake the car keys and waited for me to get out. He grabbed my book-bag and looked at me "Come on hurry up!" He said tapping his shoes. I got out walking past him to the door when I notice Jake glaring at Ryo. What was this? Is he jealous? Nah it can't be. Once I was inside I felt Ryo grab my hand pulling my upstairs and threw me into his room. Which was surprisingly clean. "I want Ryan as mine and that fucking Camden already has him so there is a competition on where Ryan will have to choose me or Camden please Isabella make it where I can past fly high! I hate Camden already please don't let him date Ryan! I want him for myself. Yes I am sorry for not figuring out earlier but please Isabella!" Ryo said as tears build up in his eyes and I could see he was for real but I don't know. "No. Why because that wouldn't be fair on the other guy. If you truly know Ryan than you'll pass fly high no matter what right?" I answered but I know I didn't want that Camden dude to have my brother. "Isabella! Ugh....fine whatever if you say so" Ryo said looking out his window when there was a knock on his door. "Come in" He said when Jake walked in looking at him hatefully. "What she doing in your room bro?" He said and I knew than he was jealous of Ryo. "Why you mad bro? Not like I'm in here fucking her." Ryo said winking at me knowing that he also knew Jake was jealous. "Fuck you Ryo!" Jake said before grabbing my hand tightly dragging me along with him.
Ryan P.O.V-
I was in the kitchen getting supper prepared for everyone since I was going to let out the big news of me being gay. I hope my brother was right about them not caring in any type of way. "Hey Ryan what happen last night?" Adam said walking in from the back door as always dropping his keys on the counter and leaned against it looking at me. "Just had to get away you know?" I answered and he nodded continuing to start at me. " your glowing?" He said confused and I looked at my arm thinking what the fuck? "No no not that type
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