» Romance » His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗

Book online «His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗». Author Natasha Estrada

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me realize I said something right. "What...It's true" I said not even bothering to answer on how my day was. "I know. I was thinking next Friday come over for the competition." He said as my heart stung knowing I only have a week to probably make him mine. "Alright just let me know what time I should come over and I'll be there but to let you know I am going to visit all this week to show you what type of person I am. I feel like I truly care for you. Even though we only knew each other for a short period of time but I want to know you and you know me" I told him truthfully I know I may sound a bit odd or creepy but it is my true feelings. " that should be fine haha." He laughed playfully with a hint of shyness. "Okay well be ready by seven in the morning! Cause we are going on the date." I said with to much excitement and he just laughed saying okay.
Ryan P.O.V-
Just hearing Camden being filled with joy which made my heart race but than ache at the same time since I feel as if I growing to like two people at once. "Ryan! Come help me!" Isabella's screamed loudly with fear with a hint of anger in her voice. I sighed and told Camden that I will call him back. I walked over to her room with amusement in my eyes seeing that there was a spider over her bed. "Kill it! Kill it!" She whined as she grabbed onto me. "How am I going to kill it if your holding your me." I asked looking at her which was quite sad since she is a bit taller than I am. "Okay! now go kill it!" She cried letting me go slightly pushing me to the bed. Laughing I went ahead and killed it with my shoe. With a sigh of relieve behind me she said her thanks when I was about to walk out. "Hey Isabella are you and Jake well...getting close?" I asked her since I know that in my mind they seem to be fairly close and it scares me. " why?" She lied. I can tell when she lies since her nose turns light pink and her eyes slightly twitch. I looked at her as if I were saying yeah right "Isabella don't lie to me. You are easy to read. So let's sit and tell me about the two of you." I said kindly wishing that they are to be just best friends since I know Jake is a bit of a player and I don't want her to get hurt. "Ryan, I'm sorry I like him a lot even though he is so much older than me!" She spilled out tears building up, body shaking, her voice shook "Please don't tell him! Please! I don't want to lose the closeness we have please!" She cried out loud not wanting Jake to find out or anyone else. "Calm down Isabella I am not going to say anything, but I do think he likes you back. As long the law doesn't find out it is fine for you two to date...just no sex!" I said firmly since I really don't like the idea, but who can go against her tears? "B..But he won't love me back!" She cried even more not noticing that I said he might like her back. With a knock on the door Jake stood their glaring at us "Who won't love you back? Tell me who made you cry I'll beat his ass." He said filled with anger looking at Isabella. "How can you beat yourself up Jake?" I said pushing past him knowing the two both loved each other. "Wh.." Was all I heard before I was to far to hear the rest.
Isabella's/Jake's P.O.V.-
"Isabella what is he talking about?" Jake said as he slowly calmed down and I looked at him shaking with fear and excitement. "I..i like you Jake! I really do..." I said softly seeing him nod his head. I knew that expression from his past confessions, I knew he was going to reject me. "I don't know what to say Isabella." Jake said looking as if he is about to say sorry, my heart started to break right then and there. "I will like to think about it before I take any action." Jake said before looking away. I feel as if my body is covered in ice, my heart feels as if it went numb. It is the first time I ever liked someone like that and now it is all over. "O...okay" I said looking at the floor trying not to cry since it is just a crush but still it hurts. "I should get going...see you later?" He semi asked me and left my room leaving me alone filled with self-pity. Sitting on my floor I cried quietly and wished Ryan never said anything about me liking Jake. "Why...why...why?" I chanted to myself knowing that we'll never be the same. *I can't believe Isabella likes me! A player who doesn't care for anyone, the girl I truly like, likes me back! How stupid of me to react like that, am I ten years old!? "Hey Jake do you mind helping me real quick?" Yuki asked holding up two shirts that both looked too tight for him but either way I nodded. "Yeah I don't mind. What is it?" I asked already knowing the answer which is to help him with the shirts. "Which do you think is better? The red and black one or the black long sleeve and the white vest?" He asked holding both up. "I like the one with the vest and some blackish-white jeans." I said and he nodded agreeing with me closing the door behind him. I just shook my head going to my room, laying on the bed just to lay there and think about everything that has happen today. "Yo Jake there's a party going on! Get up what are you doing?!" Tommy came in excited but I sighed getting up slowly "Hey will you feel if I like your sister?" I said looking at Tommy closely wondering what he was thinking and smiled lightly. "Well?" I asked as Tommy looked at me widely. "Well I have nothing to say really cause I can tell but I swear if you ever hurt her feelings or break her heart. We are no longer friends. Same with Ryo." Tommy said leaving my side. *Laying on my bed still hurt that Jake didn't even like me and probably left with my brother to a party. "Ugh! I am so stupid for thinking a play boy would ever like a girl like me!" I cried out as there was a knock on me door and Jake walked in with a grin walking over to me and pulled me up with a long passionate kiss. As we finish our kiss Jake whispered into my ear about how sorry he was and that he really does love me, and that he asked Tommy for permission.
Ryan P.O.V-
I walked down to the living room where Ryo was laying on the sofa and sat up hurriedly looking at me with a wide smile. "Hey Ryan want to hang out today?" He said with such sweetness in his voice but I shook my head since I wanted to see Camden today. God I am so confused every time I see Ryo my heart beats but when I think of Camden nothing happens just my mind keeps thinking of him. "Oh? Why not?" He said and I went over to him sitting on his lap. "I going out for a bit." I answered not really wanting him to know where I was going. "Do you want me to come with?" He asked as he tighten his grip on me. Blushing I pulled away looking at him directly "No, It's alright.." I said leaning down to kiss him softly. "I will be back" I said and left knowing that I must tell Camden that I love Ryo. I can't keep leading him on like this. As I got into my car I headed towards his house with tears falling down knowing that it would break his heart. Pulling up to the drive way I stopped at the gate and rang the gate bell awaiting for someone to answer. "Who is it?" A women voice came to life. "Um...Ryan." I said wondering if it was his mother. "Oh...One moment!" She said excited and the gates popped open. "Come on up" She said and I walked up the rest of the drive way up to the door. As I stepped up to the door it opened with a beautiful women behind it. "You are looking for Camden right? He is asleep in the room. Do you need help getting there?" She asked kindly "No, it's alright miss." I said heading to the room that Camden own. Knocking first there was no reply so I walked in anyway. I saw him laying in the bed sound asleep. Walking over to him I sat in the bed tapping him softly. "Nhhh..." He groaned which was cute and he sat up slowly "What the..." he said blushing deeply "what are you doing here....I am not even dressed!" He blushed even brighter "I'm sorry for coming unnoticed but I have to cancel the competition...because it is true I only love Ryo." I said as a single tear fell from my eye. "I see...come here Ryan" He said softly pulling me close. "It's okay...because you need to follow your heart." He said kindly but his voice cracked as he spoke. "Ryan don't worry about it.." He whispered and tighten his grip. I couldn't help but cry because I know he would break down once I leave. "Camden come over anytime you want." I said feeling his hand shake. "I would...but can you go for now?" He said softly pushing me away. I nodded leaving his room and home walking to my car. A sigh of relief I headed home to my Ryo.
Chapter Three.

Ryo P.O.V-
Tommy told me that there was a party going on but I refused since I was waiting for Ryan to return home. I wasn't for sure why I changed my sexuality so quickly but the way he looks and acts it makes me happy. Not only that just the thought of Camden coming into Ryan's live and was wanting to take him from me...I just couldn't let that happen. I was beginning to get lost in thought when I felt someones hand on my forehead. "Ryo? Are you not feeling well?" Ryan asked with a worried look on his face. "Yeah..I'm fine" I said as sniffed the air I smelt something different. "Hey Ryan..did you get a new cologne?" I asked but it smells just like Camden when he first came here. "Or..did

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