» Romance » His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗

Book online «His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗». Author Natasha Estrada

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Chapter One

Ryan P.O.V-
I am Ryan Knight; I live with my older brother Tommy and my younger sister Isabella. To tell you the truth I am Gay and proud of it just one thing I can't tell my brother or five of his friends living with us...Sadly my sister found out one day when I thought I was home alone for once and was watching a homosexual movie. So that is how she found out. She told me that she really didn't care as long as I am happy. Which made me feel better for her to tell me so. As for my love life it is a bit complex since the one I like is Ryo and he is a big playboy. He is much taller than me and his smile can melt your heart in a heartbeat. Ever since our parents moved some place else my brother invited his friends to live with us. Such as Ryo, Yuki, Jake, Alex and Adam. Since I am sixteen and he his eighteen it can be considered illegal if we do come to date. I really doubt that we will ever go out since he is straight and I am gay. "Ryan can I come in?" I heard Isabella asked behind the door. "Yeah sure come in." I answered since I wasn't doing or watching anything wrong. "Tommy said if it was alright for you to take me to summer school since he is a bit busy at the moment if you know what I mean." She said blushing and I couldn't help but laugh since she is still so pure. "Alright get my keys and meet me down stairs." I answered as I stood up to get dressed. She smiled closing the door behind her. I let out a big sigh thinking what will she do with out me. After I was dressed there were a knock on my door. "Isabella I told you to wait for me." I said opening my door to my surprise it was Ryo. "Hey you going out right? Well can you give me a ride to the store after you drop off Isabella?" He asked smiling meekly and I couldn't help but blush. "Yeah sure." I answered looking at him feeling my face burn even hotter. Ryo couldn't drive himself since his driver license was token away. "Thanks man you a life saver." He sighed in relieved. I rolled my eyes not expecting him to even notice my blushing. "No problem bud." I said quickly and patted his back and walked past him. "Let's go." Ryo nodded and followed me down stairs where Isabella waited for me. "What Ryo doing here?" She asked a bit mad since she didn't typically liked him since he doesn't realize my liking him. "Oh he needed to go to the store is all." I answered looking at her to behave since it will be my first chance for me to be alone with him. "Oh I see." She simply said and walked out unlocking my four door black car. "Can I drive?" She asked and I shook my head since she almost crashed last time and she pouted getting into the back seat to allow Ryo in the passenger side. Ryo just stood there probably thinking why Isabella is mad at him. He usually hates it when people come to be mad at him. When we reached her middle school she got out waving goodbye. I pulled out and sped towards Walmart. "Hey Ryan how are you and Katie?" Ryo asked and I felt a slight pain since I was just using her as so that no one would find out. "We good. She said she'll be over there when we get back." I said remembering the text she sent me. "So what do you need?" Ryo chuckled and looked at me shaking his head. " know gotta stay safe just in case....I'm guessing you never done it with Katie." He laughed out loud which made my windows shake and my heart tighten. "Nah I don't think I can do it to her. I don't wanna break her heart you know." I said and he stopped laughing for a few minutes. "Ryan you can't be doing all the emotional stuff. It will tie you down. Should be more like me and have one night stands." He laughed again but a empty laugh. When we reached Walmart he went to where you can buy condoms as I went to go buy shampoo and some cologne. I walked over to a cash register I knew the guy that was ringing up my items. "Hey Ryan....It's nice to see you again.." Chris said blushing deeply and I sighed because he was the one that gotten me to admit that I was gay. "Yeah whatever how much?" I asked coldly but I didn't want to be nice to him since he still has a crush on me. I don't like leading people on but I had to do Katie so everyone would stop teasing about how I was gay and all which I am but still. "$15.38" He said a bit hurt but I couldn't help but feel bad. "Hey Chris-a-fag." Ryo said behind me. I didn't notice until he said what he had said. "Oh...Ryo hello.." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice. I paid him and grab my stuff trying to hold my tears back since I knew that was how Ryo will act around me. Once he brought his stuff. We left Walmart and once we got home I saw Katie's car in the driver way. I pulled up next to it and went inside to see Jake and Katie having a make-out party. "What the fuck Jake?" I said stunned and looked at Katie. "Katie? You cheating on me with a friend of mine?" I yelled but mostly asked. Looking how they jumped away from each other I felt my face burn with embarrassment since Ryo was standing right next to me. "Yo Ryan I can explain!" Jake said getting off the chair walking towards me placing his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off glaring at him. "I thought I could trust you but now I know I can't and you get your slutty ass out of my damn house!" I was mad yeah. Even though it wasn't true love I still felt hurt. She had silent tears falling down her face and ran out the front door. Jake was looking at me like he was truly sorry but I didn't care he freaking betrayed me. "Ry.." He was about to say my name but I broke him off. "Whatever just get out of my sight." I sighed tired but relieved that she was a slut. Ryo came by my side and patted my back. "Hey Ryan I know it must hurt but that's why you must play the girls before they play you..." He said walking up stairs. I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room closing the door. Laying on the bed my mind started to race about how Ryo treated Chris and if I were to come out how will he treat me. Also I kept thinking of how Jake must feel guilty and much much more. There were a knock on my door "Hey little brother" Tommy said walking in my room. "Yeah what is it Tommy?" I asked already knowing that he his going to throw a party. "I hear about your girl cheating on you so I thought we should throw a party so that you can find a better girl." He said as his girlfriend Annie walked in as well. Katie is her younger cousin so I am pretty sure she going to say sorry for her behalf. "Tommy can you get out please. I will like to talk with Ryan alone." Annie said with a straight face so that no one can tell what she was thinking. "Yeah sure. How does that sound Ryan?" He asked at the door "It's fine really. I'm not doing anything or buying!" I said half joking and he just laughed closing the door behind him. Annie came over to my bed and sat beside me. "Look Ryan I am so sorry for what Katie did to you and not only that with one of your friends. I feel terrible that she would do such a thing. If there is anything you need to talk about just call me. Also I will give her a good talking to when I get back home. Okay?" She said all at once like I was really hurt. "Yeah that's fine Annie. Plus don't worry about it she made a mistake and I just happen to find out." I said calmly and a small wary smile appeared on her beautiful face. "Alright Ryan if you say so." She said getting up and gave me a hug before leaving.
I looked at the clock to see that it had said 3:48 and I rushed out of my room, out the door, into my car and sped away to pick up Isabella. All I could think of was why I let my mind slip and forget about my cute little sister. I slowly stopped at the stop light and answered my phone knowing that Tommy was going to chew me out about speeding since one of his friends had died from doing so. "Hello?" I answered and I heard a deep exhale "Ryan...What the fuck have I told you about speeding?!" He yelled through the phone. "I know I know brother but I forgotten to pick up Isabella. Calm down I'm at the stop light." I said with a sigh knowing this isn't the end of it. "Alright you better slow down." He said and hanged up anger still in his voice. Ugh...I hate when he tells me this because it seems like he knows of my deep secret about street racing. The light changed and I sped anyway and made it just in time for her to be getting out of school. I kept the doors unlocked knowing that she just come in away way. Just in two minutes she and her friend Mary came inside and closed the door behind them. "Hello girls. You hungry?" I asked and they both nodded knowing that they will I headed towards Apple-bee's. When I reached the parking lot I stopped the car and looked at them. "You two better get the two for twenty." I said and got out at the same time they did. "So you been Ryan?" Mary asked a bit nervous. She is a year younger then my sister and I see her as one as well, but I can tell that she like me more then that. I hope that feeling will change. "Okay I guess. What about you two?" I asked not really wanting to say that my freaky girlfriend cheated on me even though I didn't love her. "Mm...Good...Jason talked to Isabella today but she so blew him off." Mary said as Isabella glared at her. "Mary! I told you I didn't just blew him off. I just told him that I like someone else." She sighed and Mary winked at her. Wow girls are so silly. A lady meet us at the hostess desk and took us to our table. A few minutes later a tall blonde head girl came up and introduced herself to us. "Hello I'm Jenny. I'll be your waitress today; what can I start you off with?" She asked politely. Mary and Isabella answered together "We'll like a ice sweet tea." and smiled at each other they are very close so I am surprise my

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