» Romance » His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗

Book online «His full house, Natasha Estrada [essential reading TXT] 📗». Author Natasha Estrada

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of glowing but glow of love." He said and I looked at him shocked. "W..what are you taking about? Psst hurry up and get cleaned! Supper is about done." I said as Yuki and Alex walked in laughing together and looked at me the same way Adam did. "Don't you dare say anything and sit down!" I mumbled as they held up their hands retreating to the dinning table. "Hey Ryan...about Jenni you think I can get with her?" Yuki said looking at me and I smiled "Want her number?" I said and he looked at me a bit angry. "Why you have her number?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh. "Chill I'm good she just a new friend of mine is all." I answered his question and he looked as if he was relieved. "Forget about him Ryan something up with you." Alex said with a smirk on his face and winked at me "You got laid huh?" He asked and I couldn't help but blush looking away. "Oh shit with who!" They both asked at the same time. "No I...didn't now shut up!" I yelled at them both and they both started to laugh saying that's it alright to talk about it and junk like that. "Whatever get everyone down here it's done" I said in response and sighed as I set the plates for everyone. Slowly one by one that plates were placed at everyone's seat and yet no one was down yet. "Alex! Adam! Ryo! Tommy! Jake! Isabella! Yuki! Down here now!" I shouted and I could hear the footsteps of everyone running down since they disliked me mad when they are late for supper. Once everyone was in their seats I sat down as well looking at everyone. "First let me tell you all something. If you dislike it leave the table and you won't eat until everyone that stay finish eating." I said and they all made a gulping sound which made me feel at power. "I am gay and I'm sorry for hiding it for some long. The first to know was Isabella and than Ryo found out by mistake. Than today Tommy found out in a wrong way but he did. So I thought I might as well tell you all now." I said and they all looked at me with blank faces. "Are you for real?" Alex asked me looking at Yuki and Adam. "Why you telling us last?" Yuki asked and the other two nodding in agreement and laughing. "Oh...scared I guess" I answered and they just rolled their eyes and began to eat. Ryo looking at me and cleared his throat. "I wanna say...I like Ryan" and everyone's mouth dropped opened. "Wh..what" The three said as Tommy and Isabella laughed at their reaction. "Yes I know Ryan" He said again which made me blush and the three looked at me again. "Is he the one you lost your virginity to?" Yuki asked and I blushed shaking my head. "No" I answered seeing Ryo eyes locked on me. "Okay! Let's change what we are talking about. I don't not wish to know about your sex lives." Isabella broke the tension.
Ryo P.O.V-
After supper Ryan tried to avoid me and it hurt deeply but I was going to have him spill if Camden was the one that stole his virginity from me. It was around eight o'clock pm when Ryan was just sitting in front of the t.v. as if he had nothing to tell me. I sat beside him close enough if he were to escape I can grab him. "Ryan...Did you fuck with Camden?" I asked straight out looking at him I can see his body tense up. "Yes" He said looking away from me with his shaking voice. "I see" I said feeling a ball of sadness take over me but was soon thrown aside with an ocean which felt like fire building up inside me. I know that I'm jealous of Camden. "I'm sorry Ryo.." He began but I shook my head grabbing his hand pulling him off the couch with me heading up to my bedroom. "R..Ryo let go" He said as I tossed him to my bed and locked the door. Walking over to him I could hear myself yelling not to do anything bad ,but my anger and jealously took over. "I'm going to clean your body Ryan..Don't worry I'll be gentle" I said as he shook his head with tears falling from his eyes. I didn't care though as I reached him he began to beg me to stop. My hand ran up and down his side his face turning bright red, his breath quicken and his pleading turned to moans. As I bent down to kiss him his eyes looked at me with full happiness and smiled within our kiss. My lips escaped his mouth down to his neck, to his collarbone as I began to remove his shirt there was a knock on the door. "Ryo..let my brother out" Tommy's voice broke our building heat and I looked at Ryan smiling. We both began to laugh as he knocked once again. "Ryan out now...why the fuck is the door lock!" He growled and I felt like telling him we know he fuck his girl but I didn't as I got up to unlock the door he fallen inside. " sex with my brother" He said leaving with the door open and I looked at Ryan when he began to laugh. To see Ryan happy made me feel as if I were melting. Sadly I felt as if I am the most stupidest person in the world for being late on how I feel about Ryan and to realize when he found someone other than me. To be honest I am scared to date a guy since I've never touched or loved one before. Ryan walked up to me kissing my neck before he left and I knew it never hurts to try.
Ryan P.O.V-
Leaving Ryo alone in his room was the up most hardest thing to do but I didn't care since he was the one that tried to force me into sex...even though I began to enjoy it. My goodness I am so shameless everyone must have heard me. "Ryan come to my room!" Isabella said at her door with Jake beside her. I shrugged and walked over to her looking at how Jake's eyes was undressing her. "Yeah?" I asked and she smiled widely. "About the competition I want Camden and Ryo to take two quizzes about you and two sports related actives to see who wins first. The final round is to see who has your heart the most." She said already have planned out the competition. "So that means write a two quizzes of whatever you wish and the answer sheet so I can see if they are correct or not." She said as I nodded since it made perfect since. "Ryan this type of thing is really hard to do so just think with your heart not your brain" Jake said calmly looking at me with sorrowful eyes and Isabella patted his arm with love in her eyes. I knew than they both had the same feelings since they love one another.
Camden P.O.V-
Damn it Ryan I thought you would choose me over some guy that hurt your feelings! Ugh....why must I have these stupid feelings for some guy I just met the day before? "Camden dear why are you making so many expression?" My mother asked with a blank look on her face and my father nodding wondering as well. "Sorry mother...I am a bit frustrated right now." I answered knowing I will be lecture about it. I can sense my father tense up and set his silverware down, clearing his throat. "Son...what have I told you about speaking nonsense at the table?" His voice was a bit husky and my mother patted his arm knowing that my father and I do not get along. "Well father maybe if you take the time to care about me than I might not talk nonsense!" I raised my voice and my mother sighed since it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. "Watch your mouth son. You are far to old for this stupid child act. Plus once you turn straight than I will pay more attention." He said a bit hateful and my mother for the first time took part in it. "Now dear that was highly wrong of you. Don't you dare speak to my son like that!" She growled his face went pale since it was rare for my mother to get mad. "As for you Camden I do not care for whatever gender you like but I do not wish for you to be rude to your father. Now tell me about your problems do not mind your father." She said glaring at him knowing that he was about to say something smart. "Yes mother I will not disrespect him anymore" I said dully as I continued on to tell her of my love life for the first time. "Well I like a guy named Ryan but it is somewhat of a love triangle with his first love whom rejected him but now wants him because both him and I are dating. It hurts because I know how it feels to want your first love to want you and to have that come true makes anyone confused. Mother I don't know what to do...I don't want to lose him to a jerk..." I said as my voice shook. My mother's face lighten up smiling with a sympathetic expression "Son don't give up..If you really care for this boy than you must believe in yourself first. Like your father was my second love and his best friend was my first. Justin gotten angry at us dating because he liked me as well but I already gave up on him two weeks into dating your father. So if this boy was rejected for at least a week than you may have a chance." She said but sadly it was only for half a day he was rejected and is now getting the love he needs from Ryo. "Camden as your father I do say fight for your lover" He said blushing and looking away from me. Sadly I know my father cares for me but sometimes I wish he was more open about it. My mother giggled and tapped the table "Let us eat again and go to bed for rest" She said winking at my father which made my stomach crawl but thought it'll be a good chance to call Ryan since I haven't talked to him all day.
It took thirty minutes for me to finish eating and to wash my plate since I really didn't like the maids to do it. I know it is their job but I just don't feel right for them to do it since I'm the one to dirty it. Happily I went upstairs to my bedroom laying on the bed where Ryan and I made love with the memories flashing back I felt my heart beat faster and stronger than before. Either way I must calm down so that I won't sound odd to Ryan. Dialing his number I thought of what to say and how to say it when he began to ring it was only four rings before he answered. "Hello?" His sweet yet lustful voice rattled my body. "Hey Ryan how are you today?" I asked trying to keep calm but it wasn't helping any. "Good just a bit tried. How about you? What you doing?" He asked as I heard his bed squeak from under him. "I'm just laying down waiting for when we can see each other again." I said noticing a small giggle leave his lips made
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