» Romance » I'm A Gangsta, Ma', Brea Isome [red scrolls of magic TXT] 📗

Book online «I'm A Gangsta, Ma', Brea Isome [red scrolls of magic TXT] 📗». Author Brea Isome

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" it's a piece of shit." Daniel said boldly.

" well, that putting it lightly, don't you think. " Casey asked.

" like I said," Spade stepped outside the car. " stuck up."continuously during the ride I had to remind myself not to say anything to his smart remarks. And trust me, he had a lot of them. It was ridiculous how bad he has it out for us and he doesn't even know us.I was going to need a prayer to get through this party without killing him. No killing Sophia, I chanted to myself over and over again. It was humorous a bit because he looked like he could kill me on accident where I couldn't even if I tried. But I could try.

" don't touch anything." Daniel told us on our way to the door.By the look of the outside I almost laughed. As if he could pay me to touch anything. The inside looked a lot better though. It didn't have anything expensive, and nothing electronic besides lamps and a stereo but the paint was a fresh white coat, and the floors were un-scuffed. They bottom floor consisted off a small bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. The other furniture they had was a couch and a fridge. Nothing else.It was disturbing. " have a seat ladies." Daniel smiled at Casey. " is there anything you need?"

I snapped my finger making him look at me. " we'll take waters."Casey agreed with me. Daniel rolled his eyes, probably seeing that he wasn't about to get anything from Casey while i was there and told us that there were bottle in the kitchen. Okay.Once we were in the kitchen the girls we teasing Casey about Daniel.

" i told you guys he wasn't my boyfriend. " I declared as I pulled the handle on the door.

Casey stomped her foot. " well he isn't mine either."

" He will be if he can help it." I turned around to look inside the fridge only to see a mouse as it crawled around on a sandwich." Oh my God!" I screamed, slamming it. " God, oh God, oh God."

" what?" Marie asked.

" there's a mouse in the fridge!"

The boys came in, Daniel looking concerned and Spade humorous." what?" Daniel asked.

Spade clicks his tongue. " She saw the rat in the fridge. Nobody told you to go in there."

" He said there was water in the fridge."

" no, he said in the kitchen. Well, we know who don't listen."

I looked over at the counter to see bottles of water and alcohol along with canned pops sitting side by side and a few packs of plastic cups.Okay, so maybe I had a hard time listening. Whatever. I didn't even want anything to drink anymore. Seeing a Mouse In someone's refrigerator can do that to a person.People started o arrive to the party a few minutes later and they were coming in boat loads until the house was full and I was clutching my bag to me. We were in the kitchen, standing by the counter , no drinks in our hands or anything. This party was just so different from anything we had ever experienced.

The surroundings were different, the people were different. I had been all around the world but had never been to anything quite like this party.

" loosen up," Spade said as he handed me a drink. The music was so loud but his voice was smooth, like he wasn't even trying to carry his voice. " have a drink."

I sat the drink on the counter like the smart girl I was. We had been arguing all day and I hadn't seen him pour that drink. I wasn't stupid.

He chuckled. " yo whatever." He picked the cup up and downed the drink, grunting as it went down. " tastes alright to me." He winked and walked away.

God, I don't like for people to play games with me. First he wanted to argue and call me names. He called me stuck up, not to mention a bitch! But then he goes and tries to be nice, offering me drink and things. Yeah, definite asshole and I was ready to go back to the hotel. By the looks of it, I wasn't the only one. We took a vote and decided that it was time to leave.

We walked outside and i pulled out my cell phone to call the bus driver because Daniel was nowhere in sight.The bus driver wasn't too thrilled about picking us up because he didn't want to get lost again but I told him the way Daniel went and if he got confused to call me back. He still didn't want to bit after I promised him another two hundred dollars he was onboardWe huddled together to keep warm and watch each others backs.

" I swear," Raven ground out. " This week was perfect until we got here. I hate Detroit."

" excuse me?" A female voice floated from over my shoulder. We turned around to see a woman taking slow steps toward us. " mind repeating that?"

" She said that she hates Detroit." I said like it was a no brainer.

" Bitch I should-"

" leave them alone, Tweetie. They ain't done shit to you." A voice came from the shadows. This was so creepy. I just wanted to be home, in my bed, in my safe haven. And as if I had wished it up, the bus pulled up and honked twice and we waisted no time getting on.

" I think I speak for everybody when I say go straight to California. Do you have all of your belongings?" I asked the bus driver once the bus started down the street. " yes ma'am, straight to California it is."

Saturday Night Live


" wake up honey, get up!" My father was standing over me shaking my body. " I have to be at work in thirty minutes so get ready.

I groaned. " daddy." I whined.

" no, up!" He left.

" shit!" I screamed, kicking the covers from my body. I hated Saturday nights! I got home at 4 o'clock this morning from Detroit and had been sleep ever since. And now, it was 6 pm. Slowly but surely I dragged my tired body from the bed from the bed and sat on the edge for a few moments. God, it might as well have been early morning for the way I felt.

Why was I so exhausted? I guess five days away from home could do that to you. I tried to think back to my other trips to see if they left me so tired but I was just too sleepy to do so much heavy thinking.

I was able to shower and brush my teeth before my phone started to ring uncontrollably. Time and time again I tried to ignore it just long enough to brush my hair into a pony tail but someone was persistent. somehow, I was able to tune out the ringing until my curly hair was up and out of the way.

" hello?" I answered my phone, snatching it from its charging place on my my night stand.

" we're going to Cheeno' s. Want to come with?" It was Marie.

" I can't. Did you forget that it's a Saturday night?"

" no, but I was hoping your father had." She huffed. " you're eighteen, why don't you just come with us anyway?"

" I'm not going to blatantly disrespect my parents. Incase you forgot, they do pay the bills and load my bank account, hoe."

I could practically hear the rolling of her eyes. " fine, have fun watching people die."



I put my phone back on its charger and went to dress. As I was looking through my closet my stomach rumbled, reminding me of how bad I wanted to go to Cheeno's. It was a small Mexican restaurant on a side of town where we really had no business being. The food was amazing! In a world where looking good and dieting was key, our trips to Cheeno's were a relief.

Marie hadn't grown up on the ins of California, so she really had no idea what it was like. She had only just recently run unto money a few years ago and that's when she moved to my community- gated community. She didn't live by our rules but she wouldn't tell anyone exactly what rules she lived By or where she came from.

I shook thoughts of her off and put on a pair of black jeans, gold gladiator sandals and a shimmery gold top. I grabbed a pair off dark glasses, skipped on the purse but I did grab a few dollars and my phone and I was on my way to find my father.

" daddy!" I screamed, going down a long corridor, room after room on each side. The hardwood made a small slapping noise when it connected with the soles of my sandals." dad?" Left turn down another long hallway that looked almost identical to the last.

I followed that until i came to a flight of steps that led downstairs to the kitchen. That's where I found my father in all his glory." I'll be in, I'm in traffic now. can-" He looked up and saw me, hanging up his cell phone without a second thought and snatching me by my upper arm to drag me through the house. " there you are. I have a man on his way to the hospital with a pole through his--"

Well, I definitely do not want to know where there's a pole. That sentence could only be leading to one place.

" - and if they die, I'll lose my job. " Yupp, that's where it was going. At the hospital, this time my father didn't even make sure I got inside. He parked the car inside the garage and dashed for the open elevator doors, leaving me. Don't get me wrong, I was glad that my father could do something that not many could by saying lives but couldn't he, just once, really notice me. 

Mystery Meet



Well, I couldn't go to Cheeno's so the very least I could do was treat myself to an order of cafeteria chilli cheese fries and a blueberry slushy. Oh, my secret obsession.

Would I ever tell me mother though? Definitely not. She was 5 feet, one hundred and ten pounds, and a plastic surgeon for crying out loud! No, screw that.

" chilli cheese fries and a large blueberry slushy. " I pulled a twenty dollar bill and handed it to the

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