» Romance » I'm A Gangsta, Ma', Brea Isome [red scrolls of magic TXT] 📗

Book online «I'm A Gangsta, Ma', Brea Isome [red scrolls of magic TXT] 📗». Author Brea Isome

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woman behind the counter.

She rang me up and handed me back a ten and two ones. Eight dollars, can you believe that.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, sifting through my new text messages. My girls had texted me, doing nothing but complaining about the fact that i couldn't go to Cheeno's and beside them Daniel and Chase had texted me.

Daniel was wondering why I left the party so early in very few words.

' Def. wasn't my scene' I replied.

Chase wanted to know if I would go out with him. He promised me a new pair of red bottoms out of the deal. Did he think I was that materialistic that I would go out with him for a pair of new shoes? Please! I would crash my car into a river before willingly going on another date with that asshole.

If you want to talk about someone being an asshole, it's none other than Chase Webber. He was born to be the ultimate perfect son, with his perfect blond hair and attire. He was more privileged than I would ever want to be. Last summer he applied to Harvard and was not too subtly denied! He was crushed and so was his father who made a call - if you know what I mean- and Chase was magically accepted, and a donation was accepted at Harvard for two million dollars.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

A shadow was casted down over me making me stomp my foot and glare up. " not you!" I rolled my eyes, not that he could tell because I still had my Sun glasses on.

" You know," Spade spoke with much in a humorous manner. " I wouldn't take you for the type to eat gold star."

I looked around nervously before looking back at him. " I eat what I want."

" Yeah, right. I think you only eat this shit when ain't nobody lookin."

" language, please!" I grabbed my tray that held my food once the woman sat it out. I began looking for a table, him following closely behind me. " is Daniel upstairs, or are you just here to see lovely ol' me?"

He clicked his tongue. " neither. I'm here on a - vacation."

" vacation? Yeah, right. How ironically you should come here on a vacation after we meet, right?"

" right." We sat down at a two person table by a huge window over looking the hospital garden. He pointed out the window to a small Hispanic nurse, walking briskly across a walkway. " now, you see her? That's somebody I would come to California for, not you."

What the hell was wrong with me?

I was sure my cheeks were bright red in embarrassment. I shrugged. " She would never go for a guy like you."

" what's wrong with me?"

" you're from Detroit, that's what's wrong with you." I said it like it was a no brainer, maybe with venom laced in my words. Shit, he hurt my feelings. Honestly, I didn't think a thing about him being from Detroit, you couldn't help your background. I just had to play dirty. " she's probably from Beverly hills."

" so, because she's from Beverly hills she would never date me?"

" exactly!"

" well," He smiled, like nothing I said bothered him. " would you date me, ms. Rich, and Stuck up?"

Rich and Stuck up? I was rich, well, my parents were rich but I wasn't stuck up. What was the point of explaining anything to him though? He didn't care. He wanted to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible and it was working.

" My food is getting cold." I said, picking up my fork and digging into the gooey goodness and ate a whole forkfull.

" so, you wouldn't date me?"

Completely irritated I stabbed my fork into a fry. " I would never date you! You're a complete jackass! Why are you here?" After I got that out I realized my mouth was still full of food. I slapped both of my hands over my mouth.

Please, make him go away! All I want to do is scream at him and cuss him out, so much so that I'm a damn mess. His smart remarks and his games- he's confusing.

Spade laughed, slamming his hand on the table. " don't be embarrassed."

After I finished chewing and swallowing I decided that I was done eating. I had lost my appetite now that he was around. Why, why why?

I pushed away the tray. " what do you want from me?"

" okay." He leaned close to table, resting his arms. " I want a date."

" a date." I choked the words out. " so, you call me a bitch, stuck up and rich and you ask me for a date. Is that usually how you ask girls out?"

" usually I don't even have to do all that." He gave me a serious look. " I've never had to work so hard in my life."

" you're serious, aren't you?"

" Yeah. Bitches usually- I mean girls, women, usually approach me. When I first saw you, shit, you aint pay a nigga no attention. You was laughing with my brother like I wasn't even there."

" I didn't know you! And you looked so scary."

" that usually attracts most women, at least the ones who want excitement."

" did it ever occur to you that I don't want any excitement?"

" You do ." He smirked. " I can tell, you just don't want to admit it but I know that I intrigue you in some way." I tapped a manicured nail against the cheap table. "You nervous?"

Yes !

" no."

" liar."

" excuse me?" I stood up and grabbed my tray. " when you show me some respect, then maybe I'll think about talking to you."

Would I ?

No, you will not, I screamed at myself!

I glanced back at him, covered in all those tattoos. I had never been on a date with anybody like him. What was so bad about wanting to try something different. I was tired of the boys who had there ties tied so tight around their neck that they could barely get a sentence out and a silver spoon stuck so far down their throats they would never dream of saying some of the things that Spade had.

I snapped my head back forward. No, we wouldn't date but I could dream, couldn't I?




At midnight I decided that I was done waiting around for my father and that I wanted to go home. Five hours we had been at the hospital and I had been alone while watching him run back and forth. Without Daniel here, what entertainment did I really have? I mean, I did the usual; spoke to people, made fun of people, and made some people's nights who wouldn't make it, but now I was tired and bored.

I was sitting in the waiting room on the phone with Raven. She was telling me about their trip to Cheeno's and I was just listening, wishing that I could have gone or at least been able to finish my chilli cheese fries.

" - and when we were leaving, our waiter tried to hit on Marie. Can you believe that?" She asked, very animated. " He was tall, lanky, and dull. "

I grunted." well, did she tell him off?"

" She sure did. And then-"

Her voice drowned out as Spade walked into the waiting room. Seriously? I had a damn stalker! Oh God, I was convinced.

I turned away from him so hopefully he wouldn't see me. " Raven, shut up." I snapped quietly. " Spade just walked into the hospital."

" who?"

" You know, the boy from the party?"

" Oh, the one that was hitting on Casey?"

" no, the other one! The asshole."

She paused for a while and it sounded like she was giggling and then she came back to the phone. " He definitely likes you, fat ass!"

" He does not!" I lip out. " besides I'm not fat."

Raven sucked her teeth. " gotta go, go talk to him! Bye."

" wait wait-" She had already hung up. I shoveled my phone into my bra and turned slowly around.

There he was , just sitting in a chair across from mines staring at me. I tried to act like it didn't bother me but it did, it so did.

He pulled his phone out sliding his finger and tapping at the screen and after a few moments he looked back up at me.

My phone vibrated making me look at him in suspicion. I pulled my phone out and opened up a new text message.

'wassup ms. Rich & Stuck up' It read.

My head snapped up to look at him. How did he get my number? I thought about that for a few moments and then I remembered that he and Daniel were brothers. Daniel had no doubt given him my number, probably as payback for blocking him while he had tried to speak to Casey.

' what do you want?' I replied.

'Yu, ma.'

Putting his message together so that it would make since to me was like trying to make since of Ancient Egyptian.

" speak english!" I more like yelled than whispered to him.

He chuckled a little before looking back at his phone. His hands worked fast for a few seconds before my phone vibrated.

'you, Sophia.'

Was that his first time saying my name or was it just the first time i was really hearing it? Well, i wasn't hearing it, technically, but in my mind i heard his voice spilling the short nickname from his mouth. Would he call me Sophia, or Sophie?

" Sophia."

See, i could hear it. I stared off at a white wall blankly as i tried to imagine him saying it again. His voice was so deep and so- seductive?

" Sophia!"

My head snapped up to find Raven, Marie, and Casey crowded around me staring into my face with a worried expression.

" Sophia!" Marie grabbed my arms and shook me two time before she backed up. " snap out of it girl!"

So, it wasn't Spade who was calling my name in my head, it was just Marie being her usual self. God, how did i distort her voice to sound so, so, good.

" what are you guys doing here?" I squeaked out. Hopefullly, and as inconspicuous aspossible, i glanced around the girls to see if Spade was still there. He wasn't. Maybe i was so sleepy i just imagined the whole encounter. Was it possible? Oh man, i was hallucinating. Good thing my father was a doctor. 


Cleaning Service


I hadn't gotten home until five in

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