» Romance » Morning Sunset, Daniela D. I. [good books to read for young adults .txt] 📗

Book online «Morning Sunset, Daniela D. I. [good books to read for young adults .txt] 📗». Author Daniela D. I.

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first ... I'll say good-bye to Amanda for the two of us, and you wait me here.
- Ok - I said with relief, glad that I didn’t have to explain to Amanda why we were leaving. I grabbed my purse and was already at the start, I had only to wait for Lucas.

On the street a bit darkened and it was damp. The rain hasn't stopped even for a minute, but on the contrary, it seemed that it has only intensified.
We were riding in the car and were listening to some very sad song, though I haven't heard a word of that song. I was looking through the window at passing cars, at people, at the trees. Because of the rain and because of dusk, it seemed that the city was plunged into a kind of mysterious secret that fascinated and which wasn't able to be solved by people.
- What are you thinking about? - Asked Lucas.
- Nothing, just looking at the street. This weather fascinates me...
- Well, I almost forgot that you love rain...
- And you don’t - I continued and after a short pause, I asked - Your new girlfriend wasn't offended that you left so early?
- I don’t think so. She left me her phone number, so I'll call her ... when I'll want.
- Call her! She's beautiful and not shy - I suggested, though in reality, I didn't really like the idea that he will call her. Lucas smiled at me.
- Are you jealous? - With a satisfied mien he said.
- No, I'm not - I answered quickly.
- You are jealous, you are - he began to tease me like a child and I, without hesitation, behaved myself as a child, too - I showed my tongue to him and turned away quickly, so that he, God forbid, hadn't time to do the same.
- Ha-ha-ha - he said, satisfied - What, the truth hurts your eyes?
- Ha-ha-ha - I mimicked him - No, just sometimes you act like a little boy...
- Oh, look who's talking! - He exclaimed - Who forgot the flowers in a taxi? Tell me!
- Well, I ... I just thought of something and I got out of the car ... and in general, it has nothing to do with it! I just want you to find a good, beautiful and intelligent girl who will love you more than life. And I don’t think that ... - and at that moment I hesitated, as I have forgotten her name, but Lucas has helped me in time,
- Brittani...
- Thank you - I thanked him and went on - that Brittani is the right girl for you.
- Why? - Lucas asked with interest - You don’t even know her. You saw her a couple of seconds and didn't even talk to her...
- Call it a women's intuition - I said, in response Lucas just grinned and his reaction angered me.
- And, in general when you'll learn to build a lasting relationship with a girl?
Surprised, Lucas turned his head toward me, forgetting that he was driving and that he had to watch the road.
- Here it's getting already interesting. Can I hear more about it?
- Of course, just don’t forget to look at the road. Okay?
When he looked away from me and turned the sight back on the road, I continued
- Remember how many girls have you had, but you never dated with any of them longer than three months. First, you didn't like her nature, then her behavior at the parties, then, you didn't like the fact that she didn't have sense of humor ... I can continue this list forever. You have to grow up and realize that the perfect girl doesn't exist.
During my speech, Lucas has never interrupted me, but when I finished, he looked at me with corner of his eye and in a the teacher's tone said,
- First of all- I had good reasons to break up with them. Secondly - some of them left me, and thirdly - my perfect girl exists - he said, and looked at me as if those words were meant for me, and for a moment I even embarrassed.
I listened to Lucas and his words made me smile. Sometimes, he really seemed to be a little boy who believes in fairy tales. His endless optimism, was giving me the confidence, too, that everything will be alright and that everyone can find their perfect match.
- You're an incurable romantic - I whispered. He smiled and took my hand as carefully and tenderly as always.
- You are the same romantic - he said - you’re waiting for the prince for all your life, just you haven't found him yet. In addition, André tormented you by his behavior and his infidelities, but most importantly it's all in the past.
From his words, I felt like a wave of fear and anxiety hit me, because of which I even felt sick. I remembered that I still haven't told him about my reconciliation with André and every time he was pronouncing angrily André's name, I more and more didn’t want to tell him. I knew that I should ... should tell him, but I was so afraid of his reaction, that words just froze in my throat and I couldn't say anything.
His hand was still holding mine but now it seemed to me that he held it not so gently, but on the contrary he squeezed it badly, as if he already knew that I was hiding something from him.
I carefully pulled my hand out of his, pretending that I needed it to remove the hair behind my ear, but Lucas didn't buy that.
- What is it? - He asked. He looked at me with his black eyes, and I almost started shaking with anxiety. I've already wanted to tell him, but, suddenly, he stopped the car and I realized that we've gotten to my house.
- Here we are - I said with relief, ignoring his question, already. I wanted as quickly as possible to get out of the car, get into my apartment and avoid this conversation with Lucas at least for one night.
- I'll go to you to take my jacket - said Lucas, and my plan about escape failed.
- Of course - I said, and even tried to smile.

- Your jacket is on a hanger - I said to Lucas, entering the apartment. I walked over to the couch and turned to him. He was already holding his black leather jacket in his hands.
- It helped me greatly, almost, rescued me from the rain a couple of days ago - I smiled.
- I missed it, it's my favorite jacket - said Lucas as a child, who talked about his favorite toy.
- And mine, too - I agreed - We've chosen it together.
For a few moments the silence has reigned in the room, and we were just looking at each other.
- Well, tomorrow will be a hard day - I broke the silence - so, go home, rest and get ready for a new week and new operations which you will do...
- You know, I have a feeling that you want me to leave faster.
He was so right, that I wasn't able to object, but I only looked away to the side.
- That's it! - He exclaimed - Now you'll tell me everything. You know that you can't hide anything from me. You can always talk to me, to tell what happened...
- I know - I said, almost inaudibly.
- Well, what happened? - Asked Lucas, and I didn't even know how to start my story. I turned away, I took off my coat, put it on the back of the couch, and still standing with my back to Lucas, I asked,
- Do you promise not to get angry?
- Have you killed someone? - He asked jokingly. I turned to him and tried to begin to tell him how I reconciled with André.
- Well, today, in the park, I've met with André - after this sentence, I looked at Lucas, at his reaction. His face became serious, it seemed that he was ready to hear anything, and I decided that that was the perfect moment to tell him everything.
- So ... we had a long conversation about this and that, then the conversation turned about our relationship ... André, very strongly asked me to forgive him, he promised that things will change, he said he loves me...
- And you believed him! - Lucas yelled, from what I flinched. I wanted to say that he was right and that I believed André again, but in return I just kept quiet. Lucas already guessed about everything and I didn’t have to explain to him about what happened.
- Emma! - He exclaimed - How can you trust him after what you went through because of him? He almost killed you! How do you not understand that?
Lucas harshly made pair of steps toward me and, despite the fact that I knew he wouldn’t cause me any harm, I did a couple of steps back. I looked at him. He was furious.
- Calm down - I said quietly - I know you dislike him, but try to understand that I love him. I decided to give him another chance, last chance. I believe that he has changed...
- People don't change, Emma! - He shouted - He stayed the same as a year ago, the same jerk!
- Enough! - I have already cried out - It's my life and my choice and it's nothing you can do about it. Got it?!
- Of course, this is your life so you can destroy it as you like without worrying about what are feeling your friends and family about this.
- And what does this mean? - I asked in perplexity.
- Do you think that we don’t care what you feel and what are going through? You think it was easy to look at a person you become after he left you? It wasn’t you but a faint shadow of you. Do you think it was easy for me to see your tear-stained eyes?
I remained silent and was listening to him. I knew the pain I suffered from the separation, but I never thought what my friends and family felt about what was happening to me. For some reason, I was sure that they didn't know all that I've experienced.
- Then you, again, reconciled with him, in spite of everything - Lucas continued his speech - but we have accepted it, we didn’t tell you anything, though we didn’t like that you were back together. And what happened? He cheated on you again. Do you understand it?
Lucas to such an extent was screaming and rushing through the room that at one point I thought my neighbors would call the police.
For an instant, he fell silent and stood in front of the commode, on which were placed frames with photos of my parents, my picture with him from the wedding of Amanda and John, their photos and other pictures which depicted the precious memories to me.
As he was looking on those pictures, I quietly walked up to him, I stood beside him and carefully took his hand. His hand was shaking with anger. At first, he didn’t respond to my touch, but after a few moments he gently squeezed my hand and then I began to speak.
- Lucas, my dear, please, understand me. I don’t want to be
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