» Romance » Morning Sunset, Daniela D. I. [good books to read for young adults .txt] 📗

Book online «Morning Sunset, Daniela D. I. [good books to read for young adults .txt] 📗». Author Daniela D. I.

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torn between two fires. You're my best friend, he's my boyfriend and I want you both to be with me. I don’t want to lose anyone of you ... - My speech was interrupted by the fact, that Lucas released my hand and stepped to the side. I understood that he wouldn’t accept or understand my reconciliation with André. I couldn't think of anything to convince him that everything will be fine, that everything will be different, I couldn’t think of anything so he didn't distance himself from me, so he was still beside me.
- I didn’t think that you are so naive - Lucas said - Well, you first time believed him, then you believed him a second time, but the third time - it already passes all the boundaries.
His words have infuriated me.
- What's wrong with that I'm trying to keep my relationship with him! - I asked with an elevated voice, - What's wrong with that? Sorry, but I can't leave people as calm and easy as you...
- What do you mean? - He asked, surprised.
- I mean that you can't build a long lasting relationship. I told you in the car. You are not trying to save your relationship with anyone. And you still talking about André, at least he's trying to ... - but I didn't have time to finish my thought, as Lucas walked quickly over to me and, when he closely approached me, he said with a hard tone,
- Never, do you hear me, never compare me with him - as I was scared of his act so I said without thinking,
- What? It's not pleasant to hear the truth, is it?
- Shut up Emma, please! - Lucas yelled at me - You don’t know what you're saying. You don’t know anything about why I haven't had a long relationship. But I've always been honest with my girlfriend, I've never cheated on her, and I didn't behave with her as he behaved with you...
Astonished, I couldn’t move, but I only could ask him in a low voice,
- Please Lucas, try to understand...
- I don’t want to understand anything and will not even try to understand - in the raised tone, he replied to my request- I don’t want for me to see again how you'll cry, how you'll be tormented by jealousy and how he will cheat on you again. I'm tired. Do what you want, I will not take part in it - and with that he grabbed his jacket, which he had previously put on the back of the couch and quickly moved toward the exit.
I stood and watched him go and I couldn’t move, or at least say something. My eyes filled with tears and a storm began to rage in my soul. This was our first serious quarrel.
Before the door, Lucas stopped, turned to me and in a hurting cold voice he said,
- When he'll cheat on you or he'll leave you, don't come to me for consolation - he said, and with that he left the apartment, loudly slamming the door.
From the sound of a slammed door I involuntarily flinched and tears, like a free river flowed down my cheeks. I was standing rooted to the same spot where Lucas left me, trying to comprehend what happened a moment ago. But instead of realizing until the end what had happened, I just cried. I knew that this time our quarrel was too serious and that we won't make it up as easily as it used to. I knew that Lucas could understand and forgive me almost everything, but I also knew that he will not understand or accept the fact that I and André were back together.
"What if we won't make it up?" - The idea slipped my mind. Because of this possibility all inside of me shrank with pain, and suddenly there wasn’t air to breathe. "It can’t be," I reassured myself, "he will calm down, he'll understand and everything will be as it was before. After all, it simply can't happen that I with Lucas would never reconcile, it can't happen that we'll break up because of anything, it just can't happen. "
Finally, realizing that it was time for me to budge, I slowly walked toward the door and when I reached it, I locked it.
I tried, at least somehow, to move around the apartment, but my whole body suddenly became so heavy that I hardly had the strength to get to the couch and collapse on it. It took several more minutes before I realized that Lucas had gone very nervous and angry, and that in such a state he sat behind the wheel. At that moment, I felt like a wave of alarm for him passed through me. Knowing that he won't answer, I called Amanda. After I said hello to her and have answered the question about how I got home, I decided to ask her about what I wanted to.
- Amanda, I have a small request to you - I said, and without waiting for her to ask "what request," I continued - I want you to call Lucas and ask him where he is and if he's alright.
- Why? What happened? - She asked anxiously.
- We had a little fight, and when he walked away from me, he was very nervous. I worry about him.
- Why did you fight? - She asked without hiding her curiosity.
- I told him something and he went mad - I muttered, hoping that she won’t understand what I just have told her.
- And what exactly did you say to him? - She asked, having heard, after all, my mumbling.
- I'll tell you later...
- Only one thing could infuriate Lucas - Amanda suggested, not paying attention to my last words - is André.
I said nothing in assent, and not having heard from me a word, she asked,
- Is this true?
- Yes - I answered briefly.
- And what exactly did you say to him about André? - She asked with fear, and after I took a deep breath of air in my chest, I blurted out in one breath,
- That we are back toghe ... - but I hadn't even had time to finish the sentence as I heard a loud cry of Amanda in my ear.
- What!? Are you insane?
- Amanda don't, I beg you. I had a very tough day today. Let's leave all the teaching for tomorrow. Please - I almost implored her.
- Okay - she said calmly.
- Call me, please after you talk to Lucas.
- Well - she said, and the phone call was interrupted.

I was sitting and waiting for Amanda's call, but when half an hour had passed and she still hadn't called, I was ready to call her myself. From this thought I was stopped by a knock at the door. The first thought that came into my head was that Lucas came back. The severity of the body was gone, I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Without hesitating a second to look through the peephole, I immediately opened the door.
On the threshold was standing none other than André with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and a big smile on his lips. Seeing him, I felt disappointment and joy simultaneously. The disappointment was from the fact that it wasn’t Lucas and joy came from the fact that it was André. A few seconds later, the disappointment disappeared and I gladly, literally, jumped into his arms.
- I’m so glad that you came - I whispered.
- Here's what I call a joyful meeting! - He exclaimed happily, clutching me in his arms. – I’m also glad that I came, though I wasn't sure that you are already at home.
- I'm already home - I whispered, having time to think with horror what would have happened if he had come an hour earlier.
- We'll keep standing like this? Embracing on the threshold? - He asked quietly, and I instantly unclasped my hands and stepped back.
- Sorry. Please come in - I said, and at that moment I heard how my phone rang. Saying nothing, I ran to the phone and answered the call.
- So, I spoke with Lucas. He's already home. Everything is fine - I heard the voice of Amanda.
- Thank you - I said with relief.
- He guessed that you asked me to call him. I had to listen to such a tirade on the phone ... He is very angry at you, Emma...
- I know - I said - Thank you. We will meet tomorrow and will talk.
- I can’t wait - she said - See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow - I answered.

When I finished the conversation with Amanda, I turned to the door, where I left André, but he wasn’t there anymore. The door was closed, and André was already standing beside the couch.
- Who called? - He asked.
- Amanda - I answered.
- What did she want?
- We agreed to meet tomorrow ... - I began to lie, but then I saw André’s look and I knew that he won't believe me, so I decided to tell him the truth - In general, I strongly fell out with Lucas and asked Amanda to call him to find out how he reached home - I was talking as fast as I could, so André couldn’t interrupt me.
After André listened to me, the silence hung in the room. I was looking at him and was waiting for his usual reaction when it came to Lucas. He was always angry and jealous and we fought a lot because of my friendship with Lucas.
André came to me and handed me the flowers that he hadn’t had time to give me and with a quiet and tender voice he said,
- Don't worry! Sweetheart, you and Lucas have never quarreled for a long time. Several days will pass and you will make peace.
I felt like my eyes widened in surprise. I didn’t expect that from him. I was shocked in a good way, and I thought, "has he really changed, or at least tries to do it." Suddenly, my soul became calmer, even if only for a while but still calmer. I took the flowers, and with relief by the fact that I managed to avoid another scandal, I said,
- Perhaps you're right, it will be the way you said.
- Why did you fight? - André asked, sitting on the couch. I sat next to him and no longer afraid of his reaction, I decided to tell him all.
- I told him that we are back together, again ... - and there I don’t know why, I suddenly stopped and was unable to squeeze any more word from me. Somehow, it seemed to me that I will let down Lucas if I'll talk with André about our quarrel.
- He doesn't trust me - André said calmly - and he has that right, but I'll prove that I've changed, that I will never cause you any pain.
I smiled and pressed my hand against his forehead,
- Are you sick? - I asked.
- Why? - He asked in bewilderment.
- Simply, I can’t believe that we're talking about Lucas and you're not angry, but on the contrary - you are defending him.
- Emma! - He exclaimed – I’m talking to you seriously and you still perceive it as a joke - he said a little angrily.
I thought it was even funny. He
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