» Romance » Morning Sunset, Daniela D. I. [good books to read for young adults .txt] 📗

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down everything, the sooner I'll be free, and we'll spend more time together. Several times a week, he stopped at a restaurant just to ask if he can help us somehow and I was incredibly glad, despite the fact that, at first, the girls didn't really want to talk to him. But, gradually, Leila and Amanda started to get used to the fact that he came and little by little the ice began thawing between them and a couple of times we even had dinner together. I was so pleased that I could sit at one table with my friends and my boyfriend and not to worry anymore that someone will say something about André, or that he suddenly will take off without explanation as it has happened before, leaving me under the close gaze of my friends.

In general, everything would be good if it wasn't for the fact that we haven't made peace with Lucas. We haven't talked and haven't seen each other since our quarrel. He avoided and ignored me in every possible way. He didn't answer to any of my phone call or to any of my messages that I was sending him almost every day. With each passing day, I was afraid more than ever that I lost him, that our friendship came to an end and it was killing me. But, I didn't want to and I wasn't going to put up with the idea. I had to talk to him and if he doesn't answer my calls, I'll just go to his house and he wants it or not, but he'll listen to me. "That's what I'll do," I thought, before the voice of Leila brought me back to reality.

- What a beauty! - She said enthusiastically, standing in the door of the restaurant.
- Have you noticed that, just now? - I asked with a smile from behind the bar counter, where I stood.
- Just, when you told me about your idea how will look like the restaurant’s room, I must confess to you honestly that I didn't think that it will turn to this beauty.
- Well, thank you for telling me this now - I said quietly.
- Don't get upset - she said, coming up to me - I just couldn't imagine how it will look like when one part of the room will be the ice and the other - the flame. But now, when almost everything is ready, when the furniture is already in its place, I'm delighted with the result.
- Well, we must also decorate everything with the elements of decor, flowers, and when, it will be already the appropriate lighting, you'll fully see what came off from the idea. I spoke with the designers, and we decided that on the "flaming" side will be the decorative elements in the cold style and vice versa, so there was no sharpness between the parts of the room ... and, on the second floor will be the same.
- You had to study for the designer - Leila said with a smile, after having listened to my impassioned speech.
- Is still not too late - I smiled and after a few seconds of silence, I asked - Did you talk to Lucas about me? - In response to my question, Leila shook her head regretfully,
- Sorry, but he doesn't want to talk about it and just hearing your name, he starts to get angry. I can't convince him to talk to you. I'm sorry - she said softly.
- You think it's the end of our friendship with him?
- I do not know, but I hope it's not...
- I hope so, too - I whispered, feeling like I'm almost ready to cry.
- You know, I think it's time to go home, it's already late. Only we are left in the restaurant - said Leila, getting up- So let's close everything here and you go to your André, and I'll go to my Ryan - the last words she pronounced with such tenderness that I couldn't help smiling - Otherwise, he will soon forget how I look like.

The first thought that flashed through my mind when I woke up the next day, it was the fact that it was Saturday and there was no need to hurry in the morning. I still had the possibility to luxuriate in my bed, though I woke up at half a seven in the morning. I turned my head and saw that André was still asleep. I involuntarily smiled with joy from the fact that I woke up next to him. He slept so sweet that I didn't want to wake him up, so I decided to go to the kitchen and to have breakfast.

I turned on the radio in the kitchen, made the sound quieter not to wake up André, and listening to music, I began to prepare the breakfast. When, a few songs later, the morning news began and the leading has greeted all the listeners, recalling that was Saturday, April 27, I froze near the stove for a few moments, remembering the significance of this date for me. Finally, having remembered that, I started to curse myself for the fact that I almost forgot what day it was. I cursed myself all the way from the kitchen to the bedroom.

"How could I forget? How? Lucas probably is already going there, maybe he is already there "- I thought, while was trying to get dressed faster. On the way to the exit, I stopped in the kitchen to write André a note. "I had to leave. I'll be back soon. Love you. Emma "- I wrote quickly the first thing that came into my head.

Having bought the flowers in a boutique near my home, I caught a taxi. While I was driving, I was hoping to have time to get there, until the moment when Lucas will be already gone. I knew he would be there in the morning and I was very afraid to miss him. On this day, I was always with him, and I still couldn't believe that I have almost forgotten this day. At that moment, I didn't care that he wasn't talking to me, I just wanted to get there as fast as possible and to be with him.

I left the taxi and walked along the road on both sides of which were standing large trees that seemed to create an invisible corridor. Behind the trees was stretching a plain, on which were neatly arranged white plates.

I took a few more steps, turned left and stopped. In a few meters away from me, was sitting Lucas in front of one of such plates. On my soul it became easier, I finally saw him. My heart began to beat faster with excitement. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and with slow but confident steps I headed in his direction.

I stopped next to Lucas in front of the headstone, on which was written "Catherine Emily Shayne. 13.01.1948-27.04.2007. Beloved mother, sister, friend ...»
Having read this inscription, I as always haven't even felt how the tears have filled my eyes. I stepped forward and laid the flowers on the monument. Then, I sat on the grass next to Lucas, who all this time hasn't even glanced at me and hasn't said a word to me. We sat in silence for several minutes, and then I finally heard his voice for the first time this week.

- I thought that you won't come - he said quietly and without looking in my direction.
- I couldn't not to come - I said as quietly.
- I can't believe that it has been four years since my mother died - almost in a whisper Lucas said and in his voice I could feel the same pain that he felt four years ago when he found out that his mother died from a heart attack - the person who gave him the life and raised him, a person whom he loved more than anyone else in the world.
- Do you remember this day four years ago? - He asked.
- Of course I remember - I said, and in my mind have flashed the memories of that day in all the smallest details...
I could remember how Leila called me, sobbing into the phone. I couldn't understand a word of what she said. It took some time for her to calm down and to tell me what happened.
- Emma, my mom, my mom ... - she repeated again and again, not finishing the sentence to the end. I knew that something had happened, but I could never imagine what Leila said afterwards,
- Mom died - she said quickly, and again burst into tears. Having heard her words, I was numb. The first thing I thought was that I had not properly understood and, after a few moments, I quietly asked,
- What did you say?
- She had a heart attack, doctors couldn't save her, it was too late. Emma! What do I do?! - She asked helplessly, but at that moment it was me who couldn't say a word. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I didn't have enough air to breath, my legs buckled, and I sat powerlessly on the floor beside the bed in my room.
I knew that I had to pull myself together, to find the strength for Leila and Lucas, but it was so hard. I made a couple of deep breaths and then I asked as calmly as possible,
- Leila, where are you now?
- At my mom's home... with her ... - and Leila burst into tears again without finishing the sentence.
- I'm coming to you - I said through my tears.
- Emma, I can't find Lucas - she whispered, and I froze in horror.
- He doesn't know? - Almost in panic, I asked.
- No - Leila said weeping - Can you find him? Please! His mobile is not responding.
- Of course, I'll find him, you just wait for us. Okay? We'll soon be with you ...
- I'm waiting for you - she said, and only the short beeps could be heard, already, in my phone.

After that conversation, everything was happening like in a nightmare. I knew that I had to find Lucas and to tell him everything, but I had no idea how to do it. And how, at all, can you tell such news?! After all, no one thinks about death until it is so close to you, that even seems that you can feel its icy cold. Death is a integral part of life, even if we don't want to admit it. We all know that it exists, that it will come after us someday, and yet every time it happens, we are not ready to accept it.

I didn't even want to imagine what Leila was feeling at that moment or what Lucas would feel when he'll find out, and perhaps it is impossible to imagine, this can only be felt. Probably we always think that our parents will live forever and they will always be with us and we don't tolerate even a little thought that someday they won't exist.

I didn't know how to tell such news to Lucas, but I knew that it would be a
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