» Romance » All Hot Guys Are Jerks(Under-Editing)-Chapters 1-9 Avaliable, Isa Baby [fiction book recommendations .TXT] 📗

Book online «All Hot Guys Are Jerks(Under-Editing)-Chapters 1-9 Avaliable, Isa Baby [fiction book recommendations .TXT] 📗». Author Isa Baby

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Ch 5:Caspian


Anger still flamed inside me, waiting to be let out, we had finally arrived at our new house. I was mad at Mallie and Cassandra partly, for the fact that they destroyed our old lives; nothing was the same as it used to be. Mostly though I was mad at my father, at how quickly he had created a new life not for himself but for me too, the funny thing is he just assumed I would like moving to Phoenix, away from my mother’s grave in our old town, he assumed I wanted to start at a different college instead of the one I had initially had in my mind, he also assumed that I would like having a new family- but I didn’t and that was the truth but he would never know that. On the outside I may look fine, happy even but on the inside I felt destroyed and void of emotion.


As we reached closer to the house I noticed figures standing by the front , they were unfamiliar; I couldn’t tell who they were as they had their backs to me. I really would not be surprised if they were drug dealers as we were in the run-down town of Phoenix, it was practically crime central. I growled lowly to my father, making sure that he was aware of the fact that we may be in danger. I found it kind of amusing that we are at out new house and there is a possible chance that we may be killed, that s if we were normal humans. But I knew for a certain fact they could not take us, I alone could kill up to four people. I was one of the fiercest wolves, with black fur as dark as midnight, a seven foot high body packed with mostly muscle, canines that could kill with a single bite as they were longer than my index finger and bright blue eyes, I was the definition of dangerous, every one knew not to hang about me when I was mad. After my mother had died my whole demeanour changed, I had become cruel and heartless to girls but apparently they wanted me more, all competing to become a girlfriend to me. The only thing I used girls for was sex and even then I blurred their faces out, imagining it was my mate and thinking of the possible appearance she may possess. For my mate I would change everything, I would die for her. Whatever she was, even if she was another being apart from werewolf I would try to love her even if it was forbidden.


I growled lowly again to my father, angry this time at him ignoring me, like I was a pest to him.

“Caspian, you need to calm down, Cassandra is growing frustrated of your behaviour, and besides I know who these people are” He said anger tinged in his voice.Who were these people, and why didn't i know them?


“Oh I forgot, as long as slutty Cassandra gets what she wants it’s okay, it doesn’t matter about me your only son, I don’t even know why you find this amusing, she and her daughter make me sick, you have become so careless since you met that rat” I growled totally pissed off now.


“Caspian, I know you're Alpha now, but have you forgotten that I am your father, so I suggest you treat me with respect. Just because your mother has gone it does not mean I have forgotten her or that I have forgotten about you for that matter as well” He stated as sadness entered his voice. I felt bad for about a couple of seconds, trying to imagine how he felt but then again he had Cassandra, my anger returned to me.


“If you haven’t forgotten her, why the hell did you replace her with a slutty whore, she only wants your money and a place to live. If you had died, mom wouldn’t have got a husband or even looked at any man in the time period you have. Fuck sake Dad! Mom was you soul mate, your other half, so why the hell are you doing this? I questioned him.


“Caspian don’t you dare say that” he growled viciously. Whenever I talked about mom’s feeling and about them being mates it got turned into a heated argument.

It caught my attention that whenever I called Cassandra a slut, a bitch, whore he didn’t really care. I knew that she was a toy to him, nothing special but seeing them together, laughing, it was as if mom never existed.


Ch 6-Aurora


There wasn't a single night that went by where i slept peacefully. There wasn't a night when i didn't have that nightmare.


People chasing me, trying in any way possible to capture and kill me, regardless of their own lives that they also put at risk. It was repeated every single night, the torment, the bloodshed. I was plagued with insomnia more than often, trying to stay awake in case i was put through that same fear again. There was always a vicious voice in my head, trying to drive me the edge of insanity. i should have been used to it by now, i should have become less afraid every single time i was put in that same situation, but it almost felt like a test, there always seems to be that sense of finality and doom impending on me, that's how it felt. As if i was preparing for a moment in time, where i would be face to face with my demons. But i knew it was just a dream in reality. I kept the nightmares to myself, for fer of Lumi, either laughing it off, which i knew he would probably do because most of the time he seemed so carefree and not serious at all, or the other option would be sending me straight to the mental hospital, to get checked out. I had been there enough with my mother, and it was definitely something I’d rather not face again. The prodding, jabbing and unnecessary tests which were almost made to make you feel pain, just so that they had a reason to send you off. I was treated like a lab rat, the memories were singed into my mind, it was too painful to go through again, and i didn't feel as if i was going insane, although who was i to say that?


I hated falling asleep, and when i did, it was almost hazy, as if i had been drugged, i wasn't ever able to remember the stuff that came before the time when i drifted off. it was like i had forgotten the entire day. Lumi would make fun of me, as i was constantly forgetful, though i never told him the reason behind it, i just plastered a fake jokey smile on my face, hoping he would never find out. He was so perfect and handsome, he was bound to judge me. I wasn’t like him, i had far more baggage than an airport and most of it was to painful to share.




Oh God! i think to my self, as bile rises in my throat, it's been happening since i had left Jason's house, but it seems to be getting worse. Sometimes there's blood in my vomit and it scares me so much, but i deserve it. I'm the devil's spawn as my mother would say. I await the darkness which will soon cloud over my eyes, but it doesn't come, he wants me to suffer i think to myself. I writhe uncontrollably on my bed, grasping at the sheets as i slowly chock. I try to spit out whatever is clogging my throat, but it feels stuck there. Gagging myself, relieves a small amount of breathe, just enough so that i can make a small sound, praying someone will hear me.

"Lum..." I went to scream for Lumi, and was instead faced with utter darkness.


Aurora-The Dream

I'm running barefoot through the night, the cold nips at my skin and causes goosebumps to appear. the woods are very dangerous at night, but that doesn't faze me, because I carry on running for fear of being caught. By him. Darkness falls over the dreary sky and I am faced yet again with evil. I stop just for a moment, to try and place my surroundings and see where I am, but it fails to provided me with the answer.


"Run little girl, before i catch you" the voice taunts only a few steps behind. my breath deepens and i am on the verge of a heart attack. Not again, i thought to myself, not in this moment, please i plead with myself, as i try to shake my body awake as my body starts to shut down.


Numbness comes over me as steps retreat back into the darkness, yet again. i breathe a sigh of relief. It's too soon. Where is he? 


Manic laughters booms in the air, the echoes vibrating off the trees in the cooling air. my breaths come in short pants as i back further in to the woods, retreating.


"Where are you my sweet, beautiful girl? he calls his voice becoming clearer, closer almost as if he is right behind me.


"You have grown since i have last seen you, you just look mmm...Delightfully edible" he groans to himself.

Bile rises in my throat, the urge to throw up becoming stronger. He fed off my fear, and my hate for him. I would never be his, for as long as i lived. I hated him with all my heart. He killed my soul and left me bare, completely emotionless for the whole world to see. I hated how vulnerable he made me. He destroyed the sacred part of me that no one got to see. the bright, pretty and enthusiastic girl was gone once again.


"Help!' i screamed at no one in particular. my efforts a wasted breath, as no one would reply, they never did. Yet again i was transferred out of the forest and into a dark room. My room, he called it. The smell of mould grew and

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